An e-portfolio is a digital collection of a teacher's work and accomplishments both inside and outside the classroom. It allows teachers to highlight their talents, knowledge, and skills through multimedia elements like photos, videos, and audio clips. An e-portfolio is designed to showcase a teacher's work in a more engaging way than a traditional paper portfolio by taking advantage of digital formats. Teachers can create an e-portfolio website using a platform like Yola to organize elements like their resume, teaching philosophy, lesson plans, student work samples, and letters of recommendation. The specific contents will depend on the intended audience, but an e-portfolio generally serves as a personal reflection of a teacher's experience and qualifications.
2. Teacher e- portfolio is a concise, annotated collection of the teachers work and things he has accomplished, in and outside the classroom.
3. A teacher e-portfolio is a collection of work produced by a teacher. The portfolio is designed to highlight and demonstrate the teachers' talents, knowledge and skills in teaching.
4. Why a teachers e-portfolio and how it is different from the traditional one
5. What makes teacher e-portfolio very different from the traditional portfolios is that it can include scanned or digital photos, video and sound clips, animations, recordings of students, text, traditional writings and drawings.
7. First he needs to get an account with awebsite like yola and creat a website to work as e-portfolio. THEn he must start designing his e-portfolio
8. The question that a teacher should ask before designing e-portfolio is "What am I trying to tell the reader about myself?" How to answer this question depends on the targeted audience.
9. A portfolio is a personal reflection. In fact there is no one agreed -on way to deesign the e- portfolio .But, It should look very professional and should include the following:
10. 1 A brief biographical sketch 2 - Your resume, copies of documents, licenses, tests, etc. 3 A brief description of the classes you've taught and grade level 4 - Describe your teaching philosophy, your teaching style, and include why you teach.
11. 5 - Demonstrate your continuing education and creativity 6 - Include copies of recent lesson or unit plans you have used with photos of class engaged in the activities; student papers, even a video clip of you in action, and photos of classroom 7 - A letters of commendation, evaluations, recognition or honors you've received
12. What is actually included will vary depending on how you intend to use your portfolio.