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Danny Frattasi

     The first still is of our very
     first shot. It is a 10 second
     computer recording of Dan
     writing a Facebook status.
     We included this into our
     video as it is evidence o0f
     intertextuality. Also, most
     people watching the video
     would recognise and
     associate themselves with
     Facebook and so it is
     engaging the viewers
     We used a close up of
     our main singer, Dan. He
     is the main focus of the
     video and the music
     group. To sell the artist,
     we used the point of
     focus which people
     would recognise us most
     from, which would be the
     main singer. The close-
     ups also help to create a
     brand and so whenever
     Orson is mentioned, it is
     linked with Dan.
This is two more examples of intertextuality endorsed in our music
video. We tried to make our music video as modern as possible so
younger viewers (our target audience) could relate to it. The first still is
of the boys playing Xbox and the second is from texting a girl off an
iPhone. Intertexuality is one of Goodwins six points and so we feel that
it is a main convention of any music video.
     We tried to make as
     many clear links between
     the lyrics of the song and
     the visuals. For example,
     the song states dont
     bring no vodka, or
     whisky, we got everything
     you need. So we went
     along with an alcohol
     themed video and a lot of
     clips like this one, show
     the boys drinking. This
     reflects the lyrics well and
     also adds a slightly
     humorous effect to the
     When the characters of
     the music video are in their
     nerdy states, the shots
     are all in colour. However,
     when the boys are
     transformed into the
     cooler guys and are
     outside, the shots become
     black and white. This is to
     show the transition of their
     personalities, the location
     and also to symbolise their
     drunken state.
     When making a music
     video, it is all about
     creating the right image
     and creating a star
     persona. As I mentioned
     earlier, Dan is the main
     focus of our group and so
     more of the camera will be
     on him. But we still
     included the other group
     members because the
     brand of Orson is a
     group and not an
     We used this image
     of Dan being drunk
     and passing out on
     the ground. This is
     extremely similar to
     the shot we used for
     the front cover of our
     digipak and so it
     creates a link
     between the two
     items; video and
               This is the digipak that we created. As you
               can see, the front cover contains a shot of
               Dan drunk and passed out on the ground.
               This links to the video as this is what
               actually happens. Also, it is a similar shot
               to the previous still. We used quite a dark
               background theme as it reflected a night
               time environment; where parties and
               drunkenness usually occurs. The bottles
               of alcohol is another reference to the
               music video as most of it is based around
               a party and drinking. The colours have
               been altered to create a more interesting
               and funky vibe. This is because the
               outside covers are quite dark and boring
               and so when the customer opens the
               digipak, it creates a different aspect of the
               band which is colourful and exciting.
                 The magazine advert is
                 bold and loud, so it attracts
                 readers. Again, the main
                 focus of the band is Dan so
                 he features heavily in the
                 advert. The beer bottle in
                 the background is another
                 link to our music video. We
                 also used the same text for
                 all of our ancillary products
                 and so the text becomes
                 associated with our band.

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  • 2. 1) The first still is of our very first shot. It is a 10 second computer recording of Dan writing a Facebook status. We included this into our video as it is evidence o0f intertextuality. Also, most people watching the video would recognise and associate themselves with Facebook and so it is engaging the viewers instantly.
  • 3. 2) We used a close up of our main singer, Dan. He is the main focus of the video and the music group. To sell the artist, we used the point of focus which people would recognise us most from, which would be the main singer. The close- ups also help to create a brand and so whenever Orson is mentioned, it is linked with Dan.
  • 4. 3+4) This is two more examples of intertextuality endorsed in our music video. We tried to make our music video as modern as possible so younger viewers (our target audience) could relate to it. The first still is of the boys playing Xbox and the second is from texting a girl off an iPhone. Intertexuality is one of Goodwins six points and so we feel that it is a main convention of any music video.
  • 5. 5) We tried to make as many clear links between the lyrics of the song and the visuals. For example, the song states dont bring no vodka, or whisky, we got everything you need. So we went along with an alcohol themed video and a lot of clips like this one, show the boys drinking. This reflects the lyrics well and also adds a slightly humorous effect to the video.
  • 6. 6) When the characters of the music video are in their nerdy states, the shots are all in colour. However, when the boys are transformed into the cooler guys and are outside, the shots become black and white. This is to show the transition of their personalities, the location and also to symbolise their drunken state.
  • 7. 7) When making a music video, it is all about creating the right image and creating a star persona. As I mentioned earlier, Dan is the main focus of our group and so more of the camera will be on him. But we still included the other group members because the brand of Orson is a group and not an individual.
  • 8. 8) We used this image of Dan being drunk and passing out on the ground. This is extremely similar to the shot we used for the front cover of our digipak and so it creates a link between the two items; video and digipak.
  • 9. 9) DIGIPAK This is the digipak that we created. As you can see, the front cover contains a shot of Dan drunk and passed out on the ground. This links to the video as this is what actually happens. Also, it is a similar shot to the previous still. We used quite a dark background theme as it reflected a night time environment; where parties and drunkenness usually occurs. The bottles of alcohol is another reference to the music video as most of it is based around a party and drinking. The colours have been altered to create a more interesting and funky vibe. This is because the outside covers are quite dark and boring and so when the customer opens the digipak, it creates a different aspect of the band which is colourful and exciting.
  • 10. 10) MAGAZINE ADVERT The magazine advert is bold and loud, so it attracts readers. Again, the main focus of the band is Dan so he features heavily in the advert. The beer bottle in the background is another link to our music video. We also used the same text for all of our ancillary products and so the text becomes associated with our band.