This document describes a corporate teambuilding event involving workshops that culminate in a Samba Carnival. The workshops teach participants basic rhythm, Samba songs and percussion instruments like drums, bells and shakers. Participants then come together to perform the Samba Carnival using the instruments they learned. Optional additions include making costumes and floats. The goal is to de-stress, rejuvenate and unite participants through fun, high-energy music making while building teamwork in the spirit of the Rio Carnival.
3. Rejuvenate
2 Workshops that
culminate in the
ultimate Fun and
Entertaining event for
all people involved,
using Music and Arts,
participants team-build
while enjoying the process
of creating a
Company Carnival.
5. Unite
A brilliant, electrifying and high impact session.
An unforgettable experience which has definitely left us with a buzz!
It was amazing how a group of people who have never tried this
sort of thing before can get together to make sweet music.
Somesh is a fantastic and inspiring teacher. I am looking forward to
being able to use Drum Jam again, in order that others can share
this wonderful experience too. Nadia - Strand Palace Hotel London
6. Description:
Music and Rhythm Workshops
learning samba with drums and
percussion instruments. Samba
is the music originating from
Brazil. Made famous by the Rio
Carnival that happens in
February each year where
thousands of people travel to
Rio to take part in the biggest
party on the planet. It is the
mixture of three cultures West
African Drumming, Portuguese
Music and Local Indian Music. It
is know for fun, rhythmic, and
very danceable
music, with Lots of high energy.
De-stress Rejuvenate Unite
7. Motivate
The Samba Music Workshop Includes:
Basic Rhythm Fundamentals:
Participants learn the basics of rhythm and how music
works, while being played on their percussion
instruments. This allows people to learn the basic of
the rhythms that we will be performing.
Singing and Percussion:
Participants learn a song that goes with the samba.
They will also learn how to play various percussion
including, Claves (wood blocks), Bells and Shakers.
Drums Base, African Djembe / Hand Drums:
Participants learn to use the African hand drum called
djembe, and the rhythms that go with the samba music.
They also learn the base drum rhythms that are the
foundation of Samba.
Culmination Samba Carnival
Everyone comes together to perform the samba
carnival together using the 5 different instruments
learned i.e.. Large Base Drums, Medium Base Drums,
Small Base Drums, Djembes, Bells, Shakers and
9. Stimulate
Optional Elements to include in Day..
Costumes and Float Designs
As part of your Samba Carnival we can add on the following
additional workshops
We give all the members of your team pre-prepared materials which they
then use to make costumes to decorate and give colour to their teams. Ideas
include: Sash's, Head Bands, Leg and Arms Bands, Waist Bands These
materials are pre-cut into lengths from materials and can then be decorated
uses feathers etc. Materials can be provided in different colours for different
teams. This workshop is facilitated and assisted by professional costume
makers. Who will have your teams looking like a samba carnival in no time.
There is even the option of making simple floats out of cardboard and other
scraps. This is another fun addition to the music and costume making.
* Fun
* Teambuilding
* High Energy
* Bonding
* Inspirational
* Motivational
* Creative
De-stress Rejuvenate Unite Motivate Stimulate
11. Team Beat Samba
Carnival from Drum Jam
uses African and Latin
rhythms to create a
dynamic interactive
team event that
entertains, invigorates
and helps stimulate
team work inspired by
the spirit of the Rio
De-stress Rejuvenate Unite Motivate Stimulate
12. The Culmination
he culmination brings all
he elements of the
workshops together in the
Samba Carnival
Parade, where participants
et a chance to play the
music that they have been
aught while wearing the
ostumes of there teams /
De-stress Rejuvenate Unite Motivate Stimulate
13. Drumming is the oldest method of
communication known to man.
Team Beat uses the immense power of
the drum to create a truly
unforgettable corporate event.
De-stress Rejuvenate Unite Motivate Stimulate
17. "I wanted to thank you and the team for
creating magic with the Corus team.
It was truly uplifting and an unforgettable
experience. Very best regards to all
Helen Williams, Corus Group June 2005
De-stress Rejuvenate Unite Motivate Stimulate
18. "Our staff here still talk about our
drumming session last July and it
was judged the best training day ever!
Wendy Slack, Caudex Medical
De-stress Rejuvenate Unite Motivate Stimulate
19. We had a great time last Thursday night.
The vote was unanimous. Everyone was
buzzing after the event and it was a great
talking point the next morning at work.
Kath -The Walt Disney Company
De-stress Rejuvenate Unite Motivate Stimulate
20. Corporate Entertainment &
Teambuilding with a difference . . .
the power of the drum
De-stress Rejuvenate Unite Motivate Stimulate
21. 07985941138
De-stress Rejuvenate Unite Motivate Stimulate