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Effective Use of the Math Word Wall
Level 4                  Level 3                 Level 2                Level 1

A math word wall is      A math word wall is     The beginning of a There is no math word
present. Teacher         present but not all     word wall is present. wall present.
models effective use     students can easily     It is not used on a
of the word wall and     view or access it.      daily basis. It is not
the appropriate formal   Students and teacher    kept up to date with
math language isused     may refer to the word   vocabulary       being
in context both          wall on                 taught at the present
verbally and visually.   occasion,however; it    time.
The word wall is         is not used to its
interactive. I know      potential.
this because both
teacher and students
are engaged with the
word wall on a daily
basis. The word wall
is displayed in a
location that all
students can see and
interact with.

       Suggestions for effective use of math word wall: http://blogs.gssd.ca/smuir/?p=4037

       Personal plans for improvement:

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  • 1. Effective Use of the Math Word Wall Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 A math word wall is A math word wall is The beginning of a There is no math word present. Teacher present but not all word wall is present. wall present. models effective use students can easily It is not used on a of the word wall and view or access it. daily basis. It is not the appropriate formal Students and teacher kept up to date with math language isused may refer to the word vocabulary being in context both wall on taught at the present verbally and visually. occasion,however; it time. The word wall is is not used to its interactive. I know potential. this because both teacher and students are engaged with the word wall on a daily basis. The word wall is displayed in a location that all students can see and interact with. Suggestions for effective use of math word wall: http://blogs.gssd.ca/smuir/?p=4037 Personal plans for improvement: