This document contains a list of required music and sound effects for a radio production, including the names of two songs, descriptions of atmospheric sounds needed such as muscle car cruising and city streets, and various sound effects related to vehicles like muscle cars, trucks, police sirens, and car accidents.
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Task9 ; Required sound&music
1. Task 9 + 10
Required Sound Effects and Music for my Radio Production
The Official Driver: San Francisco Theme Song
TesseracT Hexes
Atmospheric Sounds
Muscle car cruising
City streets
Sound Effects
Regular muscle car acceleration
Fast muscle car acceleration
Police sirens
Truck engine gradually accelerating
Truck engine rapidly accelerating
Muscle car revving
Truck screeching
Muscle car slowing down
Muscle car ticking over
Muscle car slowly moving
Truck fast acceleration
Truck shunting a muscle car
Car spinning in the road
Car colliding with a lorry
17000Hz unconsciousness tone
Heart rate monitor
Whoosh sound effect