Presentación Romeo y JulietaLaCopa Mª Luisa CañasLa obra Romeo y Julieta cuenta la historia de amor entre los jóvenes Romeo Montesco y Julieta Capuleto, cuyas familias están enemistadas. Tras enamorarse en un baile, se casan en secreto con la ayuda del fraile Lorenzo. Sin embargo, al creerla muerta, Romeo toma veneno y cuando Julieta despierta ya es demasiado tarde, por lo que también se quita la vida para reunirse con su amado.
Aligning on SH Needs - Zaleski v0103John Zaleski, Ph.D., CPHIMSThe document discusses aligning stakeholder needs with patient care data by standardizing medical device data. It identifies key stakeholders like clinicians, IT staff, and clinical engineering and their needs for timely, accurate, and accessible patient care data. However, medical device data is currently trapped in silos due to unique device protocols, connectivity, terminology, and frequencies. The document advocates translating proprietary medical device data into a standardized format to overcome these interoperability challenges and better meet stakeholder needs.
EBYTOnAmy LuShenzhen EbyTon Technology Ltd is a professional factory established in 2005 that specializes in sheet metal processing, designing, rapid prototyping, and vacuum casting for low volume production. It has grown to cover 3000 square meters and employ 120 staff with advanced facilities. The company's main businesses include sheet metal fabrication, CNC plastic and metal prototypes, 3D printing service, vacuum casting prototypes, and industrial design. EbyTon aims to realize customers' designs from thoughts to products with strict quality control and a variety of processing capabilities.
7WendyG2015La teoría neoclásica surgió en la década de 1950 y se enfoca en la práctica de la administración, reafirmando los postulados clásicos con énfasis en los principios básicos y objetivos. No forma una escuela definida sino un movimiento heterogéneo. Para los neoclásicos, la administración consiste en orientar, dirigir y controlar los esfuerzos de un grupo hacia un objetivo común maximizando los resultados con los recursos mínimos.
Materi Pertumbuhan EkonomiVicxo CancerBoy'sDokumen tersebut membahas tentang teori-teori pertumbuhan ekonomi, mulai dari aliran merkantilisme, klasik, neo klasik, hingga historis. Setiap aliran memiliki pandangan tersendiri mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ekonomi. Dokumen juga menjelaskan pengukuran pertumbuhan ekonomi melalui perhitungan laju pertumbuhan Produk Domestik Bruto.
NEWK. Cheney JAAR Presentation 7-24-14Kathryn CheneyRural water boards in Panama, known as JAARs, face sustainability issues related to legal registration, administrative capacity, and access to sufficient funding. These issues prevent autonomy in managing and improving rural aqueduct systems. The document discusses Panama's rural water system and JAARs, issues they face, proposed legal changes, funding challenges, and recommendations to address these challenges.
Zaleski_NEBC_PaperJohn Zaleski, Ph.D., CPHIMSThis document describes a Remote Mechanical Ventilation Manager (RMVM) that enables remote monitoring of mechanical ventilator data. The RMVM uses a database of device-specific commands to extract data from ventilators via serial interfaces. It then processes and displays the data through a web-based user interface. The RMVM framework supports multiple ventilator models by referencing their unique command syntax stored in the database. This allows clinicians to remotely view patient ventilation data through a standardized interface without needing different monitoring applications for each ventilator type.
Historia y-evolucion-del-telefonosergio alejandro lozano hincapieEl documento resume la historia del teléfono desde su invención por Alexander Graham Bell en 1896 hasta las mejoras posteriores como los teléfonos móviles y fijos. Explica que aunque Bell recibió el crédito original, el inventor del teléfono podría haber sido Antonio Meucci. También describe algunas mejoras clave como la adición de campanillas en 1934 y el desarrollo de teléfonos con teclas de tono en 1963.
Rpp dampak pengangguranVicxo CancerBoy'sRencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP) ini membahas dampak pengangguran terhadap pembangunan ekonomi di Indonesia. Dampak-dampak tersebut meliputi penurunan pendapatan nasional dan per kapita, rendahnya produktivitas dan upah tenaga kerja, serta rendahnya investasi dan sumber daya manusia. RPP ini dirancang untuk siswa kelas XI agar memahami hubungan antara ketenagakerjaan dan pembangunan ekonomi di Indonesia.
Error identification exercise (5 a1)Anna Asri1. The document describes the narrator's experiences during their school holidays, including helping repair their grandparent's old house, spending time with family for holidays like Christmas and New Year's, and caring for their sick grandmother in the hospital.
2. They felt bored at times doing ordinary activities at home but found ways to entertain themselves like playing sports with friends.
3. One holiday was made sad by the loss of their beloved grandmother who they cared for in the hospital for a month before she passed away.
Consumer’s perception of wine packagingDominic MackenzieThis document summarizes a study on consumer perceptions of wine packaging. It outlines the objectives, methodology, research design, and key findings. The study used repertory grid technique with 30 in-depth interviews to elicit dimensions consumers consider when purchasing wine. Interviews analyzed packaging elements at first glance and in comparing alternatives. Key dimensions included color, shape, size, labels, tradition vs innovation, and distinction vs anonymity. Consumers are affected most by visual elements like bottle shape, size, and color as well as traditional vs innovative designs when selecting wines.
Teorías conductuales del aprendizaje alexandraocasiosantiagoEste documento resume los principales conceptos de la teoría conductual del aprendizaje. Explica que se originó en los estudios de Ivan Pavlov sobre condicionamiento clásico en animales. Describe los procesos de condicionamiento clásico, asociación por contigüidad, condicionamiento operante y aprendizaje observacional. Además, explica las contribuciones de Watson, Thorndike y Skinner a la teoría conductual.
NEWK. Cheney JAAR Presentation 7-24-14Kathryn CheneyRural water boards in Panama, known as JAARs, face sustainability issues related to legal registration, administrative capacity, and access to sufficient funding. These issues prevent autonomy in managing and improving rural aqueduct systems. The document discusses Panama's rural water system and JAARs, issues they face, proposed legal changes, funding challenges, and recommendations to address these challenges.
Zaleski_NEBC_PaperJohn Zaleski, Ph.D., CPHIMSThis document describes a Remote Mechanical Ventilation Manager (RMVM) that enables remote monitoring of mechanical ventilator data. The RMVM uses a database of device-specific commands to extract data from ventilators via serial interfaces. It then processes and displays the data through a web-based user interface. The RMVM framework supports multiple ventilator models by referencing their unique command syntax stored in the database. This allows clinicians to remotely view patient ventilation data through a standardized interface without needing different monitoring applications for each ventilator type.
Historia y-evolucion-del-telefonosergio alejandro lozano hincapieEl documento resume la historia del teléfono desde su invención por Alexander Graham Bell en 1896 hasta las mejoras posteriores como los teléfonos móviles y fijos. Explica que aunque Bell recibió el crédito original, el inventor del teléfono podría haber sido Antonio Meucci. También describe algunas mejoras clave como la adición de campanillas en 1934 y el desarrollo de teléfonos con teclas de tono en 1963.
Rpp dampak pengangguranVicxo CancerBoy'sRencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP) ini membahas dampak pengangguran terhadap pembangunan ekonomi di Indonesia. Dampak-dampak tersebut meliputi penurunan pendapatan nasional dan per kapita, rendahnya produktivitas dan upah tenaga kerja, serta rendahnya investasi dan sumber daya manusia. RPP ini dirancang untuk siswa kelas XI agar memahami hubungan antara ketenagakerjaan dan pembangunan ekonomi di Indonesia.
Error identification exercise (5 a1)Anna Asri1. The document describes the narrator's experiences during their school holidays, including helping repair their grandparent's old house, spending time with family for holidays like Christmas and New Year's, and caring for their sick grandmother in the hospital.
2. They felt bored at times doing ordinary activities at home but found ways to entertain themselves like playing sports with friends.
3. One holiday was made sad by the loss of their beloved grandmother who they cared for in the hospital for a month before she passed away.
Consumer’s perception of wine packagingDominic MackenzieThis document summarizes a study on consumer perceptions of wine packaging. It outlines the objectives, methodology, research design, and key findings. The study used repertory grid technique with 30 in-depth interviews to elicit dimensions consumers consider when purchasing wine. Interviews analyzed packaging elements at first glance and in comparing alternatives. Key dimensions included color, shape, size, labels, tradition vs innovation, and distinction vs anonymity. Consumers are affected most by visual elements like bottle shape, size, and color as well as traditional vs innovative designs when selecting wines.
Teorías conductuales del aprendizaje alexandraocasiosantiagoEste documento resume los principales conceptos de la teoría conductual del aprendizaje. Explica que se originó en los estudios de Ivan Pavlov sobre condicionamiento clásico en animales. Describe los procesos de condicionamiento clásico, asociación por contigüidad, condicionamiento operante y aprendizaje observacional. Además, explica las contribuciones de Watson, Thorndike y Skinner a la teoría conductual.