A teaser trailer is released long before a film to generate hype and let audiences know it is coming without revealing much about the plot. Teaser trailers use elements like sound, characters, production logos, and exciting or scary key moments to engage audiences and make them want to learn more without giving away the full story. Effective teaser trailers are strategically edited with techniques like changes in pace, music, and footage cuts to build drama and tension while revealing just enough to intrigue viewers.
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Teaser trailer power point
2. A teaser trailer for an upcoming film, television program, video game or
similar, is usually released long in advance of the product, so as to "tease" the
Movie teasers are usually made for big-budget and popularly themed
movies. Their purpose is less to tell the audience about a movie's content
than simply to let them know that the movie is coming up in the near future,
and to add to the hype of the upcoming release.
Recent examples of major motion picture events that used teaser trailers to
gain hype are the The Lord of the Rings trilogy, the Disney/Pixar film Cars, the
newer Star Wars films, and the Spider-Man films. The Da Vinci Code teaser
trailer was released even before a single frame of the movie had been shot
3. A teaser trailer is a short preview to let
the audience know that the film exists,
however an actual movie trailer is
longer at about 3 minutes long. It has a
story to communicate and gives away
some of the plot and genre. It goes into
more detail as to what the movie is
actually about and what it involves.
4. There are many different elements to consider about teaser trailers.
Often these trailers are brought out a long period of time before the
actual film trailer, this is to entice the audience and to let them
know that this film is being created.
Sound is a key feature in any teaser trailer, sound can make or break
a trailer. There are two types: diegetic sound(sound on screen) and
non-diegetic sound(sound off screen which is put over original
Background music during a teaser trailer can give it a very dramatic
effect and make it more interesting to watch and give it more of an
edge. Dialogue is also very important because from what the actors
say, we can then start to figure out what the film is about, key
moments can be shown to add dramatic tension.
Sound effects also make a teaser trailer as sounds like explosions,
earthquakes etc. can add to the dramatic effect and impact on
the audience.
5. The characters a key aspect of a teaser trailer, if we meet the characters for
the first time in a teaser trailer we automatically create a relationship with
them and start to identify with them. Producers often use celebritys in their
films as marketing tools, if we see our favourite actor in a teaser trailer for a
movie we are more likely to watch the actual film. Usually in a trailer for
example, action films- we meet a hero and a villain- this gives us the
opportunity to make up our mind on who we like and who we may dislike. It
allows us to identify with the film at a personal level before weve even seen
the full length trailer.
6. DreamWorks, Paramount Pictures, Warner Brothers etc.
We often see their logos at the start or end of a teaser trailer
so we know who in fact produced the film. We also normally
see the directors name aswell.
7. Key moments are often included in a teaser trailer, by showing the best bits
of the film they are able to entice their auidience without giving too much
away. For example, take a comedy like Zac Efrons recent film, We are your
friends, in this teaser trailer they showed a lot of really funny moments, this
was to make the audiece laugh and therefore make them want to see the
Another example is scary films such as the exorcist or paranormal activity
these films often have teaser trailers that are filled with the most jumpy, scary
moments in the film! The trailer alone scares the audience and therefore
makes them want to be scared even further by going to see the film!
8. Props are often used in teaser trailers to give a sense of what the actual film is
about, for example - a gun in an action film. This gives the audience a sense
of the genre.
9. Editing is a very important element of a teaser trailer just like a film, a teaser
trailer needs to be edited in order to run smoothly and look professional.
Things involved with editing are, colour changes, pace motions such as
whether the footage is fast or slow, non diegetic music beinf added in the
background etc.
10. Altering the pace of a scene or a teaser trailer can dramatically impact the
effect is has on the audience watching. For example, if a trailer is slow, the
music is slow paced and over all tempo is slow sometimes we can assume
that this is some sort of love story with a possible tragic ending. However, if
the pace is fast, jumping from one cut to the next, with high pitched
dramatic music we can assume that it is a horror, thrille ror action film!
When the filming is fast paced it makes us jump and we nearly cant keep
our eyes off the screen this creates excitement and dramatic tension for
the audience at home watching.