The document describes the functional requirements for a Web Library Management System (WLMS) with the following key points:
WLMS allows librarians and users to manage library processes like book borrowing online. It aims to digitize an existing manual library system. The requirements specify functions for librarians like adding books, modifying user accounts, and book returns. User functions include registering, extending book loans, resetting passwords, and editing profiles. Common functions are logging in and searching books. The success of WLMS depends on internet access and an easy-to-use interface.
2. The purpose of this document is to describe the Web Library Management System
(WLMS) product with the release number 0.1. This document contains the
functional and non-functional requirements of the project. This document
contains the guidelines for website developers system engineers and designers to
start working the project.
WLMS product is basically updating the manual library system into a internet-
based application so that the users can know the details of their accounts,
availability of books and remaining time for borrowing.
The project is specifically designed for the use of librarians and library users. The
product will work as a complete user interface for library management process
and library usage from ordinary users. WLMS can be used by any existing or new
library to manage its books and book borrowing, insertion and monitoring .
WLMS can work as a powerful library management system for big libraries, and
can provide a free easy-to-use system for rising libraries
3. Statements of functional requirements of the system
1.1 Functional Requirements
1.1.1 Librarian
Prerequisite (admin signed in) for all requirements below
Requirement ID R1.01.01
Title insert book
Description This action is done to add new book to library book collection.
Priority 2
Requirement ID R1.01.02
Title delete / modify book
Description this event is to delete an existing book or modify its information.
Priority 2
Requirement ID R1.01.03
Title Validate user account
Description when a new member sign up then he should wait for acceptance by
Administrator according to library policies (e.g. fees required).
Priority 1
4. Requirement ID R1.01.04
Title delete member
Description Admin can delete a member due to some specific rules.
Priority 2
Requirement ID R1.01.05
Title modify member rank
Description Admin can extend the borrowing time or number of book borrowed
simultaneity to a user.
Priority 2
Requirement ID R1.01.06
Title return book
Description Admin should confirm the return of books borrowed by users.
Priority 1
5. 1.1.2 Normal User
Requirement ID R1.02.01
Title register
Description when new user enters WLMS for the first time then he has to
Priority 3
Requirement ID R1.02.02
Title extending borrowing deadline.
Description member can extend the borrowing time to some limit decided by
Priority 2
Requirement ID R1.02.03
Title reset password
Description when a member forgets his password he can claim it back via e-
Priority 1
Requirement ID R1.02.04
Title edit personal information
Description if some user changes for example his mobile number, he can
modify it.
Priority 2
Requirement ID R1.02.05
Title reset password
Description when a member forgets his password he can claim it back via e-
Priority 1
6. 1.1.3 Common Functions
Requirement ID R1.03.01
Title login
Description both Admin and members must be logged in before they modify
any information
Priority 1
Requirement ID R1.03.02
Title search for book
Description when user or admin wants to search on some book by name,
author or subject etc.
Priority 1
7. Assumptions
The product needs the following third party products.
Microsoft SQL server to store the database. to develop the Product.
The success of this system depends on
Existence of an Internet service to all people in Gaza Strip.
Are librarians and users comfortable with computers and have enough conation to work
with the product?
Website interface must be friendly and easy-to-use.
The search mechanism should be simple and fast
8. The mathematical statements of the functional requirements
let, librarian : sets of all librarian
normal_user : sets of all normal user
common_function : sets of all common function
librarian <=> normal user
normal user => common function
librarian normal user => common function
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