Water Exercise is Wise! Why? Low impact, effiicient (360 degrees of resistance in the water plus your own body weight customized by your body fat index) and great for the heart (your heart rate is lower in the water due to hydrostatic pressure).
El documento habla sobre las funciones de los medios y materiales educativos. Estos son imprescindibles en el proceso de enseñanza ya que mantienen el clima motivacional, sirven como canales de transmisión de información y herramientas mentales. Además, fomentan la comunicación entre el docente y los alumnos, estimulan las capacidades mentales y promueven aptitudes positivas para lograr un mejor aprendizaje.
Discussion of important requirements of successful rainwater harvesting systems. Includes examples of "lessons learned" from numerous interesting and innovative rainwater systems installed in Florida over 5 years.
This document summarizes a live seminar on the role of humanitarian actors in Sudan. The seminar will examine challenges and opportunities for humanitarian aid groups in Sudan on the eve of a southern Sudan referendum and concerns about renewed violence. Panelists from organizations like MSF, Oxfam, and the Enough Project will discuss maintaining humanitarian principles in Sudan, the line between aid and development, and how interactions with other groups affect aid delivery. The panelists will provide perspectives on their work and challenges in Sudan.
El documento describe la observación de diferentes profesores en sus aulas. Se analizó cómo organizaban su tiempo y a los estudiantes, asà como las estrategias que usaban. Algunos profesores dejaban que los estudiantes hicieran ejercicios mientras ponÃan atención y tomaban apuntes, manteniendo buen control del grupo, mientras que otros platicaban o no tenÃan control sobre los estudiantes.
The document defines the Latin word "va.co" which means "to free yourself from work or a master." It then summarizes that Vaco Technology helps companies free themselves from the technological challenges of running a business by providing IT staffing solutions and resources. Vaco aims to match experienced IT professionals to clients' unique business needs so they can focus on their core operations.
This document provides guidelines for using Facebook's Like button and Open Graph to promote web content in 2021. It discusses how the Like button allows content to be shared on Facebook and indexed by the Open Graph. It recommends optimizing content by adding Open Graph meta tags and validating tags using Facebook's debugger tool. The document also discusses how sites like The Huffington Post effectively implement the Like button. It notes that the Like button has become essential for promoting content and driving traffic.
The document provides instructions for creating simple graphs and tables in 4 steps: 1) Choose a simple title and 2D graph, 2) Delete unnecessary elements, 3) Enlarge the graph to fill most of the slide, 4) Customize colors and add labels.
Nu hvor NServiceBus er blevet til et kapitalistisk projekt, og det dermed er blevet forbundet med økonomiske overvejelser og andet besvær at benytte det, så er der plads til en ny open source hippie-bus i din enterprise: Rebus.
Rebus startede som et personligt research-projekt, hvor jeg forsøgte at få overblik over hvad det egentlig er man betaler for med NServiceBus. Siden er Rebus blevet lidt mere seriøs, og den binder nu produktionssystemer sammen adskillige steder i verden.
Rebus' filosofi er at den skal være simpel – simpel at komme i gang med, og simpel at bruge. Og så skal den have de sødeste og mest hjælpsomme fejlbeskeder.
Denne præsentation vil snakke lidt om distribuerede systemer og messaging, og så vil vi kigge på filosofien bag Rebus samt eksempler på hvordan man kommer i gang.
Albrecht Dürer created a magic square in 1514 where the sum of each row, column, diagonal, and corner is always 34, no matter how the fields within the square are moved. Dürer was proud of this creation because the positions of the letters in his and his first name's initials (D being the 4th letter and A being the 1st) correspond to the magic number 34.
Water Exercise is Wise! Why? Low impact, effiicient (360 degrees of resistance in the water plus your own body weight customized by your body fat index) and great for the heart (your heart rate is lower in the water due to hydrostatic pressure).
El documento habla sobre las funciones de los medios y materiales educativos. Estos son imprescindibles en el proceso de enseñanza ya que mantienen el clima motivacional, sirven como canales de transmisión de información y herramientas mentales. Además, fomentan la comunicación entre el docente y los alumnos, estimulan las capacidades mentales y promueven aptitudes positivas para lograr un mejor aprendizaje.
Discussion of important requirements of successful rainwater harvesting systems. Includes examples of "lessons learned" from numerous interesting and innovative rainwater systems installed in Florida over 5 years.
This document summarizes a live seminar on the role of humanitarian actors in Sudan. The seminar will examine challenges and opportunities for humanitarian aid groups in Sudan on the eve of a southern Sudan referendum and concerns about renewed violence. Panelists from organizations like MSF, Oxfam, and the Enough Project will discuss maintaining humanitarian principles in Sudan, the line between aid and development, and how interactions with other groups affect aid delivery. The panelists will provide perspectives on their work and challenges in Sudan.
El documento describe la observación de diferentes profesores en sus aulas. Se analizó cómo organizaban su tiempo y a los estudiantes, asà como las estrategias que usaban. Algunos profesores dejaban que los estudiantes hicieran ejercicios mientras ponÃan atención y tomaban apuntes, manteniendo buen control del grupo, mientras que otros platicaban o no tenÃan control sobre los estudiantes.
The document defines the Latin word "va.co" which means "to free yourself from work or a master." It then summarizes that Vaco Technology helps companies free themselves from the technological challenges of running a business by providing IT staffing solutions and resources. Vaco aims to match experienced IT professionals to clients' unique business needs so they can focus on their core operations.
This document provides guidelines for using Facebook's Like button and Open Graph to promote web content in 2021. It discusses how the Like button allows content to be shared on Facebook and indexed by the Open Graph. It recommends optimizing content by adding Open Graph meta tags and validating tags using Facebook's debugger tool. The document also discusses how sites like The Huffington Post effectively implement the Like button. It notes that the Like button has become essential for promoting content and driving traffic.
The document provides instructions for creating simple graphs and tables in 4 steps: 1) Choose a simple title and 2D graph, 2) Delete unnecessary elements, 3) Enlarge the graph to fill most of the slide, 4) Customize colors and add labels.
Nu hvor NServiceBus er blevet til et kapitalistisk projekt, og det dermed er blevet forbundet med økonomiske overvejelser og andet besvær at benytte det, så er der plads til en ny open source hippie-bus i din enterprise: Rebus.
Rebus startede som et personligt research-projekt, hvor jeg forsøgte at få overblik over hvad det egentlig er man betaler for med NServiceBus. Siden er Rebus blevet lidt mere seriøs, og den binder nu produktionssystemer sammen adskillige steder i verden.
Rebus' filosofi er at den skal være simpel – simpel at komme i gang med, og simpel at bruge. Og så skal den have de sødeste og mest hjælpsomme fejlbeskeder.
Denne præsentation vil snakke lidt om distribuerede systemer og messaging, og så vil vi kigge på filosofien bag Rebus samt eksempler på hvordan man kommer i gang.
Albrecht Dürer created a magic square in 1514 where the sum of each row, column, diagonal, and corner is always 34, no matter how the fields within the square are moved. Dürer was proud of this creation because the positions of the letters in his and his first name's initials (D being the 4th letter and A being the 1st) correspond to the magic number 34.
A farmer owed a large debt to an ugly old man that would result in debtor's prison if not repaid. With a bad harvest, the farmer could not pay. The old man proposed marrying his beautiful daughter to cancel the debt. She was given a bag with two pebbles, one black and one white. If she picked black, she must marry; white cancels the debt. However, the old man secretly put two black pebbles in the bag. The clever daughter pretended to drop her pebble in the road, then removed the other pebble to reveal the old man's deception and find a solution without marrying him or imprisoning her father.
The document contains rare photos from the Third Reich preserved by Life magazine, including images of top Nazi leaders such as Heinrich Himmler, Hermann Goering, and Arthur Seyss-Inquart. There are also photos of Nazi propaganda posters promoting anti-partisan violence and German military victories. Additional images show celebrations for Hitler's 50th birthday and the burned remains of Berlin after Allied bombing in 1945, including the destroyed Gestapo headquarters.
The document discusses the severe pollution of the Citarum river in Indonesia, describing it as the dirtiest river in the world. It questions how many fish will die and how people can live on Earth while treating it so poorly, contaminating the ocean and putting more lives at risk tomorrow. It suggests international pressure could help address the issue.
The document provides reasons for golf's growing popularity compared to other sports such as football and baseball. It notes that golf is seen as a more honorable sport where players are not in legal trouble, do not argue with referees, and are paid based on performance. It also points out that golf tournaments provide a nicer spectator experience where food and drinks are cheaper and cursing is less common. The document concludes with a humorous explanation for the traditional 18 holes in a round of golf.
The professor used a parable about guests choosing cups for hot chocolate to illustrate that people focus too much on superficial things like jobs and social status rather than what really matters in life. He explained that the cup does not change the quality of life, which is represented by the hot chocolate. People should make the best of what they have and not envy others for nicer cups. The happiest people appreciate what they have rather than wanting more.
A logging truck driver attempted to secure logs on his truck but accidentally hooked a 7.2 kilovolt power line instead, causing the truck's tires to quickly burn up. The driver was lucky to escape without injury as touching the energized line could have easily electrocuted him. The summary emphasizes the need to identify hazards like power lines at worksites to avoid dangerous incidents.
The narrator asked a genie in a lamp for various things like food, water, money, a house, transportation, flowers, and a laughing monkey out of boredom. The genie fulfilled each request, granting delicious meals, clear water, immense fortune, a castle home, a large car, a splendid garden, and an email address by mistake instead of a monkey. The narrator felt embarrassed for overburdening the genie with requests.
Saint Petersburg was established in 1703 as the capital of the Russian Empire and remained so until 1918 after the Russian Revolution. It has undergone several name changes throughout history. The Hermitage Museum located in Saint Petersburg is one of the largest art museums in the world, originally the Winter Palace of the Russian tsars. Saint Petersburg is known for its architecture, canals, and cultural history as the former capital of Imperial Russia.