This document discusses justifying the appropriate level of administrative oversight for an organization's IT functions. It provides examples of typical administrative costs from other domains like mutual funds, sports agencies, and orchestras. These examples show administrative costs usually range from 1.3-15% of the budget. The document advocates that IT administrative oversight costs should be 7-10% of the IT budget based on analogies to other operational costs. It argues strong administrative oversight can help eliminate hard to quantify costs that arise from issues being unmanaged, like unnecessary license fees, storage cost overruns, and project benefit overclaims.
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Technology Business Operations It Administrative Oversight
1. Technology Business Operations
Justifying the right level of IT administrative oversight for your organization
IT Financial Management for
Controllers and CFOs Conference
The World of IT Financial Management息 2009
April 1, 2009
Diane Carco
Chris Herman
IT Optimization Practice
Swingtide, Inc.
TBO and Setting the Right Level of IT Finance Controls: ITFMA 04-01-2009
2. Who is Swingtide?
Consultants specializing in Technology Business Operations
IT Business Center of Excellence
IT Cost Reduction
Outsourcing and Insourcing Advisory
Acquisition and Divestiture Support
Focus on CIO Business issues
Proven methodologies applied by the people who developed them
Accomplished cross-functional team of finance, technical and
li h d f ti lt f fi t hi l d
contract/sourcing experts
TBO and Setting the Right Level of IT Finance Controls: ITFMA 04-01-2009
3. What you will take away from this presentation
An understanding of:
References for the general cost of administrative oversight
Setting the right level for administrative oversight of IT:
Using analogies to establish an appropriate cost
Building a rationale from the cost of not managing
A definition of robust IT administrative oversight: Technology
f f
Business Operations (TBO)
A benchmark su ey app oac for estab s g t e right level in
be c a survey approach o establishing the g t e e
your organization
TBO and Setting the Right Level of IT Finance Controls: ITFMA 04-01-2009
TBO and Setting the Right Level of IT Finance Controls: ITFMA 04-01-2009
5. The Cost of Administrative Oversight:
What can we learn
1 3 1 5%
1.3 1.5%:
from these examples?
Mutual Fund
as % of funds
10% G&A expense 18.5-19.5%:
18 5 19 5% Cost of Search Fees
as % of revenue: fund raising as a % of
Large Company funds raised
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%
9.5-10.5%: Salary of
Orchestra Conductor as % of
.03%: 10-15%: 25%: G&A
Orchestra revenue
Audit General expense as % of
function Contractor revenue: Small
3-4%: The amount of the
expense as % of total Company
annual deal value that Gartner
as % of job
says should dedicated to
managing an outsou c g
a ag g a outsourcing
TBO and Setting the Right Level of IT Finance Controls: ITFMA 04-01-2009
6. Observations
When administrative oversight functions are
performed well, they are
f d ll th
When not performed well problems surface as specific
Symptoms tend to attract solutions that only address
TBO and Setting the Right Level of IT Finance Controls: ITFMA 04-01-2009
7. Observations
Administrative oversight is required:
World experience in many domains shows its irresponsible not
to have administrative oversight
It is necessary because it optimally enables underlying
services being delivered
It allows development of a systemic root cause approach for
the proliferation of symptoms
It i th only function situated to see the forest (or f
is the l f ti it t d t th f t ( forests)
TBO and Setting the Right Level of IT Finance Controls: ITFMA 04-01-2009
8. Using Analogies to Establish the Right Level
Analogy 1: The cost of governance is to the annual cost of an
outsourcing deal as the cost of IT Administrative Oversight is to the
cost of IT Service Delivery (3 - 4%)
Analogy 2: G&A Expense is to Corporate Revenue as IT Administrative
Oversight Expense is to IT Budget (10 20%)
g p g( )
7% to 10% is the Best Answer
reasoning from analogies
Increase since much Decrease since
administrative oversight corporate revenue
is included in the scope
p includes a profit
of the transaction component
TBO and Setting the Right Level of IT Finance Controls: ITFMA 04-01-2009
9. The Cost of Not Managing
What you hear
when you dont have the right
administrative oversight
CFO #1 (w/Internal IT service delivery): I
don t
dont understand my IT costs; I think we
should outsource.
CFO #2 (w/Outsourcing in place): Why am I
not getting the savings I expected from this
outsourcing agreement?; Im bringing the
service back in-house.
Youre told of the divestiture of a Business
Unit and the BU wants to strip away all their
Oracle licenses. You have no idea what
licenses might be owned by the BU
Your email storage costs grow without limits;
youre always throwing money at it
TBO and Setting the Right Level of IT Finance Controls: ITFMA 04-01-2009
10. The cost of not managing well
What do you experience without it?
Lease payments beyond the end-of-term on nonexistent or obsolete
20% year on year storage cost increases
Repetitive and frequent mainframe upgrades
Aggregate project benefits exceeding your total budget(i.e.,
overlapping benefit claims that strain credibility)
ARC charges under an outsourcing agreement:
Assessed based on contested levels of consumption
Exceeding total planned cost for the deal
Penalties from software license audits (or, even if no penalties are
assessed, then unbudgeted capital/expense to pay for undocumented
licenses in use)
TBO and Setting the Right Level of IT Finance Controls: ITFMA 04-01-2009
11. The cost of not managing well
What do you experience without it?
Paying 5X of the revenue generated for a hosted app
Your company does layoffs while there are major unexplored
efficiencies to find in IT hardware maintenance and
Rejected tax deductions for work done in other countries
Pending audit points
Business demand is more variable than IT cost structure
S i ( t th d ki d)
Surprises (not the good kind)
Constant firefighting
Without the right administrative oversight,
companies experience up to 20-30% excess cost
TBO and Setting the Right Level of IT Finance Controls: ITFMA 04-01-2009
12. How much would you pay for a function that
eliminates these exposures?
Cost of running
TBO Function
TBO and Setting the Right Level of IT Finance Controls: ITFMA 04-01-2009
13. What do we mean by IT Administrative Oversight?
Technology B i
Business O
Operations (TBO)
ti (TBO):
( pp ) (Infrastructure)
( )
Asset Management
Cost Management
C t
Customer R l ti hi
Process Improvement
P j t Portfolio Management
Project P tf li M t
Technology Sourcing
Thi d Party Management
Third P t M t
Work Intake
TBO and Setting the Right Level of IT Finance Controls: ITFMA 04-01-2009
14. TBO Definition:
WHAT: A cross-functional IT business office that
optimally enables the efficient delivery of the
core IT function (applications and infrastructure)
WHO: A unified team staffed with subject matter
experts in IT Finance, Sourcing, and Technology
RESULTS IN: The best alignment with internal
customer business goals matching spend to
TBO and Setting the Right Level of IT Finance Controls: ITFMA 04-01-2009
15. Why is TBO Important Now?
IT Management has evolved from high-growth
phase to maturity phase
Most IT projects no longer have enormous ROIs.
pj g
This, in addition to the difficult economy, require
more precision in management and oversight
Focus is shifting to the overall business of IT
Shift from cost center to profit alignment
Complexity of task requires new combination of
TBO and Setting the Right Level of IT Finance Controls: ITFMA 04-01-2009
16. Why is TBO Important Now?
ys O po ta t o
A recent survey indicates that nearly half of
corporate CFOs believe that the alignment of
business and IT to be weak or nonexistent
IT/Finance convergence now seen as necessary
for companies to maintain competitive advantage
(David Wessels, Wharton School)
Organizational trends indicate an increasing
likelihood that CIO is a straight-line report to CFO
With the increasing visibility of the IT finance
function, CIOs and others will be seeking help to
improve TBO effectiveness
The assimilation of the IT function: Seven or
eight years from now, one of two things will
happen: youll either see CIOs become more
business oriented, or youll see IT become such a
fabric of business that business leaders become
more tech competent.(Russell Reynolds
TBO and Setting the Right Level of IT Finance Controls: ITFMA 04-01-2009
17. Benchmark: Review of the budget numbers
of large well-run companies reveals the
following average budgetary split
TBO and Setting the Right Level of IT Finance Controls: ITFMA 04-01-2009
18. Benchmark for level of TBO spend
based on survey results
IT Expense (Applications) (Infrastructure)
RTB* 24% 48% 8%
Projects* 20%
*These numbers represent average values surveyed
*Th b t l d
TBO and Setting the Right Level of IT Finance Controls: ITFMA 04-01-2009
19. Conclusion
People accept that there is a cost associated with an administrative
oversight function. This cost reflects the value of optimally enabling
an underlying function
The most analogous examples to the management of IT are:
The % of G&A to corporate revenue (10%-20%) and;
The % of annual outsourcing deal cost committed to governance (3-4%)
With logical adjustments, these analogies suggest a rate of 7-10%
Th cost of not providing the appropriate administrative oversight
The tf t idi th i t d i i t ti i ht
could be as high as 20-30% of IT budget
On average, well run companies spend 8% of their IT expense
budget on this function
While it may be tempting for corporations to reduce staffing in TBO
areas, now more than ever companies need to continue to commit
resources to a TBO approach to managing IT. Correctly
implemented, it creates the best alignment with internal customer
p , g
business goals, matching spend to value
TBO and Setting the Right Level of IT Finance Controls: ITFMA 04-01-2009
20. Thanks!
Contact me with any questions or comments.
TBO and Setting the Right Level of IT Finance Controls: ITFMA 04-01-2009