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Breakthrough Anti-Tax Money Strategy!End Taxes on Non-IRA Savings & Investments and. . .Be Able to Spend 25 to 46 Percent More Income When You Retire, Tax-Free!Foundational Asset Management
Mission Statement   We are dedicated to helping you grow your wealth and stay wealthy through the application of cutting edge Foundational Asset Strategies that will enhance your estate, improve your lifestyle and provide a safe, comfortable and rewarding retirement.Foundational Asset Management
Sound Principles to Follow Security
ControlFoundational Asset Management
TaxFavoredTaxFavoredTaxedTaxedFour Phases ofRETIREMENT PLANNINGIRA / 401(k)CONTRIBUTIONACCUMULATIONWITHDRAWALYour benefits will be taxable at retirement, and probably at a higher tax rate.TRANSFERFoundational Asset Management
The Nation's Bulging Debt is now $12 Trillion 12/09/2009After $787 billion in stimulus spending and $700 billion in bank bailouts, 2010 is fast shaping up to be the year of the federal budget dietBipartisan support is growing in Congress for action to stabilize the nation's debt
$1 Trillion in justInterest per YearThe Congressional Budget Office projects annual interest on the public debt would be about $800 billion by 2019, but the Heritage Foundation's Brian Riedl and other analysts estimate it could surpass $1 trillion by then.Who is going to payall this interest?
The only solution seems to beHigherTaxes!Foundational Asset Management
Deferred Tax Retirement PlansThere is currently $3.7 trillion in IRAs in the US today that have not been taxed.
Taxes on these funds have only one logical direction, and that is to increase!Foundational Asset Management
Whose Retirement Are We Really Planning?Ours or Uncle Sams?
Withdraw a net $75,000 per year from a $1 million IRA earning 7.5% in a 35% tax bracket$1,000,000 		Account Value        7.50% 		Rate of Return           35% 		Tax Bracket    $115,385		Total Withdrawal       $75,000		Net Foundational Asset Management
Tax free foundational asset retirement
Withdraw a net $75,000 per year from $1 million earning 7.5% in a 0% tax bracket$1,000,000 		Account Value        7.50% 		Rate of Return            0% 		Tax Bracket      $75,000		Total Withdrawal       $75,000		Net Foundational Asset Management
Tax free foundational asset retirement
Tax Free AlternativesRoth IRA
 Roth 401(k)
 Municipal Bonds
 Equity Index Life InsuranceFoundational Asset Management
Tax-Free OptionsRoth IRA: 	Goodbut with limitations
$5,000 max contribution per year < 50 years old
$6,000 per year > 50 years old
$0 per year if income > $116k (single) or $169k (married & filing jointly)
Roth 401(k): betterif you can get one
No income restrictions to contribute
Existing 401(k) contribution limits remain
$16,500 annually total <50
$22,500 annually total>50Foundational Asset Management
Tax-Free OptionsEquity Index Life insurance:
No age or income restrictions
Guaranteed safety,  exceptional liquidity
Outstanding, TAX-FREE rates of return
 Section 7702 and 72(e)Foundational Asset Management
Section 72(e) and 7702The most unique feature of permanent life insurance is that under Section 72(e) and 7702 of the Internal Revenue Code the accumulation of cash inside the insurance contract is tax advantaged. Not only can the cash value accumulate tax free, but the cash can also be accessed tax free.
Hence, the beauty and magic of life insurance: It is a unique vehicle that allows tax free account value accumulation, allows you to access your money tax free, and, when you die, blossoms in value and transfers income tax free!Foundational Asset Management
Equity Index Life PolicyCeilingGoalsCapHave the potential for      market gain without risk of    principal14.00 %Use of an index like Standard     and Poors 500 or the DOW Guarantee of principal2.00%FloorFoundational Asset Management
The Powerful Advantage of Locking in AnnualGains$126,22512.5%$111,37512.5%2%$112,200$110,00012%Gains BecomePrincipal10%$100,000-10%$99,000That is a$14,850difference because of the annual lock in and reset.Foundational Asset Management
How Index Reset Works$117,810$136,98992094014%Cap2%Floor650$120,166
Average Tax equivalent is  11.23 %AverageTax equivalent is 2.49 %

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Tax free foundational asset retirement

  • 1. Breakthrough Anti-Tax Money Strategy!End Taxes on Non-IRA Savings & Investments and. . .Be Able to Spend 25 to 46 Percent More Income When You Retire, Tax-Free!Foundational Asset Management
  • 2. Mission Statement We are dedicated to helping you grow your wealth and stay wealthy through the application of cutting edge Foundational Asset Strategies that will enhance your estate, improve your lifestyle and provide a safe, comfortable and rewarding retirement.Foundational Asset Management
  • 3. Sound Principles to Follow Security
  • 7. TaxFavoredTaxFavoredTaxedTaxedFour Phases ofRETIREMENT PLANNINGIRA / 401(k)CONTRIBUTIONACCUMULATIONWITHDRAWALYour benefits will be taxable at retirement, and probably at a higher tax rate.TRANSFERFoundational Asset Management
  • 8. The Nation's Bulging Debt is now $12 Trillion 12/09/2009After $787 billion in stimulus spending and $700 billion in bank bailouts, 2010 is fast shaping up to be the year of the federal budget dietBipartisan support is growing in Congress for action to stabilize the nation's debt
  • 9. $1 Trillion in justInterest per YearThe Congressional Budget Office projects annual interest on the public debt would be about $800 billion by 2019, but the Heritage Foundation's Brian Riedl and other analysts estimate it could surpass $1 trillion by then.Who is going to payall this interest?
  • 10. The only solution seems to beHigherTaxes!Foundational Asset Management
  • 11. Deferred Tax Retirement PlansThere is currently $3.7 trillion in IRAs in the US today that have not been taxed.
  • 12. Taxes on these funds have only one logical direction, and that is to increase!Foundational Asset Management
  • 13. Whose Retirement Are We Really Planning?Ours or Uncle Sams?
  • 14. Withdraw a net $75,000 per year from a $1 million IRA earning 7.5% in a 35% tax bracket$1,000,000 Account Value 7.50% Rate of Return 35% Tax Bracket $115,385 Total Withdrawal $75,000 Net Foundational Asset Management
  • 16. Withdraw a net $75,000 per year from $1 million earning 7.5% in a 0% tax bracket$1,000,000 Account Value 7.50% Rate of Return 0% Tax Bracket $75,000 Total Withdrawal $75,000 Net Foundational Asset Management
  • 21. Equity Index Life InsuranceFoundational Asset Management
  • 22. Tax-Free OptionsRoth IRA: Goodbut with limitations
  • 23. $5,000 max contribution per year < 50 years old
  • 24. $6,000 per year > 50 years old
  • 25. $0 per year if income > $116k (single) or $169k (married & filing jointly)
  • 26. Roth 401(k): betterif you can get one
  • 27. No income restrictions to contribute
  • 32. No age or income restrictions
  • 33. Guaranteed safety, exceptional liquidity
  • 35. Section 7702 and 72(e)Foundational Asset Management
  • 36. Section 72(e) and 7702The most unique feature of permanent life insurance is that under Section 72(e) and 7702 of the Internal Revenue Code the accumulation of cash inside the insurance contract is tax advantaged. Not only can the cash value accumulate tax free, but the cash can also be accessed tax free.
  • 37. Hence, the beauty and magic of life insurance: It is a unique vehicle that allows tax free account value accumulation, allows you to access your money tax free, and, when you die, blossoms in value and transfers income tax free!Foundational Asset Management
  • 38. Equity Index Life PolicyCeilingGoalsCapHave the potential for market gain without risk of principal14.00 %Use of an index like Standard and Poors 500 or the DOW Guarantee of principal2.00%FloorFoundational Asset Management
  • 39. The Powerful Advantage of Locking in AnnualGains$126,22512.5%$111,37512.5%2%$112,200$110,00012%Gains BecomePrincipal10%$100,000-10%$99,000That is a$14,850difference because of the annual lock in and reset.Foundational Asset Management
  • 40. How Index Reset Works$117,810$136,98992094014%Cap2%Floor650$120,166
  • 41. Average Tax equivalent is 11.23 %AverageTax equivalent is 2.49 %
  • 42. Recovery of LossesEdward Winslow, Author of, Blind Faith, 96% of professional money managers do worse than the S&P 500 index. It will take the average household over thirty years to recover the wealth lost in 2000 and 2001 from market declines. Foundational Asset Management
  • 43. Protected InvestmentEdward Winslow, Author of, Blind Faith, If unprotected against loss, an investment in stock or an equity mutual fund is nothing more than a gamble. The primary objective of an intelligent investment strategy should be to preserve capital and build on it at a consistent, moderate rate in both bull and bear markets. Foundational Asset Management
  • 44. The Advantages of Equity Index LifeDistributions from an Equity Index Life Contract are NOT included in income calculations for Social Security Taxation
  • 46. Annual lock-in of index gains, annual reset of index
  • 47. Minimum rate of return combined with maximum cap on gains
  • 49. National Debt and Social SecurityIn 2016 we will begin paying more in benefits than we collect in taxes. Without changes, by 2037 The Social Security Trust Fund will be exhausted* and there will be enough money to pay only about 76 cents for each dollar of scheduled benefits. We need to resolve these issues soon to make sure Social Security continues to provide a foundation of protection for future generations.Foundational Asset Management1. Social Security Administration sample statement from www.ssa.gov
  • 50. How can you reduce your Social Security Taxation?Distributions from Equity Index Life contracts are NOT included in income calculations for Social Security Taxation!Foundational Asset Management
  • 51. Mortality & ExpenseChargesEquity Index Life PolicyA Tax-Free, Non-Qualified Retirement PlanPremium ContributionsCompound InterestMaximum Premiums Minimum Death BenefitDictates the minimum death benefit required based upon the insureds age and sex to accommodate the desired premium.Grandfathering provisionTEFRA 1982DEFRA 1984TAMRA 1988
  • 52. Resources to fund an Equity Index Life PolicyUnder performing assetsSavingsExcess 401(k) contributionsOld 401(k) and IRAsReal Estate equityAccumulatedMoneyLifestyleMoneyWealthTransfersCredit Card PaymentsExcess Mortgage PaymentsOld Life Insurance PremiumsTaxes on Social SecurityFoundational Asset Management
  • 53. Top FAQsWhat is the risk of the insurance company going bankrupt? Foundational Asset Management
  • 54. Legal Reserve Life Insurance CompanyA life insurance company that maintains reserves at least equal to the minimum prescribed by law or regulation in the state in which it does business. These reserves are based on actuarial formulas and are designed to allow the company to meet all of its financial obligations.Foundational Asset Management
  • 55. Top FAQsWhat is the risk of the insurance company going bankrupt? With the government needing so much money these days, wont it take away the tax exemption of life insurance?Foundational Asset Management
  • 56. Our government knows that most people will be shortsighted and not take advantage of this opportunity people tend to focus on the short-term cost and not the tax-free windfall they will receive later.Foundational Asset Management
  • 57. Our government is broke. This is why they encourage us through tax deductions to give to charity, the more we give the less burden put on Uncle Sam. Its the same with life insurance. The government wants us to use life insurance to help take care of our families so they dont have to. Foundational Asset Management
  • 58. 80% of our senators and representatives use the life insurance exemption themselves. It is unlikely our legislators would wipe out a perk that benefits them.Foundational Asset Management
  • 59. Top FAQsWhat is the risk of the insurance company going bankrupt? With the government needing so much money these days, wont it take away the tax exemption of life insurance?Can I move my 401(k) or IRA into an Equity Index Policy?Foundational Asset Management
  • 60. If your over 59 遜 years old you can move money from a qualified plan into an equity index life contract. You will be required to pay the tax on the funds using the current tax rates in the year the premiums are paid.Foundational Asset Management
  • 61. If your under 59 遜 years old you can utilizing IRS code 72(t) to transfer funds into the policy. This is a structured distribution I rarely recommend. A better strategies is to redirect annual contributions going into a qualified plan above your employers match to fund the policy. Foundational Asset Management
  • 62. Top FAQsWhat is the risk of the insurance company going bankrupt? With the government needing so much money these days, wont it take away the tax exemption of life insurance?Can I move my 401(k) or IRA into an Equity Index Policy?If I have health issues can I still utilize this strategy?Foundational Asset Management
  • 63. There are 3 components to a life insurance policyThe owner
  • 65. The beneficiary All three of these components can be held by different people. You do not have to be the insured to be the owner of the policy. Many of our clients are not the insured, but own and control the cash distributions of the equity index life contract.Foundational Asset Management
  • 66. Amerinsur Seminar EvaluationFoundational Asset ManagementI wish to take advantage of a FREE CONSULTATION and ANALYSIS[ ] Yes [ ] NoI would like to meet in your office concerning: ( all that apply)A comprehensive analysis of my current life insurance portfolio and advantages of converting to an Index Universal Life Contract.Tax-free retirement alternatives to IRAs, 401 Ks, etc.Convert my IRA to a Tax-Free Roth IRA.Tax-free college fundingUsing the Index Universal Life Contract to build a Tax-Free RetirementFoundational Asset Management
  • 67. Schedule a ConsultationWith This Breakthrough Strategy You Have Thousands of Dollars of Tax-Free Income to Gain and Nothing but Taxes to Lose!Foundational Asset Management