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Teacher evaluation by students
The number rating stands for
the following: 1 = rarely 2 = once
in a while 3 = sometimes 4 =
most of the time 5 = almost
亠亶亳仆亞 从舒亰舒仆仆 亳亠仍
仂亰仆舒舒亠 仍亠亟ム亠亠 1=亠亟从仂
2=仂亟亳仆 舒亰 3= 亳仆仂亞亟舒 4= 舒仂
5=仗仂亳 于亠亞亟舒
If it doesnt apply, leave it
blank. Circle the answer that
fits with your experience of
this teacher for each item.
 亠仍亳 仆亠 从舒亰舒仆仆仂 仂 仂舒于亠
仂 仗仂仍亠 仗仄. 弍于亠亟亳亠
仂于亠, 从仂仂亶 仂仂于亠于亠
于舒亠亶 仂亠仆从亠 仗亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍
How well does the
teacher teach the core
Teacher is prepared for
亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 亞仂仂于 从
Teacher knows his/her
亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 亰仆舒亠 于仂亶
Teacher is organized
and neat.
仂亞舒仆亳亰仂于舒仆 亳
Teacher plans class time and
assignments that help students to
problem solve and think critically.
Teacher provides activities that make
subject matter meaningful
亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仗仍舒仆亳亠 于亠仄 亳
亰舒亟舒仆亳, 从仂仂亠 仗仂仄舒亞舒ム 亟亠仆舒仄
亠亳 仗仂弍仍亠仄 亳 亟仄舒
从亳亳亠从亳. 亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍
亳仗仂仍亰亠 舒亰仆亠 仄亠仂亟
仗舒亢仆亠仆亳亶, 从仂仂亠 亟亠仍舒ム 仗亠亟仄亠
弍仂仍亠亠 仆舒亠仆仆仄
Teacher is flexible in
accommodating for
individual student needs.
亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 亞亳弍从仂
仂仆仂亳 仆亢亟舒仄
Teacher is clear in giving
directions and on explaining
what is expected on
assignments and tests.
亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仆仂 亟舒亠
仆舒仗舒于仍亠仆亳 亳 亟仂仂亟亳于仂
仂弍仆磳 亳仆从亳
于仗仂仍仆亠仆亳 亰舒亟舒仆亳亶
Teacher allows you to be
active in the classroom
learning environment.
亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仗仂亰于仂仍磳
仗亳仆亳仄舒 舒从亳于仆仂亠
舒亳亠 于 从仍舒亠 于
仗仂亠亠 仂弍亠仆亳
Teacher manages the time
亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仗舒于仍磳
Teacher returns homework in
a timely manner.
亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仗仂于亠磳
亟仂仄舒仆亳亳 亰舒亟舒仆亳 于
Teacher has clear
classroom procedures so
students don't waste
亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 亟舒亠
亠从亳亠 从舒亰舒仆亳亠 仆亠 舒
于亠仄 亟亠仆仂于
Teacher grades fairly.
亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仗舒于亠亟仍亳于仂
仂亠仆亳于舒亠 亟亠仆仂于
I have learned a lot from this
teacher about this subject.
亊 仄仆仂亞仂仄 仆舒亳仍  仂亞仂
仗亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仂 亟舒仆仆仂仄
Teacher gives me good
feedback on homework
and projects so that I can
亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仂弍舒仆仂
于仂亰于舒舒亠 仗仂于亠亠仆仆仂亠
亟仂仄舒仆亠亠 亰舒亟舒仆亳亠
Teacher is creative in
developing activities and
亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 从亠舒亳于亠仆
于 仍亠仆亳亳 亳 舒亰于亳亳亳
Teacher encourages
students to speak up and
be active in the class.
亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 亟舒亠
亟亠仆舒仄 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂
舒亰亞仂于舒亳于舒 亳 弍
舒从亳于仆仄 仆舒 仂从亠
Teacher starts the lessons on
亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仆舒亳仆舒亠 仂从
于仂 于亠仄
Teacher finishes the lessons on
亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 亰舒从舒仆亳于舒亠
仂从 于仂 于亠仄
Teacher sets
亟舒亠 亟仂仄舒仆亠亠
How well does the teacher
model the core values
through how he/she
behaves with students and
with other staff persons?
舒从 仂仆/仂仆舒 于亠亟亠 亠弍 仂
亟亠仆舒仄亳 亳  亟亞亳仄亳
Teacher follows through
on what he/she says. You
can count on the teachers
亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仍亠亟亳 亰舒
于仂亠亶 亠.  仄仂亢亠亠
亟仂于亠亳 亠亞仂 仍仂于舒仄
Teacher listens and
understands students point of
view; he/she may not agree, but
students feel understood.
亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 于仍亳于舒亠 亳
仗仂仆亳仄舒亠 仂从亳 亰亠仆亳
亟亠仆仂于, 仆仂 仄仂亞 弍 仆亠
仂亞仍舒仆 仆仂 仗亳 仂仄 弍
Teacher respects the
opinions and decisions
of students.
于舒亢舒亠 仄仆亠仆亳 亳
亠亠仆亳 亟亠仆仂于
Teacher is willing to accept
responsibility for his/her own
亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仗亳亰仆舒亠 于仂亳
Teacher is willing to learn from
亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 亞仂仂于 亳 仂
Teacher is sensitive to the
needs of students.
亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仗仂仆仍亳于 从
仆亢亟舒仄 亟亠仆仂于
Teachers words and actions
弌仍仂于舒 亳 亟亠亶于亳
仗亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仂于仗舒亟舒ム
Teacher is fun to be with.
丕仂从 仗亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍
Teacher likes and respects
亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仍ミ頴狐 亳
于舒亢舒亠 亟亠仆仂于
Teacher helps you when you ask
for help.
亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仗仂仄仂亞舒亠
亟亠仆舒仄 从仂亞亟舒 仂仆亳 仗仂
Teacher is consistent and fair in
亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仍亠亟亠
舒仆仂于亠仆仆仂亶 亟亳亳仗仍亳仆亠
I trust this teacher.
亊 亟仂于亠 仗亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍
Teacher tries to model what
teacher expects of students.
亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仗舒亠
仄仂亟亠仍亳仂于舒 仂, 仂 仂亢亳亟舒亠 仂
What is one thing that your
teacher does well?
丼仂 仗仂 于舒亠仄 仗亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍
亟亠仍舒亠 仂亠仆 仂仂仂?
What is one thing that you can
suggest to help this teacher
丼仂 于 仄仂亢亠亠 仗亠亟仍仂亢亳 仗仂
仍亠仆亳 于仂亠亞仂 仗亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍?

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Teacher evaluation by students

  • 2. The number rating stands for the following: 1 = rarely 2 = once in a while 3 = sometimes 4 = most of the time 5 = almost always 亠亶亳仆亞 从舒亰舒仆仆 亳亠仍 仂亰仆舒舒亠 仍亠亟ム亠亠 1=亠亟从仂 2=仂亟亳仆 舒亰 3= 亳仆仂亞亟舒 4= 舒仂 5=仗仂亳 于亠亞亟舒
  • 3. If it doesnt apply, leave it blank. Circle the answer that fits with your experience of this teacher for each item. 亠仍亳 仆亠 从舒亰舒仆仆仂 仂 仂舒于亠 仂 仗仂仍亠 仗仄. 弍于亠亟亳亠 仂于亠, 从仂仂亶 仂仂于亠于亠 于舒亠亶 仂亠仆从亠 仗亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍
  • 4. EXPLICIT CURRICULUM: How well does the teacher teach the core
  • 5. Teacher is prepared for class. 亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 亞仂仂于 从 仂从 Teacher knows his/her subject. 亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 亰仆舒亠 于仂亶
  • 6. Teacher is organized and neat. 亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仂亞舒仆亳亰仂于舒仆 亳 于仆亳仄舒亠仍亠仆
  • 7. Teacher plans class time and assignments that help students to problem solve and think critically. Teacher provides activities that make subject matter meaningful 亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仗仍舒仆亳亠 于亠仄 亳 亰舒亟舒仆亳, 从仂仂亠 仗仂仄舒亞舒ム 亟亠仆舒仄 亠亳 仗仂弍仍亠仄 亳 亟仄舒 从亳亳亠从亳. 亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 亳仗仂仍亰亠 舒亰仆亠 仄亠仂亟 仗舒亢仆亠仆亳亶, 从仂仂亠 亟亠仍舒ム 仗亠亟仄亠 弍仂仍亠亠 仆舒亠仆仆仄
  • 8. Teacher is flexible in accommodating for individual student needs. 亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 亞亳弍从仂 仂仆仂亳 仆亢亟舒仄 亟亠仆仂于
  • 9. Teacher is clear in giving directions and on explaining what is expected on assignments and tests. 亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仆仂 亟舒亠 仆舒仗舒于仍亠仆亳 亳 亟仂仂亟亳于仂 仂弍仆磳 亳仆从亳 于仗仂仍仆亠仆亳 亰舒亟舒仆亳亶
  • 10. Teacher allows you to be active in the classroom learning environment. 亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仗仂亰于仂仍磳 仗亳仆亳仄舒 舒从亳于仆仂亠 舒亳亠 于 从仍舒亠 于 仗仂亠亠 仂弍亠仆亳
  • 11. Teacher manages the time well 亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仗舒于仍磳 于亠仄亠仆亠仄 Teacher returns homework in a timely manner. 亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仗仂于亠磳 亟仂仄舒仆亳亳 亰舒亟舒仆亳 于
  • 12. Teacher has clear classroom procedures so students don't waste time. 亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 亟舒亠 亠从亳亠 从舒亰舒仆亳亠 仆亠 舒 于亠仄 亟亠仆仂于
  • 13. Teacher grades fairly. 亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仗舒于亠亟仍亳于仂 仂亠仆亳于舒亠 亟亠仆仂于 I have learned a lot from this teacher about this subject. 亊 仄仆仂亞仂仄 仆舒亳仍 仂亞仂 仗亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仂 亟舒仆仆仂仄 仗亠亟仄亠亠
  • 14. Teacher gives me good feedback on homework and projects so that I can improve. 亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仂弍舒仆仂 于仂亰于舒舒亠 仗仂于亠亠仆仆仂亠 亟仂仄舒仆亠亠 亰舒亟舒仆亳亠
  • 15. Teacher is creative in developing activities and lessons. 亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 从亠舒亳于亠仆 于 仍亠仆亳亳 亳 舒亰于亳亳亳 仂从仂于
  • 16. Teacher encourages students to speak up and be active in the class. 亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 亟舒亠 亟亠仆舒仄 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂 舒亰亞仂于舒亳于舒 亳 弍 舒从亳于仆仄 仆舒 仂从亠
  • 17. Teacher starts the lessons on time. 亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仆舒亳仆舒亠 仂从 于仂 于亠仄 Teacher finishes the lessons on time. 亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 亰舒从舒仆亳于舒亠 仂从 于仂 于亠仄
  • 19. How well does the teacher model the core values through how he/she behaves with students and with other staff persons? 舒从 仂仆/仂仆舒 于亠亟亠 亠弍 仂 亟亠仆舒仄亳 亳 亟亞亳仄亳 仍亳舒仄亳?
  • 20. Teacher follows through on what he/she says. You can count on the teachers word. 亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仍亠亟亳 亰舒 于仂亠亶 亠. 仄仂亢亠亠 亟仂于亠亳 亠亞仂 仍仂于舒仄
  • 21. Teacher listens and understands students point of view; he/she may not agree, but students feel understood. 亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 于仍亳于舒亠 亳 仗仂仆亳仄舒亠 仂从亳 亰亠仆亳 亟亠仆仂于, 仆仂 仄仂亞 弍 仆亠 仂亞仍舒仆 仆仂 仗亳 仂仄 弍 仗仂仆仄亳
  • 22. Teacher respects the opinions and decisions of students. 亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 于舒亢舒亠 仄仆亠仆亳 亳 亠亠仆亳 亟亠仆仂于
  • 23. Teacher is willing to accept responsibility for his/her own mistakes. 亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仗亳亰仆舒亠 于仂亳 仂亳弍从亳 Teacher is willing to learn from students. 亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 亞仂仂于 亳 仂 亟亠仆仂于
  • 24. Teacher is sensitive to the needs of students. 亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仗仂仆仍亳于 从 仆亢亟舒仄 亟亠仆仂于 Teachers words and actions match. 弌仍仂于舒 亳 亟亠亶于亳 仗亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仂于仗舒亟舒ム
  • 25. Teacher is fun to be with. 丕仂从 仗亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 于亠亠仍亶 Teacher likes and respects students. 亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仍ミ頴狐 亳 于舒亢舒亠 亟亠仆仂于
  • 26. Teacher helps you when you ask for help. 亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仗仂仄仂亞舒亠 亟亠仆舒仄 从仂亞亟舒 仂仆亳 仗仂 Teacher is consistent and fair in discipline. 亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仍亠亟亠 舒仆仂于亠仆仆仂亶 亟亳亳仗仍亳仆亠
  • 27. I trust this teacher. 亊 亟仂于亠 仗亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 Teacher tries to model what teacher expects of students. 亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 仗舒亠 仄仂亟亠仍亳仂于舒 仂, 仂 仂亢亳亟舒亠 仂 亟亠仆仂于
  • 28. What is one thing that your teacher does well? 丼仂 仗仂 于舒亠仄 仗亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 亟亠仍舒亠 仂亠仆 仂仂仂? What is one thing that you can suggest to help this teacher improve? 丼仂 于 仄仂亢亠亠 仗亠亟仍仂亢亳 仗仂 仍亠仆亳 于仂亠亞仂 仗亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍?