Teen suicide is the intentional taking of one's own life by a teenager. Teenagers are vulnerable to suicide because their minds are still developing and they often make decisions without considering long-term consequences. Warning signs of a suicidal teen include sudden personality changes, loss of interest in activities, mood swings, statements about being a bad person or that it will all be over soon. While females are more likely to attempt suicide, more males actually die by suicide in their attempts. A survey was conducted to understand common misconceptions around teen suicide.
2. What is teen suicide? Suicide is the intentional taking of one's own life. Teen suicide is just that a teenager taking their own life. Teenagers are especially vulnerable to suicide since their minds are still growing and developing. They are also at risk because a growing mind makes a lot of decisions without considering long-term consequences.
3. What are the warning signs of a suicidal teen? There are some warning signs to a suicidal teen that need to be taken seriously whenever they are encountered. They include: Sudden change in their personality Loss of interest of once pleasurable activities Frequent mood swings,accompanied by violent behavior Stating that they are a bad person Making subtle comments such as Its no use anymore, itll all be over soon. etc.
4. Statistics of teen suicide Suicide for males are different than for females. This is because the mind of a teen male is much different than the mind of a female. Females are more likely to attempt suicide while more males actually kill themselves while attempting.
5. Survey Rationale For this part I created a survey asking about some common facts about teens and suicide. The purpose of this is to show the misinformation that surrounds teens that commit suicide.
6. Survey Results Problems have almost gotten to the point where you thought suicide was a solution? People surveyed: 50% Yes 50% No Someone you know has committed suicide? People surveyed: 100% No Suicide is the ____ cause of death for people ages 14-19? People Surveyed: Leading 50% Second leading 33.3% Third leading 16.7% Fourth leading 0.0%
7. Survey Results The suicide rate has tripled since the 1950s? True 83.3% False 16.7 Women attempt suicide three times as often as men? True 100% When attempting suicide men are ____ more likely to be successful than women Two times 33.3% Three times 33.3% Four times 33.3%
8. Survey Results You feel that people who commit suicide had no other choice? Yes 33.3% No 66.7 You feel that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem Yes 83.3% No 16.7% Most teens that commit suicide are already involved on other dangerous activities? (heavy drug and alcohol use) Yes 16.7% Not always 66.7% No 66.7%