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	Architecture, Engineering & Construction (AEC)
	Forensics & Law Enforcement
	Oil & Gas
	Virtual Reality
	3D Scanning Service Providers
FARO Freestyle3D
Efficiency In Your Hands
Handheld Color Laser Scanner
Effortlessly capture almost any surface type in a
wide range of environments by simply pointing
the FARO Freestyle3D
to the surface of the object
Intuitive Plug and Play System
The Freestyle3D
provides high-productivity in the
field with no warm-up time
Real-Time Point Cloud Visualization
Point cloud viewing during scanning provides
assurance of accurate data acquistion
Lightweight Industrial-Grade Device
Durable carbon fiber design equips the user with
a versatile and ergonomic tool for performing
accurate scanning in confined spaces
3D Documentation Solution
The user can seamlessly combine results from
the Focus3D
and the Freestyle3D
One-Stop Handheld Laser Scanning
The FARO Freestyle3D
is a top-quality, high-precision, handheld scanner. It quickly and reliably
documents rooms, structures and objects in 3D and creates high-definition point clouds. With
unbeatable precision it is suitable for all uses in which installations or properties must be quickly
measured from various perspectives. The applications of the FARO Freestyle3D
include construction,
industrial production, and forensics. Thanks to its lightweight carbon fiber body, the handheld scanner
is highly mobile. A tablet PC is included with the Freestyle3D
and supports intuitive data acquisition.
Industries and Applications
	Ability to measure and scan in tight and hard-
to-reach areas
	Scan around corners where there is limited
	Memory-scan technology allows users to pause
and resume scanning at any time
	Flexibility to work with or without artificial
	Seamless integration with Focus3D
scanner data
	Precision handheld scanning - accuracy to
1.5mm / 0.059 in
	Easy-to-use scanning software
	Worldwide service and support from local
FARO facilities
For more information, call 800.736.0234
or visit www.faro.com/freestyle
息 2015 FARO | FARO and the FARO Logo are registered trademarks of FARO Technologies Inc. SFDC_04MKT_0380 Created: 1/05/2015
Performance Specifications
Measured on a 1m reference scale, in 1m distance, for a
lateral scanner movement of 1m, using targets for distance
Measured in 0.5m-3m / 1.6-9.8 ft distance
Point density depends on scanned surface and lighting
conditions 4
Limited range and point density in sunlight
Recommended System Requirements for Tablet
The Freestyle3D
is shipped with a Microsoft SurfaceTM
	 Microsoft Windows 8.1 pro, 64-Bit
	 4th generation Intel速
Core i5
	 256GB hard disc with 8GB RAM
Surface Pro 2 or 3 is a recommended device
FARO Freestyle3D
Range 0.5 - 3m / 1.6 - 9.8 ft
Resolution at 0.5m / 1.6 ft Lateral: 0.2 - 1mm /
0.008 - 0.039 in
Depth: 0.2mm / 0.008 in
3D point accuracy/whole
scan accuracy1
<1.5mm / 0.059 in
Typical lateral accuracy2
<1mm / 0.039 in
Single image point
Up to 45,000 points/m族 at
0.5m distance
Up to 10,500 points/m族 at 1m
Recorded 3D points3
Up to 88,000 points/sec;
point cloud density increases
with time
Typical Noise (rms) 0.7mm at 0.5m distance
0.75mm at 1m distance
2.5mm at 2m distance
5mm at 3m distance
Eye safety Class 1 laser
Lighting conditions4
Up to 10,000 Lux
Light source Built-in LED flash
Typical field of view (HxW) 450mm x 530mm at 0.5m
930mm x 1,100mm at 1m
1,800mm x 2,000mm at 2m
2,600mm x 2,900mm at 3m
Typical angular field of
view (HxW)
45属x56属 at 0.5m / 0.020 in
45属x59属 at 1m / 0.039 in
49属x54属 at 2m / 0.079 in
49属x52属at 3m / 0.118 in
Exposure time油 0.02ms - 10ms
(auto exposure)
Texture color 24-Bit
Dimensions 260 x 310 x 105mm /
10.24 x 12.20 x 4.13 in
Connectivity USB 3.0
Weight 0.98Kg / 2.2 lb
Power supply 5W, USB3.0-powered
Calibration Optional in-field user
calibration with supplied
calibration plate
Operating temperature range 0 - 40属C / 32 - 104属F
Operating humidity range Non-condensing

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  • 1. Architecture, Engineering & Construction (AEC) Forensics & Law Enforcement Oil & Gas Virtual Reality Maritime 3D Scanning Service Providers FARO Freestyle3D Scanner Efficiency In Your Hands Handheld Color Laser Scanner Effortlessly capture almost any surface type in a wide range of environments by simply pointing the FARO Freestyle3D to the surface of the object Intuitive Plug and Play System The Freestyle3D provides high-productivity in the field with no warm-up time Real-Time Point Cloud Visualization Point cloud viewing during scanning provides assurance of accurate data acquistion Lightweight Industrial-Grade Device Durable carbon fiber design equips the user with a versatile and ergonomic tool for performing accurate scanning in confined spaces 3D Documentation Solution The user can seamlessly combine results from the Focus3D and the Freestyle3D One-Stop Handheld Laser Scanning The FARO Freestyle3D is a top-quality, high-precision, handheld scanner. It quickly and reliably documents rooms, structures and objects in 3D and creates high-definition point clouds. With unbeatable precision it is suitable for all uses in which installations or properties must be quickly measured from various perspectives. The applications of the FARO Freestyle3D include construction, industrial production, and forensics. Thanks to its lightweight carbon fiber body, the handheld scanner is highly mobile. A tablet PC is included with the Freestyle3D and supports intuitive data acquisition. Industries and Applications Features Benefits Ability to measure and scan in tight and hard- to-reach areas Scan around corners where there is limited visibility Memory-scan technology allows users to pause and resume scanning at any time Flexibility to work with or without artificial targets Seamless integration with Focus3D laser scanner data Precision handheld scanning - accuracy to 1.5mm / 0.059 in Easy-to-use scanning software Worldwide service and support from local FARO facilities
  • 2. www.faro.com For more information, call 800.736.0234 or visit www.faro.com/freestyle 息 2015 FARO | FARO and the FARO Logo are registered trademarks of FARO Technologies Inc. SFDC_04MKT_0380 Created: 1/05/2015 Performance Specifications 1 Measured on a 1m reference scale, in 1m distance, for a lateral scanner movement of 1m, using targets for distance measurement 2 Measured in 0.5m-3m / 1.6-9.8 ft distance 3 Point density depends on scanned surface and lighting conditions 4 Limited range and point density in sunlight Recommended System Requirements for Tablet The Freestyle3D is shipped with a Microsoft SurfaceTM tablet: Microsoft Windows 8.1 pro, 64-Bit 4th generation Intel速 Core i5 256GB hard disc with 8GB RAM MicroSDXC Microsoft速 Surface Pro 2 or 3 is a recommended device FARO Freestyle3D Scanner Range 0.5 - 3m / 1.6 - 9.8 ft Resolution at 0.5m / 1.6 ft Lateral: 0.2 - 1mm / 0.008 - 0.039 in Depth: 0.2mm / 0.008 in 3D point accuracy/whole scan accuracy1 <1.5mm / 0.059 in Typical lateral accuracy2 <1mm / 0.039 in Single image point density Up to 45,000 points/m族 at 0.5m distance Up to 10,500 points/m族 at 1m distance Recorded 3D points3 Up to 88,000 points/sec; point cloud density increases with time Typical Noise (rms) 0.7mm at 0.5m distance 0.75mm at 1m distance 2.5mm at 2m distance 5mm at 3m distance Eye safety Class 1 laser Lighting conditions4 Up to 10,000 Lux Light source Built-in LED flash Typical field of view (HxW) 450mm x 530mm at 0.5m 930mm x 1,100mm at 1m 1,800mm x 2,000mm at 2m 2,600mm x 2,900mm at 3m Typical angular field of view (HxW) 45属x56属 at 0.5m / 0.020 in 45属x59属 at 1m / 0.039 in 49属x54属 at 2m / 0.079 in 49属x52属at 3m / 0.118 in Exposure time油 0.02ms - 10ms (auto exposure) Texture color 24-Bit Dimensions 260 x 310 x 105mm / 10.24 x 12.20 x 4.13 in Connectivity USB 3.0 Weight 0.98Kg / 2.2 lb Power supply 5W, USB3.0-powered Calibration Optional in-field user calibration with supplied calibration plate Operating temperature range 0 - 40属C / 32 - 104属F Operating humidity range Non-condensing