This document discusses plate heat exchangers. It describes how plate heat exchangers work using thin corrugated plates to induce turbulence and transfer heat. It explains that plate heat exchangers have higher heat transfer coefficients and more compact sizes than shell-and-tube exchangers. The document also classifies plate heat exchangers as gasketed, brazed, or welded and discusses how to optimize the design of a plate heat exchanger to match the required thermal length and available pressure drop.
2. Plate heat exchangers
The heat transfer surface consists of a number of thin
corrugated plates pressed out of a high grade metal.
The pressed pattern on each plate surface induces turbulence
and minimizes stagnant areas and fouling.
All plate and frame heat exchangers are made with what may
appear to be a limited range of plate designs.
3. Performance of Plate Heat Exchanger
Superior thermal performance is the hallmark of plate heat
Compared to shell-and-tube units, plate heat exchangers offer
overall heat transfer coefficients 3 to 4 times higher.
These values, typically 4000 to 7000 W/m2 属C (clean), result in
very compact equipment.
4. This high performance also allows the specification of very
small approach temperature (as low as 2 to 3属C) which is
sometimes useful in geothermal applications.
This high thermal performance does come at the expense of a
somewhat higher pressure drop.
Selection of a plate heat exchanger is a trade-off between U-
value (which influences surface area and hence, capital cost)
and pressure drop (which influences pump head and hence,
operating cost).
Increasing U-value comes at the expense of increasing
pressure drop.
7. The Characteristic Parameter
Thermal length is a dimensionless number that allows the
design engineer to relate the performance characteristics of a
channel geometry to those of a duty requirement.
Thermal length () is the relationship between temperature
difference T on one fluid side and LMTD.
The thermal length of a channel describes the ability of the
channel to affect a temperature change based on the log mean
temperature difference (LMTD).
TT outin
8. The thermal length of a channel is a function of the channel
hydraulic diameter, plate length, and the angle of the
corrugations, along with the physical properties of the
process fluids and available pressure drop.
To properly design a PHE, the thermal length required by
the duty must be matched with that achievable by the
selected channel geometry.
9. A Plate HX is said to be Optimally Sized, if the thermal length
required by the duty can match the characteristic of the channel,
by utilizing all the available pressure drop with no over-
dimensioning, for any chosen channel geometry.
Central Idea
10. Controlled Designs
Thermally Controlled Designs:
If the design exceeds the allowable pressure drop for a
given thermal duty.
More plates be added and pressure drop is reduced by
lowering the velocity.
Such a design is termed thermally controlled.
Hydraulically Controlled Designs:
If the design pressure drop is lower than the allowable
pressure drop.
This results in a greater temperature change across the
plate than required, or over-dimensioning.
Few plates be removed and pressure drop is increased by
increasing the velocity.
Such a design is termed pressure drop controlled.
11. An Economic Design
To have the most economical and efficient exchanger it is
critical to choose, for each fluid, a channel geometry that
matches the thermal length requirement of each fluid.
Since thermal length achievable by a channel depends on the
physical properties of the fluid, correction factors must be
considered when the fluids physical properties differ from
those for standard fluid (water
12. Design & Analysis of Plate HXs
Unlike tubular heat exchangers for which design data and
methods are easily available, a plate heat exchanger design
continues to be proprietary in nature.
Manufacturers have developed their own computerized design
procedures applicable to the exchangers marketed by them.
Information which was published usually related to only one plate
model or was of a generalized nature.
13. Plates
Distribution area
Inlet / outlet Media 1
Heat transfer area
Distribution area
Inlet / outlet Media 1
Inlet / outlet Media 2
Inlet / outlet Media 2
Fully supported gasket groove
15. Plate geometry
Chevron Angle: This important factor,
usually termed b, is shown in Figure,
the usual range of b being 30属-60属
Effective Plate Length : The
corrugations increase the flat or
projected plate area, the extent
depending on the corrugation pitch and
To express the increase of the developed
length, in relation to the projected
length, an enlargement factor f is used.
The enlargement factor varies between
1.1 and 1.25, with 1.17 being a typical
16. The value of f is also expressed as the ratio of the actual
effective area as specified by the manufacturer, A1, to the
projected plate area : A1p
17. Lp and Lw can be estimated from the port distance Lv and Lh and port
diameter Dp as:
18. Prepared By:
Mukesh Pratap Singh (NDS- DVC)
Mr. Basant Choudhary:
Mr. Mukesh Pratap Singh: