This document summarizes the key elements and design choices in the title sequence for a student film project. The opening establishes the production company in title credits using simple white text on black. Scenes of a news report set the thriller genre and were styled after real news channels like BBC. The film title "Thr33" represents the number of kidnapped teenagers. Costumes were kept basic to seem realistic, while the kidnapper wore all black and had a concealed identity. Special effects drew attention to clues like a discarded cigarette. Credits and camera work maintained a consistent professional appearance. Locations advanced the plot and set the autumnal season.
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Task 1 media evalution
1. Task 1
Question: In what ways does your media
product use, develop or challenge forms and
conventions of real media products? (i.e. of
real film openings)
3. Production Company
Our first frame is our production
company name in our title
sequence. We made this using live
type , we used the live type
software as we found it an easy
program to use and convert all our
titles onto final cut and then
finally add them to our title
sequence. We did make all of our
titles on live type and we made
sure that we made them all the
same color and roughly the same
size , so they didt look out of
place and un professional. We
choose to use white text as on the
black background we chose it
made it stand out and look bold
for our audience , this is because
these two colors contrast.
4. Opening of sequence
Our opening of our title sequence when we
used the green screen to create the news like
effect represented the genre because it had
the story like underneath which reads three
teenagers have been taken , so this
automatically shows the audience what our
title sequence is about and an idea that it is
part of the thriller genre. When we did this
we wanted to make sure that our news
reporter scene look as realistic as we could
so to do this we researched other news
channels. We looked at news channels like
We also decided as a group that we
the BBC and fox news channel. The bbc we
wanted our news reporter to be sitting
found rather inspirational because of the
behind a desk , we felt that this helped
world spinning around in the background .
make it look more professional as they
We decided to make our frame this way
do it on the BBC and make it look a lot
because we felt like we needed to show the
more realistic then just standing up.
audience that this news was important as it
is known world wide and is a professional
company , so we wanted ours to look similar.
5. Title
This frame introduces our
audience to the title of our film.
We all as a group decided on the
title of Thr33 , this is because it
represents the number of
teenagers that get taken in our
film so gives off the idea at the
very beginning of what its going
to be about. Our title for our film
was inspired by the title of the
film Se7en I liked it how they
used the number 7 instead of
some words , as it is very unique
and makes it stand out. We made
our title using the software of
6. Setting and Costume
In this frame it shows one of the teenagers sitting
on a park bench , in open surroundings , which
are not very busy at all and theres no one else in
the mise en scene. We can see this as there is
only grenery surrounding her and the kidnapper.
We wanted the costume for the teengers to be
keept basic and simple , so just like what a normal
teenager would wear every normal day , so we
went for the idea of jeans, a top and a black
blazer. The costume we decided for the kidnapper
, would be all black as it would show the mystery
and danger of the character. We made sure that
the kidnappers face was covered throughout so
that it was just a constant mystery so that it
added tension and suspense for the audience. We
finally decided on the kidnapper wearing an
oversized hoodie and leggings as we wanted the
kidnapper to be male , and I was actually play the
role so we had to disguise my figure and my face
to hide the true identity.
7. Special Effects and props
In our title sequence we used a lot of
special effects. For this shoot we toke
we found it hard , because the
cigarette really blended into the
bench. To Solve our problem we had
to make the cigarette look more clear
, and we did this by playing around
with the enhance and contrast effect
to make it look as effective as we
could get it. We used the cigarette as
a prop as we felt that it is something
that a teenager could be using , and
then when they get taken it could be
left and signals that they have been
taking and its just left behind. We
zoomed in on the prop to make it
look more effective and really
hightlight whats just happened in the
8. Credits
This frame shows one of the many
credits of our title sequence .Our
credits are which tell the audience
who did what in the task and who
played what in roles of characters.
This frame was also produced in
live type , and we used the same
font for our credits through out to
keep our title sequence as
professional as we could get it .
The white and back really contrast
well together and stand out to the
9. Camera Work
This frame shows our camera
work and also again our special
effects that we used. This is a
close up shot of one of the
teeenagers mobile phones , and
again she leaves it once shes
been taken so it signfies whats
just happened and that her
mum is trying to find out where
she is. We used special effects
on this frame to make it clear to
the audience what was being
shown on the screen , and
zoomed it in to show that it was
her mother calling her.
10. Location
This frame shows one of
the locations of where the
kidnapper takes one of
three teenagers , which was
located in a woodland area.
We can see in the frame
that it is in a woodland area
as everything that
surrounding her is just trees
and leaves which are
covering the floor. This also
highlights to the audience
what type of season it is ,
which is fall.