God chooses and calls people before creation. He knew and consecrated Jeremiah before forming him in the womb. Jesus teaches about God's way, path, law, will, holiness, and spiritual truths. He had compassion for people and preached to them. A good teacher inspires students with a desire to learn and stimulates ordinary people to unusual effort. What the teacher is matters more than what they teach. Jesus placed the disciples at the center and wants us to do as he did.
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Teacher, jesus the model
2. Ephesians 1,11: In him we were
V.4 For he chose us before the
3. Those whom he predestined he also
Romans 8,30
Jeremiah 1; 4
Before I formed in the womb I knew
you., consecrated you.., and called
4. I came that they may have life, and
have it abundantly.. John 10, 10
10. He showed compassion and
empathy with His disciples. He
was ready to go to their level!
11. One looks back withOne looks back with
appreciation to the brilliantappreciation to the brilliant
teachers, but with gratitudeteachers, but with gratitude
to those who touched ourto those who touched our
human feelings. Thehuman feelings. The
curriculum is so muchcurriculum is so much
necessary raw material, butnecessary raw material, but
warmth is the vital elementwarmth is the vital element
for the growing plant and forfor the growing plant and for
12. What the teacher is, is moreWhat the teacher is, is more
important than what he teaches.important than what he teaches.
~Karl Menninger~Karl Menninger
13. John 13, 15 you should do what I have done to you..
19. A teacher who is attempting to teach
without inspiring the pupil with a desire
to learn is hammering on cold iron. ~Horace
20. The task of a greatThe task of a great
teacher is notteacher is not
21. The task of the
excellent teacher
is to stimulate
ordinary" people
to unusual effort.
The tough
problem is not in
winners: it is in
making winners
out of ordinary
22. The teacherThe teacher
who is indeed wisewho is indeed wise
does not bid youdoes not bid you
to enter the houseto enter the house
of his wisdomof his wisdom
but rather leads youbut rather leads you
to the thresholdto the threshold
of your mind.of your mind.
~Kahlil Gibran~Kahlil Gibran
23. The dream begins with a teacher who believes
in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to
the next plateau,
24. Education is the revenge of the adults on theEducation is the revenge of the adults on the
children-children- Mark TwainMark Twain
28. Those whom he hasThose whom he has
predestined he haspredestined he has
called, those whom hecalled, those whom he
has called he hashas called he has
justified, those whomjustified, those whom
he has justified he hashe has justified he has
glorified. Romans 8, 30Romans 8, 30
29. I am with you alwaysI am with you always
till the end of the worldtill the end of the world