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In 4 Easy Steps

         For: Teachers, Trainers, Instructors, and Presenters
By: Sharon Bowman, author of Training from the BACK of the Room!
a pen
and paper
      because you will be taking some notes.
    YOU will remember
      what you WRITE
better than what you READ.
Write one or two facts.
You just
connected to
prior learning.
Write a sentence describing it.
You just created
 your personal
 learning goal.
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
How might YOU connect these adult
learners to the content and to each other?
How might YOU connect these adult
 learners to the content and to each other?

Say: Write a sentence
describing what you
want to learn and then
tell your table group
what you wrote.
How might YOU connect these adult
 learners to the content and to each other?

Say: Write a sentence
describing what you      Say: Introduce
want to learn and then   yourself to one
tell your table group    other person and
what you wrote.         tell him or her three
                         facts you already
                         know about the
How might YOU connect these adult
 learners to the content and to each other?

                                                 Say: Read the
                                                 list of learning
                              Pair-Share         objectives and
Say: Write a sentence
describing what you      Say: Introduce         circle the one
want to learn and then   yourself to one         most important
tell your table group    other person and        to you. Tell your
what you wrote.         tell him or her three   table group
                         facts you already       which one you
                         know about the          circled and why.
1. What is step #1?

2. What should
learners connect to?

Write your answers to the
above questions. Click back
through the slides if youre
not sure of the answers.
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
Which items in the list below
             do NOT include images?

   際際滷s with bulleted lists (like this one)

   Handouts that include photos

   Verbal facts about the topic

   Personal stories about the topic

   Text-only handouts and charts
Which items in the list below
             do NOT include images?

   際際滷s with bulleted lists (like this one)

   Handouts that include photos
   Verbal facts about the topic                  images
   Personal stories about the topic               here,
                                                 and here.
   Text-only handouts and charts
Write step #2 in your notes.
More oxygen is now flowing to your brain
which will help you learn better.
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
6 times
6 ways
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
How might YOU have these adult learners
actively review content or actively practice skills?

Learners divide
into pairs (or
triads) and take
turns explaining
concepts or
skills theyve
learned during
the class.

   Teach-Back            Table
Learners divide       Teach-Back
into pairs (or
triads) and take   Each table group
turns explaining   chooses a
concepts or        concept or skill
demonstrating      to explain or
skills theyve     demonstrate to
learned during     the rest of the
the class.         class.

   Teach-Back            Table
Learners divide       Teach-Back
into pairs (or                           Teach-Back
triads) and take   Each table group   The class divides
turns explaining   chooses a          into half. Each
concepts or        concept or skill   half teaches or
demonstrating      to explain or      demonstrates a
skills theyve     demonstrate to     concept or skill
learned during     the rest of the    to the other half.
the class.         class.
Here is a list of other practice activities.
         Which ARE examples of step #3?

 Playing a review flashcard game

 Taking part in a skill-related skit

 Reading a set of slides

 Participating in job-shadowing
  or on-the-job training

 Watching a topic-related video
Here is a list of other practice activities.
         Which ARE examples of step #3?

 Playing a review flashcard game
 Taking part in a skill-related skit           these
 Reading a set of slides                     examples
                                              No of
 Participating in job-shadowing               here or
  or on-the-job training                         here.

 Watching a topic-related video
Consider these
when choosing a
practice activity:
Consider these
when choosing a
practice activity:
Write a one-sentence summary
   of step #3 in your notes.
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
Write a statement
comparing what you
knew about how adults
learn with what you
now know.
Reread your
personal learning goal
and think about what you
plan to do with what youve learned.
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
Written or verbal tests
Peer reviews
On-the-job performance
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
A commitment to use
   what has been
    or practiced.
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
1. What is step #4?
Write the answer. If not sure, click to the next slide.

 2. What should learners do during step #4?
     Write the answer. If not sure, click back to slide #51.
Step #1:             Step #3:
Get them connected.     Let them do it.

   Step #2:             Step #4:
 Show and tell.        Stand back
                      and applaud.
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps
The 4 steps are about HUMAN learning, not just adult learning.
Try them out with your children at home or your students at school.
  Teach other parents, friends, and co-workers what youve learned.
Click through the slides and see if you can
find all the ways you were invited and
encouraged to participate.

Use interactive elements like these in any
type of computer-based training, including
your own 際際滷 Share presentations.

Your learners will be glad you did!
Books by
Sharon Bowman
www.amazon.com for book purchases
www.Bowperson.com for free book excerpts

Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps

More Related Content

Teaching Adults ANYTHING in 4 Easy Steps

  • 1. In 4 Easy Steps For: Teachers, Trainers, Instructors, and Presenters By: Sharon Bowman, author of Training from the BACK of the Room!
  • 2. a pen and paper because you will be taking some notes.
  • 3. *
  • 4. * YOU will remember what you WRITE better than what you READ.
  • 5. Write one or two facts.
  • 7. Write a sentence describing it.
  • 8. You just created your personal learning goal.
  • 16. How might YOU connect these adult learners to the content and to each other?
  • 17. How might YOU connect these adult learners to the content and to each other? Quick-Write Say: Write a sentence describing what you want to learn and then tell your table group what you wrote.
  • 18. How might YOU connect these adult learners to the content and to each other? Quick-Write Pair-Share Say: Write a sentence describing what you Say: Introduce want to learn and then yourself to one tell your table group other person and what you wrote. tell him or her three facts you already know about the topic.
  • 19. How might YOU connect these adult learners to the content and to each other? Mark-Ups Say: Read the Quick-Write list of learning Pair-Share objectives and Say: Write a sentence describing what you Say: Introduce circle the one want to learn and then yourself to one most important tell your table group other person and to you. Tell your what you wrote. tell him or her three table group facts you already which one you know about the circled and why. topic.
  • 20. 1. What is step #1? 2. What should learners connect to? Write your answers to the above questions. Click back through the slides if youre not sure of the answers.
  • 27. Which items in the list below do NOT include images? 際際滷s with bulleted lists (like this one) Handouts that include photos Verbal facts about the topic Personal stories about the topic Text-only handouts and charts
  • 28. Which items in the list below do NOT include images? 際際滷s with bulleted lists (like this one) Handouts that include photos No Verbal facts about the topic images here, Personal stories about the topic here, and here. Text-only handouts and charts
  • 29. Write step #2 in your notes.
  • 30. More oxygen is now flowing to your brain which will help you learn better.
  • 37. How might YOU have these adult learners actively review content or actively practice skills?
  • 38. T E A C H - BAC K S
  • 39. T E A C H - BAC K S Pair Teach-Back Learners divide into pairs (or triads) and take turns explaining concepts or demonstrating skills theyve learned during the class.
  • 40. T E A C H - BAC K S Pair Teach-Back Table Learners divide Teach-Back into pairs (or triads) and take Each table group turns explaining chooses a concepts or concept or skill demonstrating to explain or skills theyve demonstrate to learned during the rest of the the class. class.
  • 41. T E A C H - BAC K S Pair Teach-Back Table Class Learners divide Teach-Back into pairs (or Teach-Back triads) and take Each table group The class divides turns explaining chooses a into half. Each concepts or concept or skill half teaches or demonstrating to explain or demonstrates a skills theyve demonstrate to concept or skill learned during the rest of the to the other half. the class. class.
  • 42. Here is a list of other practice activities. Which ARE examples of step #3? Playing a review flashcard game Taking part in a skill-related skit Reading a set of slides Participating in job-shadowing or on-the-job training Watching a topic-related video
  • 43. Here is a list of other practice activities. Which ARE examples of step #3? Playing a review flashcard game Yes, Taking part in a skill-related skit these are Reading a set of slides examples No of active practice active Participating in job-shadowing here or practice. or on-the-job training here. Watching a topic-related video
  • 44. Consider these when choosing a practice activity:
  • 45. Consider these when choosing a practice activity:
  • 46. Write a one-sentence summary of step #3 in your notes.
  • 49. Write a statement comparing what you knew about how adults learn with what you now know.
  • 50. Reread your personal learning goal and think about what you plan to do with what youve learned.
  • 53. Self-assessments Written or verbal tests Simulations Demonstrations Projects Teach-backs Peer reviews On-the-job performance
  • 55. A commitment to use what has been learned or practiced.
  • 61. 1. What is step #4? Write the answer. If not sure, click to the next slide. 2. What should learners do during step #4? Write the answer. If not sure, click back to slide #51.
  • 62. Step #1: Step #3: Get them connected. Let them do it. Step #2: Step #4: Show and tell. Stand back and applaud.
  • 65. The 4 steps are about HUMAN learning, not just adult learning. Try them out with your children at home or your students at school. Teach other parents, friends, and co-workers what youve learned.
  • 66. Click through the slides and see if you can find all the ways you were invited and encouraged to participate. Use interactive elements like these in any type of computer-based training, including your own 際際滷 Share presentations. Your learners will be glad you did!
  • 68. www.amazon.com for book purchases www.Bowperson.com for free book excerpts