This document provides tips for technical presentations. It emphasizes the importance of body language, vocal variety, and well-prepared content and demos. The key points are:
- Body language is important to connect with the audience and show confidence. Good tips include making eye contact, smiling, avoiding distracting mannerisms, and standing in the "hotspot".
- Using vocal variety, silence, speaking conversationally, and repetition helps engage the audience. Reading slides should be avoided.
- Technical content should be targeted to the audience and demos should be well-practiced following guidelines like anticipating questions and issues. Backups are important in case of demo failures.
4. WhyMost of your message is done through your bodyShow ConfidenceAlign with your speechConnect with your audienceImportance of Body Language
5. Good Body Language TipsStart with eye contactSmile! (with a good posture)Avoid distracting mannerisms Playing with any objectWalking too fastStay true to your personalityStand in the hotspot
7. No Vocal VarietyWith Vocal VarietyGood evening, ladies and gentlemen.Thank you for inviting me to share my topic with you.I look forward to our time together. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.Thank you for inviting me to share my topic with you.I look forward to our time together. See the difference
8. Good Voice TipsUse Silence to grab attentionSpeak like you are talking to a friendRepetition to highlight importance
22. Preparing Your Tech DemoFollow Guy Kawasaki (10-20-30 Rule)Avoid too many jargons and wordingsDont read from the slidesUse pictures as much as possibleSurvey the area to do the speechPractice, Practice and Practice