This is the slideshow from the October 15, 2015 webinar sponsored by Episcopal Migration Ministries and Episcopal Public Policy Network of The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society. Audio/video is available:
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on 際際滷Share. In just one sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily design slideshows.
The document discusses a framework for making climate-resilient development decisions. It analyzes total climate risk by looking at current climate risk, future exposure from economic growth, and additional risk from climate change. As a case study, it examines drought risk to agriculture in Maharashtra, India through 2030 under three climate change scenarios. It quantifies the expected economic losses and how much could be at risk under a high climate change scenario.
The document discusses conceptual metaphor theory, which is the idea that metaphors are not just linguistic devices but reflect how we conceptualize abstract concepts and experiences. It provides several examples of common conceptual metaphors like HAPPINESS IS UP - SADNESS IS DOWN, CONTROL IS UP - LACK OF CONTROL IS DOWN, and MORE IS UP - LESS IS DOWN. It also discusses how THEORIES ARE BUILDINGS and TIME IS MOTION, with time conceptualized as either a moving object or the observer moving through time. The document appears to be from a conference on conceptual metaphor theory.
Un libro dedicato a tutte le persone che desiderano informarsi sulla chirurgia nasale con finalit sia estetiche, ricostruttive e funzionali.
Ledizione cartacea 竪 in distribuzione presso gli ambulatori di Villa Donatello.
El documento describe las propiedades geom辿tricas de la circunferencia y presenta tres ecuaciones para representarla: la ecuaci坦n can坦nica cuando el centro est叩 en el origen, la ecuaci坦n ordinaria cuando se conoce el centro y el radio, y la ecuaci坦n general que incluye coeficientes para el centro y el radio.
The document discusses analog to digital conversion. It begins by explaining the difference between analog and digital signals. It then provides examples of applications that require analog to digital conversion like microphones and thermocouples. The document discusses the two main steps in analog to digital conversion - quantization, which breaks down the analog value into discrete states, and encoding, which assigns a digital value to each state. It also discusses factors that affect accuracy like resolution and sampling rate. Finally, it describes several types of analog to digital converters like flash ADCs, sigma-delta ADCs, dual slope ADCs, and successive approximation ADCs.
The document discusses conceptual metaphor theory, which is the idea that metaphors are not just linguistic devices but reflect how we conceptualize abstract concepts and experiences. It provides several examples of common conceptual metaphors like HAPPINESS IS UP - SADNESS IS DOWN, CONTROL IS UP - LACK OF CONTROL IS DOWN, and MORE IS UP - LESS IS DOWN. It also discusses how THEORIES ARE BUILDINGS and TIME IS MOTION, with time conceptualized as either a moving object or the observer moving through time. The document appears to be from a conference on conceptual metaphor theory.
Un libro dedicato a tutte le persone che desiderano informarsi sulla chirurgia nasale con finalit sia estetiche, ricostruttive e funzionali.
Ledizione cartacea 竪 in distribuzione presso gli ambulatori di Villa Donatello.
El documento describe las propiedades geom辿tricas de la circunferencia y presenta tres ecuaciones para representarla: la ecuaci坦n can坦nica cuando el centro est叩 en el origen, la ecuaci坦n ordinaria cuando se conoce el centro y el radio, y la ecuaci坦n general que incluye coeficientes para el centro y el radio.
The document discusses analog to digital conversion. It begins by explaining the difference between analog and digital signals. It then provides examples of applications that require analog to digital conversion like microphones and thermocouples. The document discusses the two main steps in analog to digital conversion - quantization, which breaks down the analog value into discrete states, and encoding, which assigns a digital value to each state. It also discusses factors that affect accuracy like resolution and sampling rate. Finally, it describes several types of analog to digital converters like flash ADCs, sigma-delta ADCs, dual slope ADCs, and successive approximation ADCs.
1. Talousel辰m辰 39/2014 55
Euroopan unionin poliisioperaatio Eupolilla Kabulissa
on niin hyv辰 turvallisuusyksikk旦 kuin vain voi olla. Yksi-
k辰辰n ty旦ntekij辰 ei saa l辰hte辰 leirist辰 ilmoittamatta etuk辰-
teen, jotta reitist辰 voidaan tehd辰 turvallisuussuunnitelma.
Tammikuussa kaksi Eupolin ty旦ntekij辰辰 kuoli paikalliseen ra-
vintolaan tehdyss辰 pommi-iskussa. Iskussa kuoli kaikkiaan 21
ihmist辰, joista suuri osa oli ulkomaalaisia. Sen j辰lkeen Eupolin
turvallisuusohjeita tarkistettiin.
Aiemmin ty旦skennelless辰ni Suomen suurl辰hetyst旦ss辰 Ka-
bulissa aivan vieress辰ni ammuttiin ja Eupolin leirin l辰hist旦l-
l辰 on r辰j辰ht辰nyt pommeja. Itse en kuitenkaan ole ikin辰 ollut ti-
lanteessa, jossa ruumiinosia lent辰isi vieress辰. Pelk辰isin ehk辰
enemm辰n, jos olisin n辰hnyt sel-
Eupolin Afganistanin operaati-
ossa ty旦skentelee l辰hes kolmesa-
taa henkil旦辰, joista suomalaisia on
kolmisenkymment辰. Leiriss辰mme
on kuntosali, jumppatunteja, sau-
na ja baari.
Eupolissa on my旦s koulutettu
ihmisi辰 antamaan vertaistukea
kriisitilanteissa. Jotkut kol-
legani eiv辰t ota ylim辰辰r辰i-
si辰 riskej辰 ja he pysyttelev辰t
leiriss辰. Jokainen taaplaa tyylill辰辰n. Itse liikun usein
leirimme ulkopuolella.
Aloitin teht辰v辰ss辰ni kes辰kuussa ja Eupolin man-
daatti jatkuu vuoden 2016 loppuun. Ty旦skente-
len nyt Afganistanissa kolmatta kertaa urallani.
En olisi uskonut, ett辰 palaisin takaisin. Kabu-
lissa minua odotti minulle uusi organisaatio
ja ty旦kaverit, erilainen teht辰v辰 ja asiakent-
t辰. Tuntui sille kuin olisi aloittanut Afganis-
tanissa alusta. Siksi p辰辰tin taas l辰hte辰.
Sanna Leskinen
Pia Stjernvall, 46
Ty旦 Eupol Afganistanin
Ura Ulkoministeri旦,
YK:n j辰rjest旦t UNEP ja
Koulutus YTM
Perhe Aikuinen lapsi
Harrastukset Juoksu
Miten jaksat ty旦skennell辰 vuodesta
toiseen pommiuhan alla, Pia Stjernvall?