This document summarizes a presentation given by Budi Rahardjo at Pesantren Startup 2019 in Bandung about technology-based startups. Rahardjo is a founder and lecturer focused on areas like VLSI, security, social media, IoT, AI and big data. He argues that now is the ideal time to start a tech-based startup given that we live in a tech-ready environment surrounded by technology schools, and technology companies have high market value. However, challenges include difficulties finding qualified human resources and needing to create new markets and ecosystems while educating people. Rahardjo asks if attendees are ready to start their own tech-based startups.
2. About
VLSI/Security/Social Media/IoT/AI/Big Data
Founder of PT INDO CISC (information security)
Lecturer Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Founder of ID-CERT (Indonesia Computer Emergency Response Team)
Serial technopreneurs
– Insan Infonesia (Software House)
– Insan Music (Digital Music)
– Riset Kecerdasan Buatan (Artificial Intelligence)
Info:,, @rahard
3. Why Tech-based Starups
? This time. This era!
? We live in a tech-ready environment
? Surrounded by technology-related schools
? Technology has the highest value