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Campaign Poster
Richard Burn
Dirty Dozen Campaign
 During the first part of the pre-production, I came up with three initial ideas that would work well with a campaign ideas.
 The first idea and chosen idea was to use rubbish found on the beach and this works with their dirty dozen campaign as the rubbish
featured from this will be from the list of companies in the dirty dozen.
 Positive or negative imagery: because I will be depicting the rubbish found on the beach as made by the person that is looking at the
poster, you can assume that the imagery used in the collage is negative but will hopefully lead to a positive change at the beach itself.
 Content: The logo will be found on the poster as it includes the name of the company I am working for. The logo will work well with the
other colours involved as they are all blue-toned. The only images used in the poster at the time of writing will be the images from the
rubbish found. This will then be made into a large blue collage that will act as the sea. During production I am going to decide whether or
not to include the beach/sand and the sky as this could make the work more complicated & there is less packaging of this colour. The
facts I am using to produce this piece of work is the Dirty Dozen list that can be found on their website. This allowed me to find out what
rubbish I should be looking for when producing the collage. I want the typography featured to look like it has been written on to the
poster as I think it will work well together with the collage produced. On the next slide, you can see a few fonts I have looked at. I could
also use my own handwriting and put this on the poster.
 Purpose: The main purpose of this campaign is to bring about change in the way the general public use the beach & that it shouldn't be
seen as rubbish & that they should throw their rubbish away/recycle it. It is also going to realise awareness to the general public about
what rubbish is being left on the beaches & what companies these are from. To not challenge, but to change representations of the
beach so it is not seen as simply rubbish.
 Action: The main action is to get people to actually pick up their own litter so that others do not have to & so that it doesn't endanger the
sea life at the beach. It is something for the members to campaign for: to get people to actually pick up their rubbish. Hopefully change
the amount of litter on the beach,
 Audience: This campaign is mainly targeted at non surfers who use the beach but don't clean up after themselves. Because it would be
part of the dirty dozen campaign, it could also be targeted towards the businesses that the rubbish is from as they wont like their own
products to be associated with damaging the environment.
 Existing campaigns/issues: the main campaign this is working with or is similar to is the marine litter one, which then works wight he dirty
dozen list. It is a different approach to this list as it is targeting the general public, compared to the actual campaign that would get
people to send back the rubbish found on the beach back to the company.
Task Eight // Posters
Task Eight // Posters
Task Eight // Posters
Task Eight // Posters
Task Eight // Posters
Task Eight // Posters
Task Eight // Posters
Task Eight // Posters
Task Eight // Posters
Task Eight // Posters
Task Eight // Posters
Task Eight // Posters
Task Eight // Posters
Finished Poster
Task Eight // Posters
Task Eight // Posters
Task Eight // Posters

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Task Eight // Posters

  • 2. Dirty Dozen Campaign During the first part of the pre-production, I came up with three initial ideas that would work well with a campaign ideas. The first idea and chosen idea was to use rubbish found on the beach and this works with their dirty dozen campaign as the rubbish featured from this will be from the list of companies in the dirty dozen. Positive or negative imagery: because I will be depicting the rubbish found on the beach as made by the person that is looking at the poster, you can assume that the imagery used in the collage is negative but will hopefully lead to a positive change at the beach itself. Content: The logo will be found on the poster as it includes the name of the company I am working for. The logo will work well with the other colours involved as they are all blue-toned. The only images used in the poster at the time of writing will be the images from the rubbish found. This will then be made into a large blue collage that will act as the sea. During production I am going to decide whether or not to include the beach/sand and the sky as this could make the work more complicated & there is less packaging of this colour. The facts I am using to produce this piece of work is the Dirty Dozen list that can be found on their website. This allowed me to find out what rubbish I should be looking for when producing the collage. I want the typography featured to look like it has been written on to the poster as I think it will work well together with the collage produced. On the next slide, you can see a few fonts I have looked at. I could also use my own handwriting and put this on the poster. Purpose: The main purpose of this campaign is to bring about change in the way the general public use the beach & that it shouldn't be seen as rubbish & that they should throw their rubbish away/recycle it. It is also going to realise awareness to the general public about what rubbish is being left on the beaches & what companies these are from. To not challenge, but to change representations of the beach so it is not seen as simply rubbish. Action: The main action is to get people to actually pick up their own litter so that others do not have to & so that it doesn't endanger the sea life at the beach. It is something for the members to campaign for: to get people to actually pick up their rubbish. Hopefully change the amount of litter on the beach, Audience: This campaign is mainly targeted at non surfers who use the beach but don't clean up after themselves. Because it would be part of the dirty dozen campaign, it could also be targeted towards the businesses that the rubbish is from as they wont like their own products to be associated with damaging the environment. Existing campaigns/issues: the main campaign this is working with or is similar to is the marine litter one, which then works wight he dirty dozen list. It is a different approach to this list as it is targeting the general public, compared to the actual campaign that would get people to send back the rubbish found on the beach back to the company.