Cameron Russell gave a TED Talk about her experience as a model and how looks are not everything. She explained that models can be insecure. During her talk, she changed outfits to show how appearance can change. She advised young girls interested in modeling that it's not just about photos and there are other career options. While she seemed nervous speaking, she was able to keep the audience's attention through her honest message.
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Ted talk cameron russell looks aren't everything believe me i'm a model
2. Cameron Russell has been modeling for over
ten years, and while most women envy
supermodels; Cameron makes it clear that
herself and other models might be the most
insecure women on earth.When listening to
every word she says it all comes together and
makes so much sense for young girls who aspire
to be models one day as I once did.
Cameron came onto the TED Stage in a
little black dress. She spoke about the image
the dress gave off the audience, and drew the
crowd in even more when she completely
changed her appearance by changing into a
long skirt, sweater, and flat shoes.We all knew
she had something to saw then...
3. Cameron gave really good advice to
young girls who say they want to
model when they are older. Its not
all about the photographs, and I
think thats an important point to
make. Theres so many other great
things you can do in life, and she
even gives them a list!
4. During Camerons talk, I think she made a lot a
great points. She did seem nervous
throughout the Ted talk though. She
sometimes would begin to speak a little too
fast or laugh to maybe keep calm. I am not so
great with public speaking myself, so I know
these things.
5. Overall Cameron did a great job, she was able to
capture and keep the audiences attention.With
her words alone, she didnt allow her looks to
overshadow anything she had to say, and I think
that was a very important key for success.
I am a very shy speaker, while watching Cameron I
learned its okay to laugh even when somethings not
funny to everyone else in the room. This Ted Talk
showed me that you can capture a large crowds
attention by just being yourself and being honest.
6. Advice
Be yourself
Be open and honest
Make the crowd want more
Be genuine
And make them laugh, everyone loves to laugh
7. Advice
Be yourself
Be open and honest
Make the crowd want more
Be genuine
And make them laugh, everyone loves to laugh