This document summarizes the teaching of an open web mapping course at the University of Wisconsin-Madison from 2012-2016. It describes how the course transitioned from using Flash to JavaScript as the primary technology. The curriculum was restructured in 2014 with a scaffolded approach using Leaflet and D3.js. In 2016, the curriculum was further modularized and moved online. Assessment found students gained competency in tools but some found it too "cookbooky" without prior coding experience. The goal was to teach computational thinking and confidence in open web mapping.
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Teaching Open Web Mapping - AutoCarto 2016
1. Teaching Open Web Mapping
AutoCarto 2016
Carl M. Sack .
Robert E. Roth .
University of Wisconsin-Madison
2. Outline
About Geography 575 (Interactive Cartography and
Technology transition (Flash to JavaScript)
2014 Course Curriculum
Course evaluation
2016 Curriculum Changes
Preliminary outcomes and future prospects
7. Geography 575 Timeline
Spring 2012: Last teaching of Adobe Flash
Summer-Fall 2012: Web mapping technology study
Spring 2013: First teaching with JavaScript, Leaflet, and
Fall 2014: Scaffolded curriculum
Spring 2016: Modularized curriculum
8. 2012 Technology Study
From Roth et al. (2014). A
Process for Keeping Pace with
Web Mapping Technologies.
Cartographic Perspectives 78
(DOI 10.14714/CP78.1273)
9. 2012 Technology Study
From Roth et al. (2014). A
Process for Keeping Pace with
Web Mapping Technologies.
Cartographic Perspectives 78
(DOI 10.14714/CP78.1273)
12. 2014: A New Curriculum Sequence
Pre-Lab Lab 1 (Leaflet) Lab 2 (D3) Final Project
Week 0
(no lab meeting)
Online JavaScript Tutorial
Week 3
Using Reference Documentation
Online Forums and Examples
Slippy Map Tile Concepts
Leaflet Basic Concepts and Methods
Week 6
GitHub Concepts and Web Hosting
SVG Basic Elements and Attributes
D3 API Reference and Examples
D3 Core Selectors and Generator
Weeks 10-13
Individualized Assistance
Week 1
Text Editors
Directory Structure
HTML Basic Elements and Attributes
CSS Basic Style Rules
JavaScript Basic Concepts
jQuery Basic Concepts
Week 4
Using Developer Tools for Debugging
Custom UI Elements and Interactions
Week 7
Final Project Group Selection
D3 Interactions
D3 Geography
Week 14
Final Project Completion
Week 2
Data Levels and Types
Geographic Coordinates
Data Language Specifications
AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScpt and XML)
Conference Week
(no lab meeting)
Week 8
Workshop Final Project Proposals
Individualized Assistance
Week 5
Individualized Assistance
(final week for Lab 1)
Week 9
Review: TopoJSON, D3 Projections,
Individualized Assistance
(final week for Lab 2)
13. Student familiarity with HTML,CSS, and JavaScript prior to taking the course
Assessment: Entrance Survey
14. Me: [T]he attitude generally seems to be Im learning and know Ill get
beyond this rather than helplessness or giving up.
Assessment: Instructor Logs & Student Feedback
Students: I needed to break it down and solve things one at a time,
not all at once.
Some key threshold concepts:
Identifying & integrating methods from different libraries
Integrating code from online examples
Working with data, AJAX, and the DOM
16. G575 Lab Learning Objectives
Computational Thinking
understand the flow of execution in a computer program and
solve problems in the code.
apply Open Web Platform mapping tools successfully across a
range of mapping contexts.
analyze how data, representation, and interaction tools integrate
across the web mapping workflow.
evaluate ones achievements positively and trust ones ability to
improve at difficult web mapping tasks.
20. 2016 Revised Topic Sequence
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Final
Module 1: Setting Up Your Workspace
Boilerplates and Frameworks
Web Directory Setup
GitHub Setup (moved from Week 6)
Assigned: JavaScript Online Tutorial
Module 4: Using Online Resources
Leaflet Tutorials and API
Using Online Examples
Using Help Forums
Finding Tilesets and Data
Module 7: D3 Foundations
D3 Selections and Blocks
Scales, Axes, Text
Group work
on final
Module 2: Scripting and Debugging
Exploring the DOM
JavaScript Basics
jQuery Basics
Debugging in the Developer Console
from Weeks 4 and 9)
Module 5: Leaflet Interactions
Making Leaflet Layers Dynamic
Zoom, Pan, and Retrieve Interactions
Sequence Interaction
Additional Interaction Operators
Module 8: Mapping in D3
D3 Helpers: TopoJSON, MapShaper &
D3 Projections and Path Generators
Module 3: Data and AJAX
CSV, XML, and JSON formats and their
geographic variants
AJAX Concepts and Syntax
AJAX Callback Functions
Module 6: The Internal Logic of Leaflet
Object-oriented JavaScript
Extending Leaflet Objects
Using SVG Graphics
Module 9: Coordinated Visualizations
Dynamic Map Styling
Drawing a Coordinated Visualization
Module 10: Coordinated Interactions
Dynamic Attribute Selection
Linking Interactions Between Map and
21. 2016 Assessment
Similar competency
Possibly significant
improvement in AJAX
Challenging or not
depending on prior
coding experience
Too cookbooky?
22. Questions
This slideshow:
Tutorials based on Geography 5752014 lab assignments:
Student projects gallery:
Carl M. Sack .
Robert E. Roth .
University of Wisconsin-Madison
A portion of this research was funded by NSF Grant
Editor's Notes
#22: TA: Who plans to use JavaScript coding in future projects?
Everyone: *raise hands*