This document discusses the growing problem of dementia in the UK and the opportunity for businesses in the home healthcare industry. It proposes using RFID technology to track elderly dementia patients within care homes to improve their care and safety. Key points include:
- The number of people with dementia in the UK is projected to increase dramatically, costing the country billions each year.
- This growing issue presents opportunities for new businesses in areas like home healthcare franchising.
- The project aims to locate dementia patients within care homes using RFID tags within 5 seconds of a request and reduce safety incidents and restricted area access.
- Benefits would include improved patient monitoring and care, more efficient resource use for care homes, and
2. The Average Age in the UK in 2034Business caseAge and Dementia Increase in the UK and Globally.Current figure 700K or 1 in every 88 people has dementia in UK.
8. This is a hinge incentive from a Business perspective.Growing Alzheimers Needs Lead to Opportunity for Those Looking to Start a BusinessFranchising opportunities in the home care industry.
9. The number of Americans age 65 and older with this dreaded condition will increase from 5.1 million today to 13.5 million by mid-century, reports the Alzheimers Association.
11. Indications of home care industry on the brink of rapid expansion to meet growing demands.Sources : BBC Online Tuesday, 27 February 2007,
12. Project Aims/ObjectivesImproving supervision and medical care with in a care home by tracking the elderly patients suffering from dementia using RFID technology. To improve the social quality patients currently experience whilst maintaining the high levels of careTo track Care Workers locations to improve response times to patient emergencies, improving resource deploymentLocate each patient with a per room accuracy within 5 seconds of requestingScan each patients RFID tag within a 2 meter scan radius of RFID scanner 99% of the time with antenna availabilityReducing the time taken to attend by 30% within 4/5 incidents. Reduce the number of patient safety incidents by 80%within the first year of deployment. Reduce the access of patients to restricted areas of the Care Home Facility 24/7/365 through Geo-fencing concepts. A COTS product delivery catering for 90% of the markets requirements for the services provided.
13. Project BriefSystemA central system interface to the system for Care Home Workers to interact with locating patients, Care Home Workers and other administrative features of the system Central System interface accessible over an internal closed loop intranet to provide patient profile data to authorised Care Home Workers Remote, wireless devices used by Care Home Workers to access patient medical data, through scanning RFID bracelets for drug administration HardwareRFID bracelets/tags .
17. Server Hardware and peripheral equipment Project Summary贈100,000 GBP project budget and live 6 monthsROI within 24 months through the product salesPrince 2 methodology will be used to manage Project.Development will be RAD basedDevelopment team will use SCRUM methodologyProduct Break downProject Success FactorsDevelopment and project objectives met
23. Become a market leader in services specific to Caring for patients suffering from dementia.
24. Improves brand image, through pioneering market concepts, both within public and private sectors of the medical industry through product market dominance.
25. Product that can be implemented into different environments (Larger in scale) e.g. hospitals.
26. This allows for different revenue streams to open and introduce long term managed service contracts with different revenue and cost models.
27. Organisational expansion internationally, into countries predicting an increase in the elderly e.g. US. PatientsProvides a direct Non-intrusive method of monitoring their locations
28. Prevent their social isolation and improve their medical care.Care HomesHigher revenue generated through the increased capacity of patientsIncreased efficiency in resource deployment within the Care Home whilst maintaining caring standardImprove caring levels to be further compliant with industry and national standards improving caring rating. More efficient administration for patient and employee