This document discusses using social media in teaching. It outlines 7 principles of good teaching and maps how different social media affordances like communication, exploration, curation and demonstration can help implement these principles. The principles are initiating instructor-student contact, providing collaborative learning opportunities, integrating active learning, giving regular feedback, emphasizing time on task, communicating high expectations, and developing inclusive learning environments. Social media like blogs, YouTube, Flickr and Tumblr are presented as tools that can support these principles through their various features that allow sharing, commenting, posting media, organizing content and demonstrating concepts. The document encourages brainstorming ideas for applying specific social media in one's own course to engage students.
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1. Teaching with
Social Media
Emily Brozovic | | @emilyjbro
Michigan State University | IT Services Teaching and Learning
2. Todays Plan
1. Recap of principles and big ideas
2. What can social media offer
3. Mapping social media affordances
with teaching principles
3. John Wiggins and Jay McTighe
Big ideas go beyond discrete
facts or skills to focus on larger
concepts, principles or processes.
4. 7 Principles of Good Teaching
1. Initiate instructor-student contact
2. Provide collaborative learning opportunities
3. Integrate active learning
4. Give regular, timely feedback
5. Emphasize time on task
6. Communicate high expectations
7. Develop inclusive learning environments
41. Brainstorming Social
Using your own course, come up with 1-2 examples of
how social media might afford itself
Share these ideas within your group for feedback