The document discusses photos taken at a football pitch for various purposes:
1) Photos were taken with a smartphone and then transferred to a desktop for saving and viewing. File formatting and saving photos under a student number allowed organization.
2) Photos included shots with shade, bright lighting, and potential use of flash. Conditions like sunlight and clear skies made the shots intriguing for promoting a football match or modeling kits.
3) While no night shots were taken, one dark shot from shade could be brightened with flash to enhance clarity for viewing. The photos target sports fans of outdoor activities like football, cricket and rugby of both genders.
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Task 3 digital photography
1. Task 3
The platformthat I tookthese photosfromwasa smartphone.Ithenfile transferthistoa desktop
whichI thensavedas a jpegwhichitthencouldbe visuallyseenasanimage. Thisiscalledfile
formatting.Ithensavedall the filesof the photosundermystudentnumber.Justincase I fearedthe
lossof photosI also storediton a usb stick.
I shotmy photosina specificenvironment,afootball pitch.Thisismainlybecause Iwanted
to take sportingpictures.Also,the settingswasbrilliantasthe sunwasout, the cloudswere
clearand skywas nice and blue.Thisplace isurbanand manypeople are familiartothis.
I tooktwo differentshots,one withashade andothersthat were bright.Youcan clearlysee
it looksdimwithashade and one technique Icoulduse whichwouldhave hadaneffecton
thisisa flashonthe device before takingthe photo.The lightingforthe otherthree was
quite high.These shotcouldbe usedforfootballersmodellingkit.
These shotscan be usedfor an eventtopromote a football matchandthe ground of a home
team.Thisis a sportingevent.The conditionswere greatwhichmade the shotsmore
intriguing.If itwasrainingthe whole complexionof the whole settingchanges.
I didnot take any nightshotsbutI did take a shot thatwas dark because of the shade inthe
shot.I couldbrightenthisshotbyusinga flashwhichwill enhance itandmake itmuch
clearer.Withoutthistakinganightshot withoutaflashyoumay not see certainthings
unlessitisa brightwhite object.
One of myshotshad a movingimage of childreninanastroturf performingsporting
activities.Maybe Icouldhave zoomedintoget a betterview of the childrenandthe
These photosare intendedatsportfanssuch as football,cricketandrugbyas itis based
outdoor.It isalsoaimedat bothgenders.