This document discusses how to export products and services to international markets through targeted internet strategies. It notes that internet usage has grown exponentially from 2000-2017 in all regions except North America and Oceania. While English is spoken by only 5.5% of the world, Google now localizes search results based on a user's location via IP address. The solution proposed is to research target markets online, design localized websites hosted in those countries, professionally translate content, and promote using local Google to appear for local searches. This allows overseas customers searching in their own language to find localized product/service information.
2. Targeted Internet ExportingCopyright Clickingmad ltd 2017
• North America - 196%
• Oceania/Australia 261%
• Europe - 506%
• Asia - 1539%
• Latin America - 2035%
• Middle East - 4220 %
• Africa - 7722%
Setting the scene: 2000 to 2017
The growth of the web:
3. Targeted Internet ExportingCopyright Clickingmad ltd 2017
Setting the Scene: Google
In 1999, it took Google a month build an
index of about 50 million pages.
In 2012, the same task was done in less
than one minute.
A single Google query uses 1,000
computers in 0.2 seconds to retrieve an
5. Targeted Internet ExportingCopyright Clickingmad ltd 2017
Only 5.5% of
the world
speaks English
Setting the scene –
the Internet is NOT in English!
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Your website is available everywhere right?
Google knows where your website is
and it knows where the user is.
Google now uses LOCATION as
the main deciding factor on
what is displayed to the person
7. Targeted Internet ExportingCopyright Clickingmad ltd 2017
How does Google know?
Every website/server has its own IP (Internet Protocol) address
e.g. (]
It then compares that with your own IP address
(assigned by your router or ISP).
E.g. 2a02:c7f:b80e:b300:f1c7:971e:7461:42f9
Both represent geographical locations
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What does the overseas customer do?
• Search for a
product or
service in their
own language.
• Your website isn't
• Google provides
a local result.
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The Solution
1. Using web. Research your target market
2. Using web. Research the local competition
3. Design a LOCALISED website
4. Get professional translation
5. HOST in target Country
6. Promote using local Google
10. Targeted Internet ExportingCopyright Clickingmad ltd 2017
Research the target market - locally
Find out what local
websites look like in:
• Language.
• Style.
• Layout.
• Colours.
Research your competition.
Do they:
• Advertise using paid Ads
• Use Social Media
• Estimate their traffic
• Research their organic listings
11. Targeted Internet ExportingCopyright Clickingmad ltd 2017
Design a Localised website
• Use a localised domain. Not a or .com
• Use the correct local business LANGUAGE.
• Never use auto translators.
• Understand colours and styling that is used in
12. Targeted Internet ExportingCopyright Clickingmad ltd 2017
Host In Country
• Host the new website in
the target country.
• This is where you want
Google to display your
website as a local result.