The document discusses the development of a faculty search mobile app using MIT App Inventor that allows users to search for professors by name or department and view their research interests and contact information. It outlines the vision, mock-up, scenario, and demonstration of the app, which was created to act as an information portal and reduce paper use. The app allows searching and viewing professor profiles but does not include email or calling functionality, keeping the features limited to only the essential functions.
2. OurVision
Mock-up as a proof of concept
App Inventor demonstration
3. Defining the problem statement
Paper sketching
Data collection
Final package.
4. Create a user-friendly faculty search app that
allows users to create project teams.
Interface that easily guides the user through
search, browse and team creation features.
App that acts as an information portal.
5. Provide Information about professors and
their research interests.
Act as a brochure but on a phone.
Saves a lot of paper..
6. Search professors by
1)First Name
2)Last name
3)The department they work
1)Information about professors area of research
2)Contact information