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TBB Kiddo Group

    Standing at a New Frontier

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               Introducing TBB Kiddo Group                              Who we are

                        TBB Strategic Consulting                        Services overview

                   Military Research & Design                           Turn-key procurement & training

    Sustainable Technologies Research                                   Sustainability, safety and the
                             & Design                                   environment

                          Union Properties SA Ltd                       Real Estate & Luxury management

Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
TBB Kiddo Group

    Introducing tbb kiddo group Who we

Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
Who we are
    TBB KIDDO GROUP LIMITED its the outcome of key experiences and resources
    combinations, operating in industry, Information Technology, automation project, civil and military
    security, Real Estate and Luxury Management.

Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
Who we are
    The roots of this group date back to the
    industrial sector in 1897. TBB is the proud
    inheritor of a great wealth of
    work,      experience     and      historical
    perspective. This experience allows us
    to evaluate with different sensitivity the
    moments of crisis and economic
    difficulties   that    occur      cyclically.
    Experience shows us that a crisis is a
    time of growth and opportunity, we
    have always evolved and adapted to
    a changing world and market. In TBB
    preserve and pass on experience and
    values, changing according to times
    and ways, the most suitable form to
    work ethically, with quality and in a
    sustainable manner.

Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
Who we are
    Our aim is to harmonizing and makes available to customers this unique heritage of experiences in
    these areas of work. The group of founder companies have choose to create a new structure in
    which transfer the experience and know-how acquired. In this way they want to emphasize the
    exclusive attention and importance of our values. TBB KIDDO GROUP LIMITED is an English law
    company, headquartered in London, and operates in others Countries with offices and local

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TBB Kiddo Group

    TBB strategic consulting service

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Service overview
    We are living in an environment of increasing complexity, accelerating social and technological
    change, and rapidly rising economic and environmental instability. An incredible amount of
    factors influence our decisions and the development of our business activities and management.
    Interconnected elements that at first glance may seem completely unrelated are decisive for the
    outcome of our activities. Assessing the future investment climate in a foreign country, the
    outcome of an environmental issue, the consequences of a war, the potential for an
    innovation, the future development of a technology/industry, the parameters for a new business
    model: these are the key factors shaping a decision, and the direction of social change. Our
    Strategic Consulting service help your organization giving clarity of thinking, rigorous analysis and
    research, we provide direct, clear answers to our clients most pressing strategic questions. We are
    operating on 3 specific strategic areas.

                                                            Development of change awarenesss in the external
                                                            environment and interpreting the future implications.
                                                            Increasing understanding in the client organization and
                                                            aligning the organizational culture. Finally, evolving the
                                                            future understanding into action, by generating options
                                                            for entrepreneurial initiatives and strategic renewal. Our
                                                            contribution will be custom-made to meet your
                                                            demands and anticipations.

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Service overview
    Our counsellors are able to identify distinctive strategies for you and your specific needs in the
    most efficient manner. We will provide you with the specific attention you deserve to successfully
    challenging the future.
    TBB Kiddo Group is a global consulting firm assisting public and private clients to
    plan, develop, design, operate critical projects around the world. We work in a pool with highly
    qualified professionals and studies, this enables us to provide the best tool perfectly adapted to
    customer needs with a high degree of specialization. Our Strategic Partners, for finance and legal
    activities, are regulated, respectively, by the FSA (Financial Services Authority) and the SRA
    (Solicitors Regulation Authority) for activities in the United Kingdom, and the local authorities for
    other nations. We offer a wide range of tightly interconnected services for government
    organizations and corporate.

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Service overview
       Feasibility studies
       Market research
       Technology development
       Patents, licenses, trademarks and branding
       Start-ups and early stage companies
       Provision of company formation and management services
       Securing Government Funding
       Private funding
       Media strategy & corporate image
       Legislative Lobbying
       Relationships with ministries, government organizations and NGOs
       Crisis and issues management
       OSINT intelligence
       Government Procurement

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Service overview
    Continuous innovation and rapid transformation have been themes throughout TBB Kiddo Group's
    history, which the company traces to the 1960s. We are a global management
    consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, our business culture reflects the fact
    that we were born global. TBB Kiddo Group is the outcome of key experiences and resources
    combinations, operating in industry, consulting, IT, automation project, civil and military security.
    The aim was to harmonizing and makes available to customers a unique heritage of years
    experiences in these matters. The group of founders have choose, for this operation, to create a
    new structure entirely dedicated to this sector, in which transfer the experience and know-how
    acquired. Our Core Values have shaped the culture and defined the character of our
    company, guiding how we behave and make decisions: the company insists on integrity in all
    aspects of its business and from those with whom it conducts business.

                                                             Confidentiality working with our clients is critical and our
                                                             reputation depends on it. The strictest level of secrecy
                                                             and confidentiality cover all aspects of our work with the
                                                             client from the first contact, this is an essential part of our
                                                             services. We following the strictest procedures of
                                                             security, compliant with ISO 17799 code of practice for
                                                             the security management. We do not disclose any kind
                                                             of information about our clients in any form and the
                                                             confidentiality is maintained forever. Your secrets are
                                                             safe with us!

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TBB Kiddo Group

    Military Research & Design Turn-key
    procurement & training

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Turn-key procurement & training
    MR&D core business is to provide leading-edge solutions for the total security and the defence of
    vital information, energy and transportation infrastructures, multinational and institutions, including
    their Dignitaries and VIPs. With its strategic partners worldwide, the company brings together
    leading experts on counter-terrorism from government agencies, police departments, and
    universities as well as private sector cyber, nuclear, biological and chemical specialists. MR&D
    provides major contractors with Systems Engineering & Technical Assistance with the
    implementation of Sea-Land & Airport Cross-Border Security Systems, military and commercial
    solutions to mitigate Cyber terrorist threats and protect corporate assets worldwide. Our sources of
    advanced technologies include state/city-wide surveillance systems, and encryption technologies
    that allow us to rapidly deploy forensically robust Sea-Land & Air based "custom-made"
    surveillance solutions for military and law enforcement operations.

                                                             Corporate objectives: Advanced Technologies and
                                                             Security Systems; Maritime Counter-Terrorism and
                                                             Counter-Piracy;  International   Affairs, Liaisons &
                                                             Negotiations; Public-Private Alliances for Regional
                                                             Development & Conflict Prevention.

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Turn-key procurement & training
    MR&D provides training services to nations, governments and NGOs and private clients. We are
    world-leading experts in specialist training and provide a comprehensive procurement and logistic
    service, risk analysis and personal security. Our success and reputation has grown from
    understanding and fulfilling our client's requirements. We at MR&D offer a wide spectrum of
    training ranging from Military to Law Enforcement skills. With emphasis on security and contingency
    planning our training program provide a solid platform to deliver a wide range of skills required to
    confront today's threats. With over 70 specialist courses on offer we will design the appropriate
    program for you. We value our reputation and always work within host nation and security industry
    regulations. Our teams are drawn from a diverse military and law enforcement background. Our
    instructor's skills and teaching methods are current and transparent.

                                                            Adopting           the          EDIP         Methodology
                                                            (Explanation, Demonstration, Imitation and Practice). The
                                                            strength in our diversity offers the client a unique and
                                                            integral training edge. All MR&D personnel are vetted to
                                                            operate within local cultures maintaining strong
                                                            company ethics.

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Turn-key procurement & training
    We provide advice and assistance in designing and developing specialized equipment and
    hardware. Through methods of evaluation, selection and testing we can ensure that the client
    purchases the most cost effective equipment with in agreed deliverables. At MR&D we
    understand that equipment and training complement each other. We have strategic agreements
    with leading US and European manufacturers to assist in the acquisition of specialized equipment;
    this ensures operational effectiveness. Timely acquisition of the correct equipment is paramount to
    any effective operation. MR&D understands the intricacies of the supply chain and has expertise in
    the procurement and movement of equipment and hardware on a global scale. From estimating
    resources to the management of activities, MR&D can source equipment and manage world-
    wide distribution. With a solid financial base and proven reliability, our teams can look after any

                                                             Through established relationships with accredited
                                                             suppliers, MR&D can offer greater purchasing power as
                                                             well as negotiating lines of credit, handling of
                                                             logistics, freight, storage and export licensing.

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Turn-key procurement & training
    Briefly we point out the main stages of our history.
     1980 Design and production of special armoured vehicles for civil security, based on specific
    requests for the Italian market.
     1983 Consulting on personal security (kidnapping security) in civil market.
     1986 Production of special and precision ammunitions.
     1990 Design and production of special armour piercing ammunitions and under calibre
     1994 Design and implementation of integrated security systems for civil homes, offices and
    sensitive civil activities.
     1996 Design and manufacture of special and precision weapons, for specialized tasks.
     2000 Opening in the Principality of Monaco of a consulting division on electronic surveillance
    systems & electronic countermeasures (TSCM).
     2001 Working on integrated security systems in the governmental and military market.
     2008 Incorporation of Automation Research & Design Ltd
     2011 Merge in Military Research & Design Limited
     2012 Acquisition by TBB Kiddo Group Limited

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Turn-key procurement & training
    Company         Statement:     MR&D       markets         advanced        security    information
    technologies, communications systems and services for military, commercial, financial institutions
    and governmental agencies. With our Industry Partners and Country Partners worldwide, we
    provide the advantages of a dynamic company with hands-on management and the creativity
    of experienced professionals.
    Business Focus: Advanced Security Projects Management Team; Counter-Hackers & Forensic
    Operations; IT System Engineering & Technical Assistance; Information Warfare Operations and
    Specialization: Wide Area Surveillance with Centralized Integrated Systems for real-time multi
    camera control and visualization with high definition vision and multidirectional audio with real-
    time voice separation;
                                                             Information & Transportation Infrastructures Security;
                                                             Authentication     Systems;   Non-invasive      inspection
                                                             technologies for Cross-Border Systems (Sea, Land &
                                                             Airports); SCIF ultra-secure facilities; Security of vital
                                                             infrastructures and national assets; Cyber wars &
                                                             Information Warfare, Command & Control Warfare;
                                                             Counter Cyber-Terrorism & Cyber-Crime prevention.
                                                             Military Research & Design Limited is a UK corporate
                                                             entity headquartered in London.

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TBB Kiddo Group

    Sustainable Technologies
    Sustainability, safety and the
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Sustainability, safety and the
    Sustainable Technologies Research & Design develops and delivers technologies enabling
    sustainable use of Earths natural resources. Trough innovation STR&D develop alternatives to
    technologies that have been demonstrated to damage health and the environment. Our
    technologies and services create a centre of economic action to the benefit of environment and
    people. Sustainable Technology Research & Design is active in research and services for
    sustainable technologies. The specific areas of activity relate to renewable energy, sustainable
    building and recycling of construction materials. We respond to the needs of society by applying
    sustainable solutions and creating value for investors, customers and staff who work with us. The
    people and their needs are the centre of attention.
     Have a long-term perspective; systems must operate for long time, meet new needs, evolving
    and allow the integration of new technologies.

                                                              Take into account the costs against benefits.
                                                              Consider and evaluate the environmental limits.
                                                              Use of the precautionary principle; exclusion of those
                                                             technologies or circumstances that might potentially
                                                             dont match the requirements.
                                                             We particularly focus on recycling and re-use of
                                                             materials, in order to eliminate the problem of waste
                                                             and diminish the use of raw materials.

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Sustainability, safety and the
    We are specialists in project management for renewable energy and sustainable technologies.
    Our pool of researchers and specialists offers the best solution to the specific needs of your
    energetic reality.
    Renewable energies are those forms of energy generated from renewable sources by their intrinsic
    characteristic of regeneration, or are not "finite" in the time scale of "human" and, by
    extension, the use of which does not affect the natural resources for future generations. According
    to these standard references, are considered "renewable" "... The sun, wind, water, geothermal
    resources, tides, waves and converting it into electricity plant products or bio waste. 損

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Sustainability, safety and the
       Geothermal energy
       Marine currents energy
       Saline gradient energy (osmotic)
       Tidal energy
       Wave energy
       Thalassic thermal energy (OTEC)
       Solar thermal and thermodynamic
       Wind power
       Energy from biomass (or agro-energy)
       Bio fuels, gasification
       Vegetable oils
       Cogeneration energy of underground water

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Sustainability, safety and the
    Recycling is a key component of modern waste reduction and is the third component of the
    "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" waste hierarchy. Recycling is ancient as human history, records of
    recycling date up to ancient Greek, and is a normal practice in middle ages for metals and other
    materials. STR&D trade steel, aluminium, copper and most other ferrous and non-ferrous
    metals, and a wide range of related recycled products. Metals recycling protect the environment
    and saves energy. Recycled materials means less use of natural resources such as iron ore in
    steelmaking; nickel in stainless steel; or alumina and bauxite in aluminium. There are also
    considerable savings in energy, and reduced CO2 emissions, in production methods using
    recycled materials.

                                                             We offer brokerage and trading solution for recycled
                                                              Non-metal materials
                                                             We also offer new technologies for recycling materials
                                                             like urban waste, tyre, polluted waters, and breeding

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Sustainability, safety and the
    Sustainable Technology Research & Design is committed to offering leading edge products and
    services for sustainable buildings. We offer practical solutions to help you save energy and water
    and minimise the environmental impact of your building project. We take care of spreading the
    sustainable approach to design, assuming a strategic role in innovation in architecture and
    urbanism. Actually buildings account for more than 40% of harmful emissions in the atmosphere, so
    it is necessary to pursue a sustainable approach to development and construction of
    buildings, and be increasingly aware of environmental protection policies, but also to make
    homes, schools and offices that are really a tool for healthy living and better workplace. We offer
    a range of services aiming to give edge sustainable technologies in building:
     Research and management of subsidized loans in the residential sector;
     The coordination of research and experimentation for sustainable building;
                                                              Building restructuring;
                                                              Building energy efficiency;
                                                              Research and promotion of new technologies and
                                                             sustainable materials for construction;
                                                              Analysis of products and techniques that provide
                                                             support for professionals belonging to different
                                                              Research in the planning and construction for the
                                                             application of techniques guided by sustainable
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TBB Kiddo Group

    Union Properties SA Ltd Real Estate &
    Luxury management

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Real Estate & Luxury
    Union Properties SA Ltd is a new real estate private company with the head office based in the
    United Kingdom and is member of the TBB Kiddo Group. But the roots of our activities date back to
    Italy. A long history of more than 60 years working successfully in the field of luxury properties in
    Italy, Switzerland, Luxembourg, France, England. The company offer specialised service for luxury
    real estate solutions. The services include executive search, turn around project and interim
    management. Union Properties SA also offers management consultancy and business advisory
    Via the various brands and subsidiaries, the company offer an innovative approach to real estates
    with a strong focus on quality and sustainability, keys to long term success. Through TBB Kiddo
    Group companies we can offer specialist services in the areas of sustainable technologies, VIP
    and corporate security, strategic consulting, and luxury goods.

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Real Estate & Luxury
    We are happy to introduce to you and find a selection of unique and out of the ordinary
    properties, our areas of expertise include:
     Historic buildings
     Historic warehouse
     Wind mills
     Hunting seals
     Equestrian farms
     Golf Courses
     Investment Properties

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Real Estate & Luxury
    Our work is always tailored to the requirements of the customer, his needs and aspirations, while
    following a few essential points guide.
    Initial consultation. A first contact where we can clarify what we can do in reference to the wishes
    of the customer.
    Requirements analysis. A careful analysis of customer requirements, and objectives to be
    Advice. Based on the analysis we can indicate problems, advantages, disadvantages, and all the
    features that emerge from the project, to provide the customer a clear picture and give all the
    necessary decision-making tools.

                                                            Through our network we select a range of products and
                                                            searching for a range of very specific proposals, result of
                                                            a careful analysis.
                                                            First selection. A central moment with the client in which
                                                            we proceed analytically to a preliminary examination of
                                                            a series of proposals.

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Real Estate & Luxury
    Visit. Based on what was approved in the preliminary examination, we proceed to visit. The visit is
    carried on with the help of various professionals, as appropriate. This professional support is vital in
    order to understand every aspect of the situation of the visited property.
    Selection and negotiation. We support the customer, or perform this delicate stage with our team
    of negotiators and professionals.
    Purchase. We provide legal support for the acquisitions closing.
    Renovation and customization. We proceed to the customization and the work required
    completing the project in various ways, from simple project to management support, depending
    on the customer's wishes.

                                                             Management and maintenance. All our experience is
                                                             available for the management, the ordinary and
                                                             extraordinary maintenance, monitoring and security of
                                                             our clients property. Your dream comes true.

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Real Estate & Luxury
    We know that discretion, privacy and security are of paramount importance for our clients. The
    strictest level of confidentiality cover all aspects of our work with the client from the first
    contact, this is an essential part of our services. We do not disclose any kind of information about
    our clients in any form and the confidentiality is maintained forever.
    In a world where the real estate investment it's expanding, without a precise consideration of the
    options, we support the historical and environmental preservation, a careful management of large
    estates. We operate in an unusual way and we bring real estate out of the usual paths; we are
    very proud of this.

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Real Estate & Luxury
    Union Properties SA deals with the management of real estate and operates in the funding of real
    estate transactions. Union Properties SA caters for discerning clients, providing unbiased accurate
    advice and who require a truly bespoke service which encompasses all aspects of
    Management, expertise in Development, Property Consultancy. In a somewhat volatile
    marketplace, you can have peace of mind and be assured that you will only deal with a
    Professionally Qualified Expert with a long-standing reputation for achieving first class results. We
    will look after your home whiles you are away. No longer do you have to worry about the safety of
    your home when you are away. With our trusted team of house sitters, you wont have to worry
    about the safety of your home. Our House Sitters have undergone thorough background checks
    and all necessary references have been obtained. We believe that healthy friendship in business
    promotes a healthy environment so we know our house sitters on personal levels too.

                                                             Houses often attract anti-social behaviour when it is seen
                                                             empty and worse of all, it can also attract house
                                                             squatters and they are not easy or cheap to get rid of.
                                                             Let us protect your home from house squatters and all
                                                             the trouble that comes with leaving your property
                                                             empty. We provide house sitters for holiday
                                                             homes,     Houses     on     the    market,   residential
                                                             properties, houses waiting to be let, empty homes
                                                             undergoing renovation and more.

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Real Estate & Luxury
       Tenant Finding & Property Marketing
       Obtaining Reference
       Deposit Collecting & Protecting
       Inventory Management
       Pre-tenancy cleaning
       Liaising with utility suppliers
       Carrying out minor repairs and maintenance
       Carrying out major refurbishment projects
       Production of safety reports and relevant certificates
       Payment of outgoings
       Regular property inspections and reports
       Protection of deposits in line with legislation
       Handling deposit negotiations at the end of the tenancy
       Visual checks
       Negotiating renewals

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Real Estate & Luxury
    Whether you are looking for residential, investment, commercial or international property
    finance, insurance or financial planning Union properties SA my help you. We are a leading
    financial services intermediary offering independent advice to help you make the right choices for
    your circumstances. Specialising at the top-end of the market, we are able to finance and insure
    any property type anywhere in the world. We can arrange finance in the following areas:
     Residential, both new purchases and remortgages
     Buy-to-Let, for new purchases and remortgages
     International, for purchases, remortgages and in some instances, equity raising
     Commercial, for purchases, refinancing, expansion or development
                                                 Agricultural, for new purchases or refinancing
                                                 Self-Build and renovation
               Onshore and offshore
               Bridging finance

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Real Estate & Luxury
    Union Properties SA Ltd is a company dedicated to providing the most discerning clients with a
    complete selection of products and services. Until the mid-20th century, luxury was the preserve of
    the very few: the very rich and those born to expect privilege. In the post-war period, and
    progressively throughout the second half of the century, things changed. While in the earlier
    period the major players in the luxury prestige world were family-owned companies, this was not
    the case anymore. At the turn of the last century, most luxury brands have become globally
    available and are now part of fewer than half a dozen major international groups. Union
    Properties SA Ltd carries the finest luxury goods and accessories, custom made and manufactured
    by the most excellent artisans and we offer a complete selection of services that will help design
    the perfect luxury lifestyle ranging from personal styling, image makeovers, closet overhaul, private
    shopping to custom packages and wardrobe management and corporate luxury services.

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Real Estate & Luxury
    We direct customers to companies to facilitate revenue/business development:
     Real Estate
     Private Yachts/Jets
     Projects including Emerging Markets
     Interior Designers & Furniture
     Art Dealers & Buyers/Galleries
     Distributors in other countries (for their products/services)
     Luxury Travels (hotels, nightlife, etc...)
     Luxury Jewellery & Fashion Brands
     Financial, Investment, Insurance

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Thank You
  TBB Kiddo Group Limited
                    Suite 4,New Bond House
                         124 New Bond Street
                              W1S 1DX London
                              United Kingdom
                          Tel +44 78 0573 4064
                              +44 79 4940 9134
                  Email info@tbbkgroup.com
                         Web tbbkgroup.com

                                        Registered Office
                          Unit 36 - 88-90 Hatton Garden
                                       London EC1N 8PN
                                   Registered in England
                           Registered Number 7650621

    Standing at a New Frontier

Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier

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  • 1. TBB Kiddo Group Holding Presentation Standing at a New Frontier Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 2. welcome Introducing TBB Kiddo Group Who we are TBB Strategic Consulting Services overview Military Research & Design Turn-key procurement & training Sustainable Technologies Research Sustainability, safety and the & Design environment Union Properties SA Ltd Real Estate & Luxury management Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 3. TBB Kiddo Group Holding Presentation Introducing tbb kiddo group Who we are Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 4. Who we are TBB KIDDO GROUP LIMITED its the outcome of key experiences and resources combinations, operating in industry, Information Technology, automation project, civil and military security, Real Estate and Luxury Management. Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 5. Who we are The roots of this group date back to the industrial sector in 1897. TBB is the proud inheritor of a great wealth of work, experience and historical perspective. This experience allows us to evaluate with different sensitivity the moments of crisis and economic difficulties that occur cyclically. Experience shows us that a crisis is a time of growth and opportunity, we have always evolved and adapted to a changing world and market. In TBB preserve and pass on experience and values, changing according to times and ways, the most suitable form to work ethically, with quality and in a sustainable manner. Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 6. Who we are Our aim is to harmonizing and makes available to customers this unique heritage of experiences in these areas of work. The group of founder companies have choose to create a new structure in which transfer the experience and know-how acquired. In this way they want to emphasize the exclusive attention and importance of our values. TBB KIDDO GROUP LIMITED is an English law company, headquartered in London, and operates in others Countries with offices and local structures. Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 7. TBB Kiddo Group Holding Presentation TBB strategic consulting service overview Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 8. Service overview We are living in an environment of increasing complexity, accelerating social and technological change, and rapidly rising economic and environmental instability. An incredible amount of factors influence our decisions and the development of our business activities and management. Interconnected elements that at first glance may seem completely unrelated are decisive for the outcome of our activities. Assessing the future investment climate in a foreign country, the outcome of an environmental issue, the consequences of a war, the potential for an innovation, the future development of a technology/industry, the parameters for a new business model: these are the key factors shaping a decision, and the direction of social change. Our Strategic Consulting service help your organization giving clarity of thinking, rigorous analysis and research, we provide direct, clear answers to our clients most pressing strategic questions. We are operating on 3 specific strategic areas. Development of change awarenesss in the external environment and interpreting the future implications. Increasing understanding in the client organization and aligning the organizational culture. Finally, evolving the future understanding into action, by generating options for entrepreneurial initiatives and strategic renewal. Our contribution will be custom-made to meet your demands and anticipations. Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 9. Service overview Our counsellors are able to identify distinctive strategies for you and your specific needs in the most efficient manner. We will provide you with the specific attention you deserve to successfully challenging the future. TBB Kiddo Group is a global consulting firm assisting public and private clients to plan, develop, design, operate critical projects around the world. We work in a pool with highly qualified professionals and studies, this enables us to provide the best tool perfectly adapted to customer needs with a high degree of specialization. Our Strategic Partners, for finance and legal activities, are regulated, respectively, by the FSA (Financial Services Authority) and the SRA (Solicitors Regulation Authority) for activities in the United Kingdom, and the local authorities for other nations. We offer a wide range of tightly interconnected services for government organizations and corporate. Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 10. Service overview Feasibility studies Market research Technology development Patents, licenses, trademarks and branding Start-ups and early stage companies Provision of company formation and management services Securing Government Funding Private funding Relationship-building Media strategy & corporate image Coalition-building Legislative Lobbying Relationships with ministries, government organizations and NGOs Crisis and issues management OSINT intelligence Government Procurement Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 11. Service overview Continuous innovation and rapid transformation have been themes throughout TBB Kiddo Group's history, which the company traces to the 1960s. We are a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, our business culture reflects the fact that we were born global. TBB Kiddo Group is the outcome of key experiences and resources combinations, operating in industry, consulting, IT, automation project, civil and military security. The aim was to harmonizing and makes available to customers a unique heritage of years experiences in these matters. The group of founders have choose, for this operation, to create a new structure entirely dedicated to this sector, in which transfer the experience and know-how acquired. Our Core Values have shaped the culture and defined the character of our company, guiding how we behave and make decisions: the company insists on integrity in all aspects of its business and from those with whom it conducts business. Confidentiality working with our clients is critical and our reputation depends on it. The strictest level of secrecy and confidentiality cover all aspects of our work with the client from the first contact, this is an essential part of our services. We following the strictest procedures of security, compliant with ISO 17799 code of practice for the security management. We do not disclose any kind of information about our clients in any form and the confidentiality is maintained forever. Your secrets are safe with us! Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 12. TBB Kiddo Group Holding Presentation Military Research & Design Turn-key procurement & training Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 13. Turn-key procurement & training MR&D core business is to provide leading-edge solutions for the total security and the defence of vital information, energy and transportation infrastructures, multinational and institutions, including their Dignitaries and VIPs. With its strategic partners worldwide, the company brings together leading experts on counter-terrorism from government agencies, police departments, and universities as well as private sector cyber, nuclear, biological and chemical specialists. MR&D provides major contractors with Systems Engineering & Technical Assistance with the implementation of Sea-Land & Airport Cross-Border Security Systems, military and commercial solutions to mitigate Cyber terrorist threats and protect corporate assets worldwide. Our sources of advanced technologies include state/city-wide surveillance systems, and encryption technologies that allow us to rapidly deploy forensically robust Sea-Land & Air based "custom-made" surveillance solutions for military and law enforcement operations. Corporate objectives: Advanced Technologies and Security Systems; Maritime Counter-Terrorism and Counter-Piracy; International Affairs, Liaisons & Negotiations; Public-Private Alliances for Regional Development & Conflict Prevention. Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 14. Turn-key procurement & training MR&D provides training services to nations, governments and NGOs and private clients. We are world-leading experts in specialist training and provide a comprehensive procurement and logistic service, risk analysis and personal security. Our success and reputation has grown from understanding and fulfilling our client's requirements. We at MR&D offer a wide spectrum of training ranging from Military to Law Enforcement skills. With emphasis on security and contingency planning our training program provide a solid platform to deliver a wide range of skills required to confront today's threats. With over 70 specialist courses on offer we will design the appropriate program for you. We value our reputation and always work within host nation and security industry regulations. Our teams are drawn from a diverse military and law enforcement background. Our instructor's skills and teaching methods are current and transparent. Adopting the EDIP Methodology (Explanation, Demonstration, Imitation and Practice). The strength in our diversity offers the client a unique and integral training edge. All MR&D personnel are vetted to operate within local cultures maintaining strong company ethics. Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 15. Turn-key procurement & training We provide advice and assistance in designing and developing specialized equipment and hardware. Through methods of evaluation, selection and testing we can ensure that the client purchases the most cost effective equipment with in agreed deliverables. At MR&D we understand that equipment and training complement each other. We have strategic agreements with leading US and European manufacturers to assist in the acquisition of specialized equipment; this ensures operational effectiveness. Timely acquisition of the correct equipment is paramount to any effective operation. MR&D understands the intricacies of the supply chain and has expertise in the procurement and movement of equipment and hardware on a global scale. From estimating resources to the management of activities, MR&D can source equipment and manage world- wide distribution. With a solid financial base and proven reliability, our teams can look after any requirements. Through established relationships with accredited suppliers, MR&D can offer greater purchasing power as well as negotiating lines of credit, handling of logistics, freight, storage and export licensing. Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 16. Turn-key procurement & training Briefly we point out the main stages of our history. 1980 Design and production of special armoured vehicles for civil security, based on specific requests for the Italian market. 1983 Consulting on personal security (kidnapping security) in civil market. 1986 Production of special and precision ammunitions. 1990 Design and production of special armour piercing ammunitions and under calibre ammunition. 1994 Design and implementation of integrated security systems for civil homes, offices and sensitive civil activities. 1996 Design and manufacture of special and precision weapons, for specialized tasks. 2000 Opening in the Principality of Monaco of a consulting division on electronic surveillance systems & electronic countermeasures (TSCM). 2001 Working on integrated security systems in the governmental and military market. 2008 Incorporation of Automation Research & Design Ltd 2011 Merge in Military Research & Design Limited 2012 Acquisition by TBB Kiddo Group Limited Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 17. Turn-key procurement & training Company Statement: MR&D markets advanced security information technologies, communications systems and services for military, commercial, financial institutions and governmental agencies. With our Industry Partners and Country Partners worldwide, we provide the advantages of a dynamic company with hands-on management and the creativity of experienced professionals. Business Focus: Advanced Security Projects Management Team; Counter-Hackers & Forensic Operations; IT System Engineering & Technical Assistance; Information Warfare Operations and Training; Specialization: Wide Area Surveillance with Centralized Integrated Systems for real-time multi camera control and visualization with high definition vision and multidirectional audio with real- time voice separation; Information & Transportation Infrastructures Security; Authentication Systems; Non-invasive inspection technologies for Cross-Border Systems (Sea, Land & Airports); SCIF ultra-secure facilities; Security of vital infrastructures and national assets; Cyber wars & Information Warfare, Command & Control Warfare; Counter Cyber-Terrorism & Cyber-Crime prevention. Military Research & Design Limited is a UK corporate entity headquartered in London. Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 18. TBB Kiddo Group Holding Presentation Sustainable Technologies Sustainability, safety and the environment Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 19. Sustainability, safety and the environment Sustainable Technologies Research & Design develops and delivers technologies enabling sustainable use of Earths natural resources. Trough innovation STR&D develop alternatives to technologies that have been demonstrated to damage health and the environment. Our technologies and services create a centre of economic action to the benefit of environment and people. Sustainable Technology Research & Design is active in research and services for sustainable technologies. The specific areas of activity relate to renewable energy, sustainable building and recycling of construction materials. We respond to the needs of society by applying sustainable solutions and creating value for investors, customers and staff who work with us. The people and their needs are the centre of attention. Have a long-term perspective; systems must operate for long time, meet new needs, evolving and allow the integration of new technologies. Take into account the costs against benefits. Consider and evaluate the environmental limits. Use of the precautionary principle; exclusion of those technologies or circumstances that might potentially dont match the requirements. We particularly focus on recycling and re-use of materials, in order to eliminate the problem of waste and diminish the use of raw materials. Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 20. Sustainability, safety and the environment We are specialists in project management for renewable energy and sustainable technologies. Our pool of researchers and specialists offers the best solution to the specific needs of your energetic reality. Renewable energies are those forms of energy generated from renewable sources by their intrinsic characteristic of regeneration, or are not "finite" in the time scale of "human" and, by extension, the use of which does not affect the natural resources for future generations. According to these standard references, are considered "renewable" "... The sun, wind, water, geothermal resources, tides, waves and converting it into electricity plant products or bio waste. 損 Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 21. Sustainability, safety and the environment Geothermal energy Hydropower Marine currents energy Saline gradient energy (osmotic) Tidal energy Wave energy Thalassic thermal energy (OTEC) Solar thermal and thermodynamic Photovoltaic Wind power Energy from biomass (or agro-energy) Bio fuels, gasification Vegetable oils Chips Cogeneration energy of underground water Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 22. Sustainability, safety and the environment Recycling is a key component of modern waste reduction and is the third component of the "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" waste hierarchy. Recycling is ancient as human history, records of recycling date up to ancient Greek, and is a normal practice in middle ages for metals and other materials. STR&D trade steel, aluminium, copper and most other ferrous and non-ferrous metals, and a wide range of related recycled products. Metals recycling protect the environment and saves energy. Recycled materials means less use of natural resources such as iron ore in steelmaking; nickel in stainless steel; or alumina and bauxite in aluminium. There are also considerable savings in energy, and reduced CO2 emissions, in production methods using recycled materials. We offer brokerage and trading solution for recycled materials: Non-ferrous Ferrous Non-metal materials We also offer new technologies for recycling materials like urban waste, tyre, polluted waters, and breeding waste. Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 23. Sustainability, safety and the environment Sustainable Technology Research & Design is committed to offering leading edge products and services for sustainable buildings. We offer practical solutions to help you save energy and water and minimise the environmental impact of your building project. We take care of spreading the sustainable approach to design, assuming a strategic role in innovation in architecture and urbanism. Actually buildings account for more than 40% of harmful emissions in the atmosphere, so it is necessary to pursue a sustainable approach to development and construction of buildings, and be increasingly aware of environmental protection policies, but also to make homes, schools and offices that are really a tool for healthy living and better workplace. We offer a range of services aiming to give edge sustainable technologies in building: Research and management of subsidized loans in the residential sector; The coordination of research and experimentation for sustainable building; Building restructuring; Building energy efficiency; Research and promotion of new technologies and sustainable materials for construction; Analysis of products and techniques that provide support for professionals belonging to different categories; Research in the planning and construction for the application of techniques guided by sustainable development; Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 24. TBB Kiddo Group Holding Presentation Union Properties SA Ltd Real Estate & Luxury management Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 25. Real Estate & Luxury management Union Properties SA Ltd is a new real estate private company with the head office based in the United Kingdom and is member of the TBB Kiddo Group. But the roots of our activities date back to Italy. A long history of more than 60 years working successfully in the field of luxury properties in Italy, Switzerland, Luxembourg, France, England. The company offer specialised service for luxury real estate solutions. The services include executive search, turn around project and interim management. Union Properties SA also offers management consultancy and business advisory services. Via the various brands and subsidiaries, the company offer an innovative approach to real estates with a strong focus on quality and sustainability, keys to long term success. Through TBB Kiddo Group companies we can offer specialist services in the areas of sustainable technologies, VIP and corporate security, strategic consulting, and luxury goods. Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 26. Real Estate & Luxury management We are happy to introduce to you and find a selection of unique and out of the ordinary properties, our areas of expertise include: Castles Churches Lighthouses Historic buildings Historic warehouse Wind mills Hunting seals Farms Equestrian farms Golf Courses Investment Properties Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 27. Real Estate & Luxury management Our work is always tailored to the requirements of the customer, his needs and aspirations, while following a few essential points guide. Initial consultation. A first contact where we can clarify what we can do in reference to the wishes of the customer. Requirements analysis. A careful analysis of customer requirements, and objectives to be achieved. Advice. Based on the analysis we can indicate problems, advantages, disadvantages, and all the features that emerge from the project, to provide the customer a clear picture and give all the necessary decision-making tools. Search. Through our network we select a range of products and searching for a range of very specific proposals, result of a careful analysis. First selection. A central moment with the client in which we proceed analytically to a preliminary examination of a series of proposals. Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 28. Real Estate & Luxury management Visit. Based on what was approved in the preliminary examination, we proceed to visit. The visit is carried on with the help of various professionals, as appropriate. This professional support is vital in order to understand every aspect of the situation of the visited property. Selection and negotiation. We support the customer, or perform this delicate stage with our team of negotiators and professionals. Purchase. We provide legal support for the acquisitions closing. Renovation and customization. We proceed to the customization and the work required completing the project in various ways, from simple project to management support, depending on the customer's wishes. Management and maintenance. All our experience is available for the management, the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, monitoring and security of our clients property. Your dream comes true. Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 29. Real Estate & Luxury management We know that discretion, privacy and security are of paramount importance for our clients. The strictest level of confidentiality cover all aspects of our work with the client from the first contact, this is an essential part of our services. We do not disclose any kind of information about our clients in any form and the confidentiality is maintained forever. In a world where the real estate investment it's expanding, without a precise consideration of the options, we support the historical and environmental preservation, a careful management of large estates. We operate in an unusual way and we bring real estate out of the usual paths; we are very proud of this. Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 30. Real Estate & Luxury management Union Properties SA deals with the management of real estate and operates in the funding of real estate transactions. Union Properties SA caters for discerning clients, providing unbiased accurate advice and who require a truly bespoke service which encompasses all aspects of Management, expertise in Development, Property Consultancy. In a somewhat volatile marketplace, you can have peace of mind and be assured that you will only deal with a Professionally Qualified Expert with a long-standing reputation for achieving first class results. We will look after your home whiles you are away. No longer do you have to worry about the safety of your home when you are away. With our trusted team of house sitters, you wont have to worry about the safety of your home. Our House Sitters have undergone thorough background checks and all necessary references have been obtained. We believe that healthy friendship in business promotes a healthy environment so we know our house sitters on personal levels too. Houses often attract anti-social behaviour when it is seen empty and worse of all, it can also attract house squatters and they are not easy or cheap to get rid of. Let us protect your home from house squatters and all the trouble that comes with leaving your property empty. We provide house sitters for holiday homes, Houses on the market, residential properties, houses waiting to be let, empty homes undergoing renovation and more. Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 31. Real Estate & Luxury management Tenant Finding & Property Marketing Obtaining Reference Deposit Collecting & Protecting Inventory Management Pre-tenancy cleaning Liaising with utility suppliers Carrying out minor repairs and maintenance Carrying out major refurbishment projects Production of safety reports and relevant certificates Payment of outgoings Regular property inspections and reports Protection of deposits in line with legislation Handling deposit negotiations at the end of the tenancy Visual checks Negotiating renewals Litigation Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 32. Real Estate & Luxury management Whether you are looking for residential, investment, commercial or international property finance, insurance or financial planning Union properties SA my help you. We are a leading financial services intermediary offering independent advice to help you make the right choices for your circumstances. Specialising at the top-end of the market, we are able to finance and insure any property type anywhere in the world. We can arrange finance in the following areas: Residential, both new purchases and remortgages Buy-to-Let, for new purchases and remortgages International, for purchases, remortgages and in some instances, equity raising Commercial, for purchases, refinancing, expansion or development Agricultural, for new purchases or refinancing Self-Build and renovation Onshore and offshore Bridging finance Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 33. Real Estate & Luxury management Union Properties SA Ltd is a company dedicated to providing the most discerning clients with a complete selection of products and services. Until the mid-20th century, luxury was the preserve of the very few: the very rich and those born to expect privilege. In the post-war period, and progressively throughout the second half of the century, things changed. While in the earlier period the major players in the luxury prestige world were family-owned companies, this was not the case anymore. At the turn of the last century, most luxury brands have become globally available and are now part of fewer than half a dozen major international groups. Union Properties SA Ltd carries the finest luxury goods and accessories, custom made and manufactured by the most excellent artisans and we offer a complete selection of services that will help design the perfect luxury lifestyle ranging from personal styling, image makeovers, closet overhaul, private shopping to custom packages and wardrobe management and corporate luxury services. Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 34. Real Estate & Luxury management We direct customers to companies to facilitate revenue/business development: Real Estate Private Yachts/Jets Projects including Emerging Markets Interior Designers & Furniture Art Dealers & Buyers/Galleries Distributors in other countries (for their products/services) Luxury Travels (hotels, nightlife, etc...) Luxury Jewellery & Fashion Brands Financial, Investment, Insurance Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier
  • 35. Thank You TBB Kiddo Group Limited Suite 4,New Bond House 124 New Bond Street W1S 1DX London United Kingdom Tel +44 78 0573 4064 +44 79 4940 9134 Email info@tbbkgroup.com Web tbbkgroup.com Registered Office Unit 36 - 88-90 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8PN Registered in England Registered Number 7650621 Standing at a New Frontier Copyright 息 TBB Kiddo Group Limited Holding Presentation: Standing at a New Frontier