Towards a responsible sharing economySmart-Society-ProjectThis document discusses the growing sharing economy and calls for it to become more responsible. It notes that the sharing economy has grown exponentially in recent years and is no longer a niche concept. Some questions are raised about whether these new peer-to-peer platforms should simply promote more efficient capitalism or aim for something more socially beneficial. Examples of platforms that crowdfund for public goods are provided, and the document ends by calling for further discussion on how to guide the sharing economy towards the common good.
NGO Cloud Day - Office 365를 중심으로한 다양한 내부 커뮤니케이션 툴 활용하기 Kyoungsoo Jeon2015.8.10 서울시청에서 열린 NGO Cloud Day 발표 교안을 공유합니다.
Office 365에 포함된 다양한 협업 도구를 어떤 관점에서 바라보고 활용할지에 대한 내용을 담고 있습니다.
Towards a responsible sharing economySmart-Society-ProjectThis document discusses the growing sharing economy and calls for it to become more responsible. It notes that the sharing economy has grown exponentially in recent years and is no longer a niche concept. Some questions are raised about whether these new peer-to-peer platforms should simply promote more efficient capitalism or aim for something more socially beneficial. Examples of platforms that crowdfund for public goods are provided, and the document ends by calling for further discussion on how to guide the sharing economy towards the common good.
NGO Cloud Day - Office 365를 중심으로한 다양한 내부 커뮤니케이션 툴 활용하기 Kyoungsoo Jeon2015.8.10 서울시청에서 열린 NGO Cloud Day 발표 교안을 공유합니다.
Office 365에 포함된 다양한 협업 도구를 어떤 관점에서 바라보고 활용할지에 대한 내용을 담고 있습니다.
[NEMO-UX] HCIK 2016 다중 사용자용 운영체제 FINE 플랫폼 소개와 SKT 협력 사례 발표 nemoux[HCIK 2016] 다중 사용자용 운영체제 FINE 플랫폼 소개와 SKT 협력 사례 발표
SF 영화에서나 볼 수 있었던 화려한 대형 디스플레이의 세계가 빠르게 현실로 다가오고 있습니다. 이제는 Mobile, Desktop 에서 친숙한 개인 사용자 환경을 넘어서 Tabletop, Wall-size display, Smart window 에서 활용될 다중 사용자 컴퓨팅 환경이 새롭게 주목 받게 될 것입니다. 또한 iOS, Android 에서 경험한 바와 같이 SW 플랫폼의 역할이 중요해 질 것입니다.
본 강의에서는 다중 사용자 환경의 전망 및 기존 플랫폼들과의 비교와 함께 새롭게 변화 할 UX 설계의 방향을 제시합니다. 또한 다중 사용자용 운영체제인 FINE 플랫폼을 이용한 SKT와의 협력 사례 소개 및 다가올 컴퓨팅 환경의 기술과 서비스 전망을 소개합니다.
스마트폰 전문 개발사가 바라보는 급변하는 모바일 환경mosaicnet제2회 닷넷 개발자 컨퍼런스
IT 트렌드 Track
#2 - 스마트폰 전문 개발사가 바라보는 급변하는 모바일 환경
웨어러블 디바이스 산업의 성공 가능성 진단Soomin(Simon) ShimDigieco Open Seminar 발표자료 (2014.02.26)
1. ICT 산업의 새로운 성장동력의 필요성 대두
2. 웨어러블 디바이스 산업의 성장 가능성 진단
3. 고객이 웨어러블 디바이스에 기대하는 가치 분석
4. 웨어러블 디바이스의 제품 개발 현황
5. 제품 차별화를 위한 주요 핵심 가치 제안
6. 2014 웨어러블 디바이스 산업의 메가 트랜드
Optimizing windows phone appsSeo JinhoThis document discusses optimizing Windows Phone Mango applications and the certification process. It covers topics like application policies, submission requirements, technical certification standards, additional requirements for specific app types, Mango improvements, debugging and testing tips. Key points include the ability for Mango apps to opt into 32-bit color rendering and background image decoding, as well as ways to monitor memory usage, conduct end-to-end testing, and use the Windows Phone Marketplace Test Kit.
Windows Phone 7.5 와 Windows 8 메트로 스타일 앱 개발Seo JinhoThe document discusses Windows Phone development and provides links to resources for developers. It encourages developers to continue supporting devices and contact the Windows Phone Korea Facebook page. It also includes information on Windows Phone application architecture, frameworks, and the Metro design principles.
Kinect 와 Xbox Live를 통해 알아 본 Windows Phone 7.5 게임 전략Seo JinhoThis document discusses strategies for using Kinect and Xbox Live to promote Windows Phone 7.5 games. It notes that Xbox 360 is the #1 selling gaming device and has over 35 million Xbox Live subscribers worldwide. It promotes the large installed base and growing audience for Xbox and Xbox Live, and suggests ways Windows Phone 7.5 games can integrate with and leverage these platforms, such as cross-platform multiplayer gameplay and using the Xbox Live gamertag on phones.
MS N스크린과 클라우드 전략Seo Jinho1. The document discusses Microsoft's N-Screen and cloud strategies, including its commercial and consumer cloud services.
2. It provides details on Office 365 for Windows Phone 7 and how it enables seamless use of Office across devices through cloud-based services.
3. The document also outlines Microsoft's Windows Azure platform for building and hosting applications and services in the cloud.
Metro_DesignLanguageSeo JinhoThis document discusses the design principles of Windows Phone 7, including keeping the interface light and simple with an emphasis on typography and motion. It focuses on putting content first rather than extra features, and aims to be honest in its design approach. Examples are provided showing motion in areas like launching apps, pivoting between screens, and navigating email and calendars.
차세대 모바일 엔터프라이즈 플랫폼Seo JinhoWindows Phone 7 is a next generation enterprise platform that:
1. Provides captivating and productive experiences through integrated apps and services like Outlook and Office.
2. Integrates easily into existing IT infrastructures using technologies like Exchange ActiveSync and allows for security and management capabilities.
3. Offers a powerful and consistent development platform using tools like Visual Studio and Silverlight to build apps that work across phone, web, and PC.
데브멘토 발표세미나Seo JinhoWindows Phone 7 is designed to bring together what users care about most in a different kind of phone. It features a customizable start screen with live tiles that continuously update information. It also includes integrated hubs that simplify everyday tasks and bring together apps, services, content and the web. The Windows Phone 7 platform provides developers with powerful tools, a single discoverable marketplace, and the ability to create rich applications and reach customers.
WP7 Study 발표 - WinMoDevSeo JinhoWindows Phone 7 is a new kind of phone designed around the user experience. It features live tiles that continuously update information on the start screen. It also includes integrated hubs that simplify everyday tasks by bringing together apps, services, content, and the web. The Windows Phone 7 platform supports compelling applications through tools like Visual Studio, Silverlight, and XNA. It also features integration with Xbox Live for gaming experiences and services.
경험 경제에서 바라본 MS 스마트폰 전략Seo JinhoMicrosoft's mobile strategy focuses on providing developers with frameworks and services to create integrated experiences across multiple screens (phone, PC, Xbox). The Windows Phone app model and UI framework allow rapid creation of visually stunning apps. Developers can incorporate location, push notification, authentication and other services from Microsoft and third parties. This enables experiences that span the phone and cloud.
Windows Phone UXSeo JinhoThis document discusses the importance of user experience for mobile applications on Windows Phone. It emphasizes designing applications around intuitive touch gestures and a seamless experience across different devices and screen orientations. The document provides examples of prototype mobile photo apps and best practices for application design, such as keeping interfaces simple and delivering information in small chunks optimized for mobile. It promotes developing apps for the Windows Phone Marketplace to reach global customers and earn attractive revenue sharing from sales.
4. 17개국 도시 동시 판매 - 영국, 오스트리아, 벨기에, 즈텍공화국,프랑스,독일,이태리,LATAM,멕시코,네델란드,뉴질랜드MS SIEGLER, TechCrunch“Like any good Apple fan boy, when I first heard that Microsoft would be rebooting their mobile strategy a couple years ago, I snickered…. But over the past few months, I’ve actually been pleasantly and continuously surprised by what I’ve seen of Windows Phone 7 ….”TechCrunch
5. KEVIN TOFEL“The interface is more unique than any we’ve seen since the original iPhone, with tiles and hubs instead of icons and apps. Dare I say it: The Windows Phone 7 user interface is actually a feature and one that will get consumers interested in Microsoft-powered handhelds.GigaOM
6. DARREN CROSS“Windows is a platform that cannot be ignored. This is a very fresh take.“Quoted in WSJ
7. IAN PAUL“Microsoft may be a latecomer with Phone 7, but the smartphone platform appears to be off to a strong start."PC World
8. HUNTER SKIPWORTH“Windows Phone 7 appears to be a slick and smooth user experience and one that at first glance could possibly compete with the giants of the smartphone market.Telegraph UK
35. 26XBOX Live 의 미래프리미엄 게임 전시게임 머천다이징-편집할 수 있는 머천다이징은 대부분 LIVE 게임의 특징을 가진다.Showcase 으로 선정한 게임을 하일라이트하여 마케팅 기회라이브 게임도 70/30 수익률 제공LIVE 포트폴리오에 모든 추가된 이익을 제외한 non-LIVE 개발자들의 수익과 똑같음LIVE는 게임 개발자들과 Publisher 들의 수익을 더 많이 되돌려 줄 수 있는 비즈니스 생태계를 운영한다.최고의 품질 선사 – 1000개 이상의 선별된 게임 선사비즈니스 모델 – 현금이 아닌 포인트 결제 및 유지LIVE 서비스마이크로소프트는 서비스 개발,게임개발사는 게임 개발 중점!!크로스-플랫폼 서비스(PC, XBox360 Kinect, Windows Phone)게이머의 연속적인 경험시험,메뉴 시스템,게임순위,예견된 판매 순위
37. 윈도우폰7 앱 배포.xap.xap.xap.xap.xap.xap.xap.xapApplication and Game Submission.dll.dll.dll.dll.dll.dll.dll.dllAppPackaging &ValidationAppsubmissionMarketplaceWindows Phone 7 Deployment ServiceApplyTest CriteriaAddMetadataSign
38. 마켓플레이스 개발사 프로모션Smart multi-variable algorithmic ranking for popular and newDaily promotion drives high visibility for the best apps and gamesBrowse the catalog and discover new content
39. 윈도우폰7 마켓플레이스 특징Rapid, Discoverable, Connections스트림라인 형태 셀프 서비스 포털도구 및 정보가 한 곳에End-to-end app 관리마켓, 가격 및 퍼블리싱 제어Rapid & Reliable앱 배포의 단일 채널Zune 클라이언트, 온라인 및 장치 상에서의 앱 광고앱의 검색, 필터링 및 세계 카탈로그 스마트 디자인Discoverable타일 고정, 장치 및 온라인 링크, 직접 OS 업데이트구매 전 시험판 사용, 모바일(MO) 결제 지원높은 수준의 앱과 고객의 피드백Connections
45. 윈도우폰7 앱 개발, 지금 시작 해야 하는 이유과연 윈도우폰7은 매혹적인가? 얼마나 개발자 경험이 혁신적으로 변화 했는가? 처음 윈도우폰7 앱을 개발할 때 참고할 만한 소스 및 교육 자료가 풍부한가? XNA로 모바일 2D/3D 게임 개발을 하여 XBOX Live 와 연결 시킬 수 있는가? 윈도우폰7 앱 배포 및 마켓플레이스는 경쟁적인가?한국 마이크로소프트는 해외 진출을 위해 개발사를 어떻게 돕고 있는가? Page 33
Editor's Notes
#23: We’re redesigned the UI Guide to be more readable, more colorful and more useful.Format: Graphic | Overview Text | GuidanceLook for a printed version around RTM