TEDxRaval 2012 was a full-day event held in Barcelona, Spain that brought together over 100 members of the technology community. The event featured talks from leaders of technology companies and startups on topics related to innovation trends, growth strategies, and disruptive product development. Speakers included executives from BlackBerry, Amazon Web Services, IBM, and Telefonica, as well as founders of startups and directors of research organizations. The goal of the event was to provide networking and learning opportunities for attendees through case studies, panel discussions, and talks on the present and future of technology.
4. Carrer dels Almogavers, 165
08018 Barcelona, Spain
E-mail: info@tedxraval.com
Web: tedxraval.com
Designed by MLAB
Printed by Esparb辿
TEDxRaval 2012
About TEDx 7
- Eduardo Fernandez, VP at RIM (BlackBerry)
- Carlos Conde, Amazon Web Services
- Jose Torres, TEDx Organizer
- Angel Moreu, IBM
- Conor Neill, IESE Business School
- Raquel Navarro-Prieto, Telefonica I+D
- Sascha Haselmayer, General Director at Living Labs Global & CityMart.com
- Albert Climent, CEO at Job and Talent (Barcelona)
- Gunter Geiger, Reactable Systems
7. TEDx
TED was born in 1984 out of the observation by Richard Saul Wurman
of a powerful convergence between Technology, Entertainment and Design.
The first TED included demos of the Sony compact disc and new 3D
graphics from Lucasfilm. Several influential members of the digerati
community were there, including Nicholas Negroponte and Stewart Brand.
TEDxRaval (March 3, 2012 in Barcelona, Spain) will host over
100 members of the digerati interested in up-and-coming trends
in technology and innovation.
Learn from the leaders of technology startups and companies as they
share best practices, growth strategies and stories of disruptive
product development.
The full-day event will be packed with top speakers, case studies
and dynamic panel discussions on the present and future of technology.
Dont miss this chance to network with the entrepreneurial tech community
at Ravals largest event of the year!
11. Raval
Eduardo Fernandez
VP and Managing Director at RIM (BlackBerry)
Eduardo is a veteran of the Wireless&Telecom industry, where he has spent nearly two decades since
graduating from an engineering degree in Telecommunications.
Eduardo Fernandez is Vice-president & General Manager at Research In Motion (BlackBerry). He
joined RIM in early 2007 and has been instrumental in driving BlackBerry platform services & hard-
ware business.
During his previous ten years tenure at Nokia, he held different positions, heading sales&marketing in
Spain, Portugal and Mediterranean countries and back in 2004, Eduardo was engaged in corporate
transformation and new value added services, mobile content & applications, orchestrating third party
In addition to this, as an entrepreneur, Eduardo led different start up initiatives in mobile content,
wireless internet & applications. He also holds board positions as independent advisor.
Eduardo ranked second in the list of best Spanish executives in Telecom sector in 2011 according to
the financial newspaper El Economista.
In 2005, he received the Circle of Excellence award from Nokia.
Eduardo is an active public & media speaker.
12. Raval
Carlos Cond辿
Solutions Architect at Amazon.com
After completing a Masters degree in software engineering at University Paris VI, I started my career
in IT back in 1999 by founding IWorks, a company dedicated in building web interfaces to AS400-
backed legacy systems. Having a strong technological background with an entrepreneur mind set, I
co-founded Newaxe, a software start-up providing a management and monitoring platform for
enterprise-oriented software. I also worked 3 years as an independent consultant, focused on IT
architecture, and implementing pragmatic solutions for my customers.
Currently Solutions Architect in the EMEA region, I'm dedicated to help customers implement their
projects using Amazon Web Services.
Amazon Web Services
In 2006, Amazon Web Services (AWS) began offering IT infrastructure services to businesses in the
form of web services -- now commonly known as cloud computing. One of the key benefits of cloud
computing is the opportunity to replace up-front capital infrastructure expenses with low variable
costs that scale with your business. With the Cloud, businesses no longer need to plan for and
procure servers and other IT infrastructure weeks or months in advance. Instead, they can instantly
spin up hundreds or thousands of servers in minutes and deliver results faster.
15. Raval
Jose Torres
TEDx Organizer
I received a grant from IAESTE (The International Association for the Exchange of Students for
Technical Experience) allowing me to work for Telekom Srpske in Bosna i Hercegovina, which I
consider to be one of my most valuable experiences.
The reason behind my journey to the Balkans arose from my interest in finding out about the
consequences of Ethnic Cleansing.
Once there, I was able to develop relationships with locals and authority figures. I discovered a very
different reality to that presented in mass media and by politicians.
That was an unbelievable time in my life. Living with people from around the world, sharing amazing
new experiences.
I am now able to understand and respect different points of view with regards to affairs all over the
world. I enjoy experiencing different cultures and have lived in many contrasting European countries.
I enjoy experiencing different cultures and have lived in many contrasting European countries.
In 2006, after the Bosna i Hercegovina experience, I dropped out with only one semester left from
Polytechnic University of Catalonia and during these last years I have been to Sevilla, Madrid, Ibiza,
Frankfurt, G旦teborg, Milano, Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Beograd, Mostar, Budapest, Amsterdam, Praha,
M叩laga, Malm旦, Zaragoza, Bologna, Venezia, Ljubljana, Brno, Bilbao, Donostia-San Sebasti叩n,
Mallorca, London, Valencia, Stockholm, Bratislava, Wien, New York, Miami, Austin, Los Angeles, San
16. Raval
Sascha Haselmayer
General Director Living Labs Global & CityMart.com
Social entrepreneur, trained as an Architect at the Architectural Association in London and is an expert
in the field of knowledge and innovation intensive urbanism in international environments. Haselmayer
is a co-founder and general director of Living Labs Global, a non-profit association working with 50
leading global cities including Barcelona, Cape Town, Copenhagen, Fukuoka, Lagos, Mexico City,
San Francisco, Stockholm and Taipei; 30 leading global research institutes such as Imperial College
London, MIT and Taiwans Institute for information Industry; and 400 innovative companies such as
Oracle, Daimler and Socrata with a commitment to innovation and advancements in digital services in
Co-founded CityMart.com, an online marketplace for digital and high technology solutions
for cities in 2011.
Living Labs Global
Living Labs Global is a non-profit association based in Copenhagen (Denmark) with the objective to
promote innovation in services and mobility in cities. Mobility is a paradigm shift in which the user, as a
citizen, professional or visitor, is expecting public and private services to be tailored to his needs,
delivered on demand, anywhere.
CityMart.com is a new global marketplace to connect cities with solutions providers in areas such as
health, transport, mobility, logistics, public services, tourism.
19. T
venture capital, global partnerships and digital services such as cloud computing, mobile advertising,
headquartered in London with regional centres in Silicon Valley, S達o Paolo, Madrid, Barcelona and Tel
Raquel Navarro-Prieto
User Experience Lead at Telefonica Digital
focused on reaserch and service design for eHealth products. Previously, she led the User Centered
Media group at Barcelona Medias Innovation Centre, and coordinated research at the Interaction
Lab at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. She has also worked as a Senior Researcher at
Motorola Research lab (Mobile Multimedia Group, UK) and has industrial experience at Apple Inc.
(Cupertino, USA), and HP (Barcelona, Spain).
Raquel has a Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology from the University of Granada, and has written
numerous papers exploring the application of cognitive psychology to enhance user centred design
of services and products.
20. Ajuntament de Barcelona - Innovation
Addressed issues relating to the promotion of culturepromoted by the Council. Addressed issues
relating toeducational environments where the Council acts. Promotestrategic projects on culture,
knowledge, creativity andinnovation. Promoting coordination of all existing directions in order to work
together for the implementation of action plansand projects. Exercise of the higher institutes and
companiesthat are assigned to municipal management. Representingthe Municipal Manager and the
City, by delegation, in matters concerning their competence. All those assigned to it by theMunicipal
Manager in the performance of their duties.
Director of Strategy and Innovation
at City Council of Barcelona
20 years executive management experience, including budgeting, field operations, training, coaching
and supervision of staff, and legal representation.
International development trajectory in social innovation, education, childrens rights, health,
indigenous groups, rural development, and decentralization projects.
A proven track record in the daily application of program appraisals, planning, monitoring, evaluation,
and reporting of social development projects.
Responsibilities include: strategic planning, capacity building, university-level teaching, qualitative
research, and outcomes assessment.
A Ph.D. in Sociocultural Anthropology from a prestigious US university, with development experience
in Latin America, Africa and Asia, and an M.A. in International Administration.
23. Aer Studio
Aer Studio is an interaction design studio in Barcelona. We develop concepts and interaction for
digital interfaces ushered by the idea that interaction between humans and computers should aspire
to achieve seamlessness. We like to call this, Human-Computer Symmetry.
Cristobal Castilla
Co-Founder at Aer Studio
We like to believe in a digital world that is more understandable and closer to you, with new and
emotional possibilities of interaction. We develop innovative concepts and interfaces for you to enjoy
your experience in a more natural way. That is what we call Human-Computer Symmetry.
We love to play with concepts and challenge established thinking patterns. Our most enjoyable and
successful projects are the ones made in close collaboration with you to discover, design and apply
clear interface concepts.
24. Raval
G端nter Geiger
Director at Reactable Systems
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut augue nisl, mattis id blandit at, hendrerit
quis tellus. Fusce nibh eros, consequat eget egestas quis, vestibulum consectetur nulla. Aliquam a
sapien eget leo congue tincidunt sit amet euismod orci. Sed fringilla, nibh nec adipiscing sollicitudin,
felis felis imperdiet est, id eleifend diam nibh sit amet metus. Duis non erat ipsum, at sodales quam.
Suspendisse vestibulum enim eget neque laoreet mollis. Cras quam dui, egestas ac varius sit amet,
scelerisque ac urna. Integer tristique tempus magna a ultricies. Mauris rhoncus ultricies lectus eu
volutpat. Vivamus mi diam, pulvinar ut cursus vel, molestie eget erat. Integer rhoncus libero et elit
hendrerit aliquet. Fusce dui est, tristique dapibus rhoncus vitae, dignissim blandit libero. Duis augue
felis, interdum ut dictum nec, consequat eu augue. Mauris sed ipsum at neque lobortis scelerisque.
We created Reactable Systems with the vision to redefine the way we interact with computers. Using
the knowledge we gained through the Reactable musical instrument we are developing intuitive
we are applying the latest technologies in human computer interaction, music technology, graphics
and computer vision.
Music Technology Group, one of the worlds largest research labs in music technology.
Our first product is the Reactable, a novel musical instrument that has gained international reputation
and received several worldwide awards.
27. Raval
Albert Climent
CEO at Job and Talent (Barcelona)
Albert was born in Sabadell, and has spent all of his career in the high-tech industry. He began with
Dixons in new Big PC Stores based in Spain, in Sales Areas. He then moved to sales account man-
agement where he led sales operations for DIODE in Spain, with more of 80 software and hardware
Brands of High Tech. He relocated to Barcelona in 2007 where he embraced a successful national
career with NTRglobal, one of the companys largest and most profitable business unit for Cloud Paas
- Saas Remote Support Solutions worldwide, he gave a more entrepreneurial stance to his career and
joined with a new Cloud based international company( Zyncro) specialized in 2.0 Intranets and
Productivity Tools, and finally a new succesful Start Up based in Spain with presence in Madrid,
London and Barcelona, a new socialrecruitment platform jobandtalent, as chief of the office.
Job and Talent
Job and talent es una plataforma 2.0 de reclutamiento en l鱈nea que permite a los candidatos descu-
brir el potencial de su red de contactos sociales para acceder a las mejores oportunidades de
trabajo. Los usuarios dejobandtalent ser叩n capaces de ver cu叩les de sus amigos de Facebook
trabajan en las empresas en las que est叩n interesados. As鱈, los usuarios ser叩n capaces de obtener
recomendaciones de manera m叩s f叩cil y aumentar sus posibilidades de conseguir un puesto mejor.
28. Raval
Angel Moreu
Mainframe Business Executive at IBM
Angel is IBM Executive, Director of Mainframe Business in Spain Portugal, Greece and Israel, reporting
to the Country General Manager and since 2010 a key member of the Senior Executive Leadership
Team . She has deep experience in sales management, software develoment with a strong technical
background and customer experiences. She has been holding different international positions, living
and working in several countries and leading multi-country projects and teams. In additon to her
Mainframe Executive postion, last year, based on her own experience, she was nominated as and
IBM Executive mentor for the IBM Global Entrepenur program (Startup WorldWide program) being the
ambassador of the local Sartups and Entrepenurs who want to bulid a smarter planet ensuring active
participation and global execution of the IBM Smarter Planet solutions.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse lacinia sem sed justo elemen-
tum lobortis. Phasellus eleifend lectus nec tellus feugiat vitae placerat tortor gravida. Class aptent
taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus semper
turpis vitae velit malesuada varius facilisis ante tempor. Donec sem libero, pulvinar at consequat sit
amet, pharetra id orci. Curabitur erat metus, feugiat sit amet gravida eget, mollis at nulla. Cum sociis
natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc purus nibh, fringilla
eget dapibus in, commodo et tortor. Morbi ultricies vestibulum eleifend. Nulla facilisi.
31. Raval
Conor Neill
Lecturer at IESE Business School
Conor Neill is a entrepreneur, professor and blogger. He is past-Area Director of Entrepreneurs
Organisation, the world's most influential entrepreneur community. Conor is on the board of
BarcaHome, a company that will build 350,000 homes a year in India, North Africa and Latin America.
He has been interested in why humans do what they do since he was a child, and regularly speaks and
teaches on Persuasion: How to Move People to Action. He blogs at www.conorneill.com
IESE Business School
IESE Business School is widely recognized as one of Europes top international business schools.
With world-class campuses in Barcelona and Madrid and facilities in Munich, New York and Sao
Paulo, the school also delivers diverse programs in key international cities all over the world. IESE
offers the MBA, Global Executive MBA, Executive MBA and PhD in Management programs, as well as
a wide range of executive education programs for senior managers and Continuing Education
programs for alumni.