(1) Nottingham Trent University implemented the Talis Aspire document digitization system called TADC to improve its digitization workflow and access to digitized materials. (2) The previous digitization process had become fragmented and caused delays, so TADC was piloted to provide a single, seamless workflow. (3) Initial results found that TADC allowed for easier requests, validation of materials, and access directly through the university's resource list system.
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2. Supporting NTU Strategy with Talis Aspire
Dorothy Atherton, Services Manager - Resource Acquisitions and Supply
07 February 2013
3. Agenda
Digitisation at NTU
Why did we need TADC?
Our Pilot
Whats so good about TADC?
Whats still to come?
07 February 2013
4. Some background on our digitisation service
Grew up in an ad-hoc way through word of mouth
Used with enthusiasm by a limited number of academics, mostly in
Education, Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities
A well regarded, bespoke, almost personalised service
Requests made to a generic mailbox. We encouraged use of a
request grid
Lots of contact between digitisation team and individual academics.
Good open channels of communication
Work ordered and prioritised according to need-by date. This
allowed flexibility for processing urgent requests, and spread the
We delivered content via the VLE
We currently use PackTracker
07 February 2013
5. Some Facts and Figures
Digitised Texts at NTU
1500 Number of Digitised Texts on VLE
Number of New Requests
2007/8 2008/9 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12
07 February 2013
6. Digitised Texts by School 2011/12
07 February 2013
7. Some background on our digitisation service
Grew up in an ad-hoc way through word of mouth
Used with enthusiasm by a limited number of academics, mostly in
Education, Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities
A well regarded, bespoke, almost personalised service
Requests made to a generic mailbox. We encouraged use of a
request grid
Lots of contact between digitisation team and individual academics.
Good open channels of communication
Work ordered and prioritised according to need-by date. This
allowed flexibility for processing urgent requests, and spread the
We delivered content via the VLE
We currently use PackTracker
07 February 2013
8. A single, seamless, integrated, monitored,
workflow for the timely acquisition, review,
creation, sourcing and delivery of all resource
list materials in the most accessible and appropriate
format for our students.
Acquisitions Digitisation
Optimise throughput time
Easy access in most appropriate
One Touch process single seamless
9. But as digitisation became part of RLMS..
Throughput time grew longer targets missed
Requests submitted later
Lists queuing in acquisitions
No standard request format meant missing
times information
No need by dates
Single point of contact proved to be a frustration
Easy access Digitised documents still accessed via VLE
in the most Legacy documents not represented on Aspire
No robust way of linking from Aspire to VLE
Students had to go outside Aspire to access texts
Academics found Aspire confusing and frustrating
Single for digitisation requests
seamless Loop backs between teams
workflow Digitisation record keeping more fragmented and
difficult to maintain lots of keying!
07 February 2013
10. The quality of the digitisation service had
diminished with Aspire. How could we
improve it again?
Mandatory fields for bib data
Better quality Need by dates
requests Flagging where access was needed to a particular
Requests to reach Avoid queues
Digitisation requests submitted as soon as possible
the team more Digitisation requests submitted separately but still
quickly within Aspire
Discovery of
Way of linking to VLE?
digitised resources New storage/delivery solution for digitised texts
directly from Aspire
07 February 2013
11. Our knights in shining armour!
Initial meeting with Chris Clarke
Showed good understanding of Emphasis that Talis had been in
Asked us the right questions
issues related to digitisation discussion with CLA
Workshop with five other HEIs
Demonstration of a working HEI reps encouraged to try the
Collecting feedback and ideas
prototype application and express opinions
Further visit to NTU from Talis reps
Further discussion of our current workflows and processes
Invitation to express interest in becoming a development partner
Our pilot proposal was accepted
07 February 2013
12. Our Pilot
Period of off-line testing (trying to break the product)
Feedback and Consultation
Selection of two pilot schools and 6 pilot modules
Digitisation team make first live requests for legacy documents
Liaison Librarians make live requests for new documents
Request permissions rolled out to academics in pilot schools
Recommendations to SMT
Request permissions rolled out to all academics
07 February 2013
13. Communication with Talis
Dig team Weekly phone
ALT Email
Academics Site visits
Students Ideas
to Talis
Changes and Talis acts
developments on
Weekly bulletin
TADC Homepage
Weekly phone call
07 February 2013
14. So .. How does TADC work?
The Concierge
The Packer
The Sentry
The Vault
07 February 2013
15. List has to reach dig team (2 days 2 months)
Find and fill in missing details bibliographic details
Chase academic via ALT for need by date/details?
Check catalogue/supplier listings
Do we have electronic access
Do we stock the item in print?
Do we have a later edition?
Is there a later edition that we do not stock?
Check CLA requirements (Judgement call?)
Is it on UK excluded list?
Is it on US excluded list?
Is it published in a mandating territory?
Check extent
Already on list?
Has it been used on any other list?
Enter details on Pack Tracker
Enter details of module:
Module name, number and school
Enter contact details (Use NOW to find course leader)
Use NOW to find student numbers
Enter full bibliographic details of request
Enter statuses and CLA information
07 February 2013
16. Rollover!
Concierge checks all
List of exceptions presented
for sanity checking
Emails to academics with full
info and usage stats
Content rolled over according
to academics replies
07 February 2013
17. All texts accessed directly
through Aspire
Academics can flag possible
digitisation requests
Easy, validated
Validation issues raised with
access in the academics at time of request
most educating our users
Management of authentication
More control of which texts are
accessible at what times
Transformation of end of year
07 February 2013
18. Academic requesting still within
Much easier request process for
academics to manage
Workflows within dig team much
simpler less keying of data, only
Single seamless one set of records to manage
workflow Many previously manual tasks
Another tool to help with
copyright compliance
Transformation of end of year
07 February 2013
19. How will TADC help?
Allows requests to be made
independently of the rest of
the list
No queuing
Throughput Better quality request data
Need by dates!
More automation of checking
saves time for staff
Less time keying in data
07 February 2013
20. Whats still missing?
Information entered in TADC to carry through to Aspire
More flexibility in manipulation of document in viewer
Notes field
Linking digitisation status to review screen
Ability for two-way communication with academics
More detailed suite of reports
Concierge to search where an eBook is available
07 February 2013
21. Questions or comments?
NTU Resource Lists
Dorothy Atherton, dorothy.atherton@ntu.ac.uk
Libraries and Learning Resources, Nottingham Trent University
07 February 2013