How to write a technical process description; how to describe a process; what information to include; how to incorporate visuals into your description.
14. title
How Wind Turbines Provide Electrical Energy
1. Introduction
A turbine is a machine that spins around in a moving fluid (liquid or gas) and catches some of the energy passing by.
A wind turbine is a turbine that converts kinetic energy from the wind into electrical energy that can be used to
power homes and businesses. This description is intended to describe to a non-technical audience the basic process
of how wind turbines convert the wind into electricity.
To operate, a wind turbine needs rotors (blades), a gearbox, a generator and a tower. It also needs adequate wind.
Wind Power Density (WPD) is derived from a combination of wind speed, wind sustainability, turbulence, height
above the ground and a number of other factors. Depending on their size, turbines need wind speeds of between 12
20. De鍖niton
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