This document discusses tools for technology integration, teaching, and writing. It provides information on instructional design principles and emerging technologies to enhance student engagement and learning. Specific tools mentioned include SafeAssign for detecting plagiarism, Group tools in Blackboard for collaboration, and feedback tools like Blackboard Inline Grading, Kaizena for audio feedback, and Adobe Acrobat Pro. Resources and documentation are provided for SafeAssign and questions from attendees are answered by instructional designers.
2. IDD
Instructional Design and Development
Develop and promote sound instructional design
principles and practices for classroom and online
Effective technology integration
Explore and pilot emerging technologies
Best practices for enhancing student engagement
and learning.
4. Safe Assign
Safe Assign is a text matching
algorithm detecting matching
between a paper and source
Internet: Comprehensive index of
documents available for public
access on the internet.
ProQuest ABI/Inform database:
More than 1,100 publication titles
and about 2.6 million articles from
1990 to present time, updated
weekly (exclusive access).
Institutional document archives:
Contains all papers submitted to
SafeAssign by users in their
respective institutions.
8. Group Work
Challenges for group work?
Tools are available in Blackboard for group
Effective use of the tools
9. Feedback
Blackboard Inline Grading
Integrated in the Bb Grade Center
Fewer markup tools, but allows audio feedback
Adobe Acrobat Pro
Full markup & audio, but requires software
#5: Matches text exact and inexact - against content on the world wide web. If selected, papers can be added to A UNH data base. Our papers are not added to a global database. Everything is done through the Assignment Tool in Blackboard.
#6: While it is often referred to as a anti-plagiarism tool, it is better used as a tool to help your students learn to cite properly. You have the option to allow students to see the reports. Many faculty, as a best practice, have students submit early drafts where they can see the reports then a final paper where they do not see the report.
#7: Use the matching score as a General Guide. Look at the whole report before deciding if plagiarism is involved. Safe Assign Does Not understand CONTEXT. Pay special attention to how the source material is cited. You can have a very high match and not have plagiarism. Best practice is do do a lesson on use of Citations before assigning papers. Resources at the Writing Center are available to help your students.
#9: Challenges: schedule the time, share project files and documents, communicate with your team, etc,.