Task groups allow users to manage complex projects by organizing relevant tasks into groups. Groups can be created by selecting a task and clicking "Convert to group" or by selecting multiple tasks and clicking "Group Tasks." Groups display progress by showing the number of tasks in different states (done, active, blocked). Completing all tasks inside a group is necessary to complete the entire group.
2. This is a task group. Groups help to manage
complex projects by gathering relevant tasks.
3. To create a new group just select a task on
the canvas and hit the Convert to group button.
4. Another way is to select multiple tasks (hold Ctrl
or Command while clicking tasks one by one)
and hit the Group Tasks button.
5. Look at the bottom of a group box. This colored
line shows you a progress inside a group. Every
number shows you how many tasks in what
state are inside the group (green are done, blue
active, grey blocked).
6. Inside groups you plan path of their execution as
a sub process. To make the whole group
completed you should complete every task inside
it. Click the Back button to exit the group.