Commvault uses Purchase Intent Data to propel their digital marketing transformation.
Overview: With a strong team approach, TechTarget worked closely with Commvault to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy for near-term results and more strategic ROI.
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TechTarget Customer Success: Commvault
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Case Study
How Commvault Is Driving ROI
with Data-driven Marketing
The challenge The results
The solution
Improve sales and marketing
Increase sales productivity
and improve follow-up
Using in-depth analysis of demand
behaviors across hyper-targeted
websites, TechTarget helped
Commvault understand their buyers
pain points while arming sales with
better leads and the insights to drive
meaningful conversations.
TechTarget really used
the data to understand
the customers wants
and needs and get the
right content in front of
Dawn Colossi
Senior Director, WW Digital Marketing
industry average CTRs
on branded content units
content re-engagement rates