C4021 2014 S2: LE SITE WEBAlexandru PanicanC4021 Le marketing et les NTIC: séance 2.
Comment créer un site internet de manière efficace. Tendances et bonnes pratiques.
Revisiting the classicstunde akinsanmiThis document discusses whether the [Mg/Fe] ratio is a good proxy for galaxy formation timescales. It finds that while [Mg/Fe] has traditionally been used as such a proxy, taking into account the non-universal initial mass function (IMF) observed in massive galaxies leads to unrealistic short formation timescales calculated from their [Mg/Fe] ratios. The document considers scenarios where the IMF varies with stellar population or evolves over time to potentially resolve this issue, but notes more observation of galaxies forming at high redshift is needed to better understand their chemical evolution. It concludes one must be careful interpreting [Mg/Fe] alone as a tracer of galaxy formation timescales.
Social Entrepreneurship Ideas-vikasacenterVikasa International CenterThe entrepreneurial spirit is an attribute for the development of individual and society. More importantly, entrepreneurship development becomes a vehicle for transforming lives in underdeveloped regions. Community-centered entrepreneurship models have got much more relevance in positively contributing to community development. In this context, Bala Vikasa through Vikasa International Center is deploying its experiences and expertise among youth and women in promoting entrepreneurship in rural areas.
Web 2.0Ronald AguilarLa Web 2.0 permite a los usuarios participar activamente en la creación y distribución de contenido en lugar de ser solo consumidores pasivos. Esto ha llevado al auge de blogs, redes sociales y otras herramientas que facilitan la interacción y colaboración entre usuarios. Las redes sociales ahora se utilizan ampliamente en educación, ya que permiten a estudiantes y profesores compartir información y recursos educativos de manera más interactiva.
To aliciajoeybloos3cThe letter encourages Alicia not to be scared and to keep going, while also asking her not to criticize how bad the writing is. The author, who signs as "your little Kangaroo", says they discovered the place they wanted to go and believes it is their destiny to be with Alicia, expressing their love for her.
C4020 : IntroductionAlexandru PanicanIntroduction au cours C4020: Le plan d'actions commerciales.
Mayores logros de manuel elkin patarroyosarmientoeEl documento resume los mayores logros de Manuel Elkin Patarroyo, incluyendo el desarrollo en 1984 de una vacuna sintética contra la malaria llamada SPf 66, la donación de esta vacuna a la OMS en 1993, y sus investigaciones sobre marcadores genéticos para enfermedades como la lepra y tuberculosis en el Instituto de Inmunología que fundó en la Universidad Nacional.
Draft FERC EIS for NEXUS PipelineMarcellus Drilling NewsA draft Environmental Impact Statement issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for the 255-mile NEXUS natural gas pipeline, set to run across the state of Ohio to Michigan. The project's main sponsor is Spectra Energy.
william Mckinly rohitkarandeWilliam McKinley was the 25th President of the United States, serving from 1897 until his assassination in 1901. As president, he led the country to victory in the Spanish-American War, raised protective tariffs to promote industry, and maintained the gold standard. McKinley previously served as a congressman from Ohio where he specialized in tariff policy and championed a controversial tariff bill.
1017.fullJason Tenzer, MPH, FACHE, FHFMAHigh-affinity interactions between antigenic peptides and heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) can enhance CD8+ T cell immune responses. A novel higher-affinity HSP70-binding sequence called J1 was introduced, which significantly improved binding of peptides to HSP70. The OVA peptide SIINFEKL modified with J1 showed a 15-fold higher affinity for HSP70 compared to the original J0 sequence. Additionally, changing the orientation and adding a cleavable linker between the binding sequence and epitope further increased immunogenicity, demonstrating enhanced immune responses with multiple mouse and human epitopes. These modified epitopes complexed with HSP70 have potential for creating successful multivalent vaccines against infectious diseases and
M.Sc. Thesis PublishedSiddharth Joshi1) A hydro-geophysical investigation was conducted at a closed landfill site in southwestern Ontario, Canada to map the distribution of landfill leachate and subsurface geology.
2) Electromagnetic and resistivity surveys revealed an anomalous high-conductivity zone in the western half of the site, indicating the presence of landfill leachate in the upper aquifer and partially in the underlying silt/sand aquitard. No contamination was detected in the lower sand aquifer.
3) Hydrological modeling predicted that the landfill leachate plume will occupy the entire upper aquifer and most of the silt/sand aquitard within 1000 years, but the lower sand aquifer will remain
magnetohydrodynamic_simulation_of_the_ejection_of_magnetic_flux_ropetunde akinsanmiThe document summarizes magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of the formation and ejection of magnetic flux ropes from the sun. It uses two models: a global non-linear force-free field model to simulate the slow formation of a flux rope over 19 days, and an MHD model to simulate the rapid ejection. The simulation shows the flux rope rising and ejecting plasma at speeds up to 100 km/s, consistent with observed coronal mass ejection speeds. Additional factors like gravity and fully simulating the flux rope evolution are discussed.
Miami Herald articleRafael (Rafo) SaldanaThe document profiles three successful community banks in South Florida - Apollo Bank, Banesco USA, and Stonegate Bank. It discusses their histories, growth strategies, financial performance, and goals for future expansion. Apollo Bank focuses on entrepreneurs and small businesses in Miami-Dade. Banesco USA is growing through acquisitions and loans while expanding in Miami-Dade, Broward, and Puerto Rico. Stonegate Bank aims to be the primary bank for businesses and has expanded its branch network across South Florida through acquisitions and organic growth. All three banks have achieved strong financial results and high ratings.
trade and InventoryMuneshwar DuttSteven A. Ballmer certified MUNESHWAR P DUTT as a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Trade and Inventory. Dutt completed the requirements for this certification on March 06, 2013 and was assigned certification number E192-7535.
Impact of IT on environmentSai MalleswarAn over view of effects of information technology and telecommunications on environment and suggestions to reduce harmful effects
Flexibles Storage Management unter Linux mit OpenATTIC - Kielux 2015-09-18Lenz Grimmer"Flexibles Storage Management unter Linux mit OpenATTIC", Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage, 2015-09-18
Ets cienciaEduardo Andres Canales FernandezEste documento presenta información sobre la gonorrea y la sífilis, dos enfermedades de transmisión sexual. Explica las causas, síntomas y métodos de prevención de ambas enfermedades. También destaca los riesgos de no tratar estas infecciones y la necesidad de concientizar a la población sobre la prevención de enfermedades de transmisión sexual.
Mayores logros de manuel elkin patarroyosarmientoeEl documento resume los mayores logros de Manuel Elkin Patarroyo, incluyendo el desarrollo en 1984 de una vacuna sintética contra la malaria llamada SPf 66, la donación de esta vacuna a la OMS en 1993, y sus investigaciones sobre marcadores genéticos para enfermedades como la lepra y tuberculosis en el Instituto de Inmunología que fundó en la Universidad Nacional.
Draft FERC EIS for NEXUS PipelineMarcellus Drilling NewsA draft Environmental Impact Statement issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for the 255-mile NEXUS natural gas pipeline, set to run across the state of Ohio to Michigan. The project's main sponsor is Spectra Energy.
william Mckinly rohitkarandeWilliam McKinley was the 25th President of the United States, serving from 1897 until his assassination in 1901. As president, he led the country to victory in the Spanish-American War, raised protective tariffs to promote industry, and maintained the gold standard. McKinley previously served as a congressman from Ohio where he specialized in tariff policy and championed a controversial tariff bill.
1017.fullJason Tenzer, MPH, FACHE, FHFMAHigh-affinity interactions between antigenic peptides and heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) can enhance CD8+ T cell immune responses. A novel higher-affinity HSP70-binding sequence called J1 was introduced, which significantly improved binding of peptides to HSP70. The OVA peptide SIINFEKL modified with J1 showed a 15-fold higher affinity for HSP70 compared to the original J0 sequence. Additionally, changing the orientation and adding a cleavable linker between the binding sequence and epitope further increased immunogenicity, demonstrating enhanced immune responses with multiple mouse and human epitopes. These modified epitopes complexed with HSP70 have potential for creating successful multivalent vaccines against infectious diseases and
M.Sc. Thesis PublishedSiddharth Joshi1) A hydro-geophysical investigation was conducted at a closed landfill site in southwestern Ontario, Canada to map the distribution of landfill leachate and subsurface geology.
2) Electromagnetic and resistivity surveys revealed an anomalous high-conductivity zone in the western half of the site, indicating the presence of landfill leachate in the upper aquifer and partially in the underlying silt/sand aquitard. No contamination was detected in the lower sand aquifer.
3) Hydrological modeling predicted that the landfill leachate plume will occupy the entire upper aquifer and most of the silt/sand aquitard within 1000 years, but the lower sand aquifer will remain
magnetohydrodynamic_simulation_of_the_ejection_of_magnetic_flux_ropetunde akinsanmiThe document summarizes magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of the formation and ejection of magnetic flux ropes from the sun. It uses two models: a global non-linear force-free field model to simulate the slow formation of a flux rope over 19 days, and an MHD model to simulate the rapid ejection. The simulation shows the flux rope rising and ejecting plasma at speeds up to 100 km/s, consistent with observed coronal mass ejection speeds. Additional factors like gravity and fully simulating the flux rope evolution are discussed.
Miami Herald articleRafael (Rafo) SaldanaThe document profiles three successful community banks in South Florida - Apollo Bank, Banesco USA, and Stonegate Bank. It discusses their histories, growth strategies, financial performance, and goals for future expansion. Apollo Bank focuses on entrepreneurs and small businesses in Miami-Dade. Banesco USA is growing through acquisitions and loans while expanding in Miami-Dade, Broward, and Puerto Rico. Stonegate Bank aims to be the primary bank for businesses and has expanded its branch network across South Florida through acquisitions and organic growth. All three banks have achieved strong financial results and high ratings.
trade and InventoryMuneshwar DuttSteven A. Ballmer certified MUNESHWAR P DUTT as a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Trade and Inventory. Dutt completed the requirements for this certification on March 06, 2013 and was assigned certification number E192-7535.
Impact of IT on environmentSai MalleswarAn over view of effects of information technology and telecommunications on environment and suggestions to reduce harmful effects
Flexibles Storage Management unter Linux mit OpenATTIC - Kielux 2015-09-18Lenz Grimmer"Flexibles Storage Management unter Linux mit OpenATTIC", Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage, 2015-09-18
Ets cienciaEduardo Andres Canales FernandezEste documento presenta información sobre la gonorrea y la sífilis, dos enfermedades de transmisión sexual. Explica las causas, síntomas y métodos de prevención de ambas enfermedades. También destaca los riesgos de no tratar estas infecciones y la necesidad de concientizar a la población sobre la prevención de enfermedades de transmisión sexual.
Mayores logros de manuel elkin patarroyosarmientoe