This document outlines the production schedule and plan for a recipe card project by Craig Cassidy and Eddie Gill over 3 weeks. It details the tasks to be completed each week such as sourcing images and text, designing templates, and compiling the cards. It also includes a risk assessment identifying potential hazards like electrical wires or hot equipment and safety measures. Responsibilities are assigned and a contingency plan addresses risks to the project timeline like illness. A budget tracks estimated costs of the graphic designer, transportation, printing, photography, and lamination.
Convert to study guideBETA
Transform any presentation into a summarized study guide, highlighting the most important points and key insights.
2. Production Schedule
Week 1
Source all the images for cards 1,2,3&4
Compile all the templates for cards 1,2,3&4
Make grids on InDesign
Create background/colours for all the cards
Create any custom graphics that we want to include on my card (cactus)
Import the grids into Photoshop once complete and add background
Insert all the images onto cards 1,2,3&4
Gather all the recipes text for 1, 2, 3&4 and break it into sections (ingredients, method, useful
information etc)
Put all the text onto the cards within the grids
Compile everything together
Week 2
Source all the images for cards 5,6,7&8
Compile all the templates for cards 5,6,7&8
Import the grids into Photoshop once complete and add background
Insert all the images onto cards 5,6,7&8
Gather all the recipes text for 5, 6, 7&8 and break it into sections (ingredients, method, useful
information etc)
Put all the text onto the cards within the grids
Compile the whole project together
3. Week 3
Get peer feedback for all my recipe cards
See if I can we act upon any feedback that we have received
Test print all of the cards
Make any changes if we need to make any changes
Final print all of the cards
Contingnecy plan
4. Risk Assessment (Some are theoretical for example if we were to cook the food)
Personnel Eddie & Craig
Date/Time 28th of April-9th of May (Aprox)
Location York College
Hazard Person(s) / Equipment at
Risk Control Taken
Electrical wires being trailed
across the room
Everyone in the class, also if
the wire is caught it might
drag the equipments its
attached to off the desk.
Make sure no wires are
trailing across the room, or if
the wires have to be make
sure it is raised off the
ground and visible enough
for everyone to see.
Sometime when using a
computer for too long
staring at the screen for a
long period of time can
damage your eyes.
My eyes
To avoid straining my eyes
too much it is recommended
that you take 5 minute
breaks when using a
computer for a long period
of time.
Burn yourselves on hot
cooking equipment
The production team
When using hot equipment
in the kitchen, make sure
that everyone is aware that
there are hot items around,
also make sure all the pan
handles are facing inwards to
make sure they cant be
knocked off and hot
substances go everywhere.
Make sure that we have
appropriate protection for
dealing with hot things, like
Cut yourselves on knifes The production team Dont leave any knifes laying
around, also make sure you
are very careful when using
5. What Health and Safety legislation might you need to consider in this project?
We will need to consider the Health and Safety (Display screen equipment) regulation of
1992 which is a legislation stating the health and safety concerns when using equipment
with a monitor.
Team members: Responsibilities:
Craig Creating all the templates on InDesign.
Making any custom graphics that we need to
Inserting the text onto the grids in the appropriate
Making any final adjustments after test printing.
Gathering all the recipes for the copy and splitting
it up into relevant sections.
Designing the background.
Inserting the images onto the text.
In charge of test printing
6. Contingency
Risk to project Contingency plan
Being ill so we miss production
If one of our team members are ill, then we will make sure
that the other member know what responsibilities need to be
carried out. I have also ensured that we dont have too many
jobs to do one day, so we will have time to catch up on work
aswel if necessary.
Slow traffic, so we are late to
If we do miss any lesson time we have plenty of free time
whilst at college which we can use to catch up in. We could
also make sure that we set off early so we will miss all the
traffic coming into college.
Loosing work. To try and avoid this we will make sure that we back up all of
our work onto my laptop and everyone elses in the
production team laptops/memory sticks this will also ensure
that we can all do work at home.
Bad weather so we cant get
too college.
All the production team will have the work on their memory
sticks/laptops so we will be able to do some of the work at
home if we cant get to college. I also have the majority of the
resources that I need at home so I wont be that limited in
what I can do.
7. Budget
Item Cost per item/hour Number Total
Graphic Designer 贈40 per side
8 cards
with a
total of
2 sides
each so
16 贈640.00
贈12 (To and from
college) 9 贈108
Recipe card print @College 贈0.12 (per sheet) 3500 贈420.00
Recipe card print @York Print
贈16 (for 50 colour
prints) 3500 贈1120.00
Hiring a photographer 贈125 per hour 8 贈1000.00
Laminating 贈1.19 3500 贈4.165.00
Total 贈7,453.00
(You should consider all the costs, real or imagined, involved in your project. This budget
sheet will not add up by itself. Make sure you do the calculations. Delete the examples
shown here and use your own information)