This document discusses teens' use of social networking and how it impacts their lives. It provides statistics on what percentage of teens engage in certain online behaviors, both positive and negative. Positively, over half of teens have joined online groups or posted creative content. However, nearly a quarter have sent nude photos of themselves and many teens check social media far more often than their parents realize. The document aims to educate parents on teens' social media habits.
Its a way of life, and its not going away.
How does the internet, social networking (myspace,
facebook) play into their lives and what do you, as parents,
really know about their habits?
6. THE BAD...
22% of teen girls and 20% Just 4% of parents say their
of teen boys have sent nude children check social
or semi-nude photos of networking sites more than
themselves. 10 times a day (22% of
teens do)
38% said they copied text
from Web sites and turned 23% of parents say their
it in as their own work children check more than
once a day (51% do)
65% of students with cell
phones say they use them 12% of teens with Facebook
during school, but only or MySpace pages admit
23% of parents think their their parents dont even
kids are using them during know about the account.
7. THE GOOD...
54% of teens have joined an 45% have organized an
online community or group event on Facebook or
on Facebook or Myspace in Myspace.
support of a cause
34% have volunteered for a
53% of teens have posted campaign, nonprofit
creative writing or artwork organization or charity
that theyve created.
26% have participated in
an online study group.