This document discusses test driven development (TDD). It begins by explaining the basic TDD process of writing a failing test, getting it to compile, making it pass without changing existing code, and then refactoring. It outlines some benefits of TDD like improved code quality and confidence in changes. It also notes some challenges like additional overhead and keeping test code clean. Overall, it argues that while TDD requires proper implementation, it can help produce higher quality code with fewer bugs.
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1. Test Driven Development
Whats that?
The good
The bad
And the ugly
How do we begin?
How do we make it sustainable?
Food for thought
2. Whats that?
1. Write a failing test
2. Get it to compile.
3. Make it pass (do not
change existing code).
4. Refactor to remove
5. Repeat.
4. The good
Edit and pray vs. Cover and Modify
Feedback, feedback, feedback!
Get a living Documentation
You have nothing to lose but your bugs!
Helps you design on the go
Makes ownership transfer much easier
Gives you more confidence in making changes
to the code
5. The good
Its highly likely that the code you write will:
Do what its meant to do!
Keep methods short & simple
Keep dependencies as weak as possible
Go 100% for Single Responsibility
Not have duplicates
Be protected from invalid input
Have many other qualities that make it awesome
6. The bad
You have to break some habits
Youll have some development time overhead
You need to keep the test code as clean as the
production code
You still need the high level designs
You still need more testing
7. And the ugly
TDD is only good when its done properly
Coding Aint Done Til All the Tests Run*
AND pass!
8. Is it worth it?!
100k lines of code => 15 issues 6 months after
the release
Theres no bug-free product, but there are
collateral issues safe nets.
9. How do we begin?
1. Understand the problem
2. High-level architecture
3. Ensure automation for:
Writing tests
Running Tests
4. Write a failing acceptance test = walking skeleton
5. Write a failing unit test
6. Make the unit test pass
7. Refactor
8. Repeat Steps 5-7 until you make the acceptance test pass
9. Repeat Steps 4-8 until all the acceptance tests pass.
10. Automation tools
Tests Explorer (VS2012)
As simple as Create New Project
Generate methods from Unit Tests (VS2012)
Microsoft Fakes
Code Coverage Tools
CM Integration
11. How do we make it sustainable?
Always start by writing a test for the easiest success
Listen to the tests to get rid of uncertainty in the high
level design
Always make the tests send correct messages when
Minimize the implementation overhead:
Only write tests that you would like to read
focused, well named, nicely written
Updating the code => updating test code
12. Three laws of TDD
First Law You may not write production code
until you have written a failing test.
Second Law You may not write more of a test
than is sufficient to fail, and not compiling is
Third Law You may not write more production
code than is sufficient to pass the currently
failing test.
13. Food for thought
Clean Code A Handbook of Agile Software
Crafts [Robert Martin]
Working effectively with legacy code [Martin
Growing object-oriented software guided by
tests [Steve Freeman, Nat Pryce]