Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang metode simpleks untuk menyelesaikan masalah pemrograman linear. Metode ini digunakan untuk mengubah masalah pemrograman linear menjadi bentuk tabel yang memudahkan penyelesaian. Dokumen ini juga memberikan contoh soal dan langkah-langkah penyelesaiannya menggunakan metode simpleks.
Materi 4 programasi linier dan solusi metode simpleksahmad fauzan
Teks tersebut menjelaskan tentang metode simpleks untuk menyelesaikan masalah programasi linier. Metode ini menggunakan operasi baris dasar untuk melakukan iterasi dari satu layak dasar ke layak dasar lainnya sampai diperoleh solusi optimal. Langkah-langkahnya meliputi mengubah masalah ke bentuk standar, menentukan solusi awal, lalu menentukan solusi baru berdasarkan kondisi feasibilitas dan optimalitas sampai diperole
Dokumen tersebut membahas analisis sensitivitas pada permasalahan pemrograman linear. Secara singkat, analisis sensitivitas digunakan untuk mengetahui dampak perubahan parameter-parameter pada solusi optimal yang telah dicapai, dengan mengevaluasi bagaimana perubahan tersebut mempengaruhi nilai batas dan koefisien baris nol pada tabel optimal. Ada enam jenis perubahan yang dianalisis dalam analisis sensitivitas.
This document contains links to 10 photos on Flickr covering a variety of subjects. It is difficult to determine any clear theme or main idea as the photos include images of buildings, musical instruments, landscapes, and more with no other context provided. The document appears to be simply a collection of random photo links from Flickr without any connecting information.
The document summarizes a study on environmental marketing claims made by consumer products. Some key findings include:
- Over 98% of products surveyed in North America committed at least one of the previously identified "Sins of Greenwashing".
- A new seventh sin emerged - the "Sin of Worshiping False Labels", where some marketers exploit consumer demand for third-party certification with fake labels or false suggestions of third-party endorsement.
- Legitimate eco-labeling is increasing, present on 23% of products compared to 14% in a previous study.
- Products making the most environmental claims and being most at risk of greenwashing are toys/baby products, cosmetics
This document introduces an online destination for women in India that sells a wide range of clothing, shoes, beachwear, bags, skin and beauty products, and accessories from both luxury and affordable brands from around the world. The company partners with luxury, affordable luxury, beautiful, cult, avant-garde, trend-setting, heritage, and women-centric brands.
New York City is a popular place to celebrate New Year's Eve, with a large party held yearly in Times Square where at midnight a large crystal ball is dropped as part of the tradition. On New Year's Day, a public holiday in the US, the city continues festivities after ringing in the new year on a cold winter night with musical performances in Times Square.
Status mutu air sungai Citarum secara umum tercemar, terutama di bagian hilir. Pemantauan tahun 2003 menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar anak-anak sungai di hulu telah tercemar ringan sampai sedang, sementara di hilir banyak yang tercemar berat.
Paper Alejandro Medrano - Use of hierarchical model-view-controller architect...WTHS
This document discusses using a hierarchical model-view-controller (HMVC) architecture for user interfaces in ambient assisted living (AAL) environments. It proposes separating the user interface meta model from the presentation logic and user interaction modalities. This allows applications to define modality-neutral interfaces that can be rendered across different modalities like graphical user interfaces, voice interfaces, etc. It describes defining a common meta model for user interface elements and using UI renderers to translate this model to specific modalities. The HMVC approach keeps applications independent of interaction details and allows multiple applications to share interfaces.
Peraturan Daerah ini mengatur tentang pengelolaan sampah di Provinsi Jawa Barat dengan asas-asas seperti tanggung jawab, berkelanjutan, manfaat, keadilan, kesadaran, keselamatan, dan efisiensi. Tujuannya adalah melaksanakan pengurangan dan penanganan sampah secara sistematis dan berkelanjutan mulai dari sumber sampah hingga pemrosesan akhir.
This document discusses generating actionable consumer insights from analytics. It covers trends in information sources, challenges in implementing big data and analytics, and opportunities. It also discusses use cases in health and telecommunications. Specifically, it mentions trends like personalized marketing using more data per person and emotion detection from unstructured data. Challenges include different data owners, interfacing with unstructured sources, and security issues like access control and data provenance. Opportunities include more organic measures and higher velocity outputs. Use cases discussed are customer care, genomic analysis, and high performance security analytics.
The document discusses Jihad Awad meeting with Norman Foster in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates on November 7, 2012. The same short passage about their meeting is repeated eight times with no other details provided.
Paper Mar¨ªa Mart¨ªnez - Decision support system for health continuous vigilanc...WTHS
This document proposes a health continuous vigilance system for industrial environments to help reduce workplace accidents. It involves monitoring workers' activities and environments to collect personal and environmental data. Intelligent systems are needed to process the large amount of generated data and classify it to generate alerts and identify health threats. Prevention protocols can then be developed as workflows and customized for each worker to most effectively eliminate occupational hazards. The overall goal is to develop a decision support system that continuously monitors workers, diagnoses health issues, and establishes personalized prevention plans to improve safety.
Christmas in Australia is celebrated during the summer months, with traditional meals including pork, turkey, ham and plum pudding. Houses are decorated and Christmas dinner is often a barbecue or picnic on the beach, with carols by candlelight and children leaving stockings by the fireplace for Santa to fill with presents.
Mercedes Serrano - Gu¨ªa metab¨®lica: empowerment through health 2.0 tools in ...WTHS
Presentation of Workshop on Technology for Healthcare and Healthy Lifestyle 2011
Thursday 1st Dec 2011
Session III
Tambi¨¦n en:
Smoking involves inhaling the smoke of burning tobacco in cigarettes, pipes, and cigars. It is both a physical and psychological addiction with serious health consequences. People smoke for various reasons like looking mature, fitting in with friends, relaxation, and coping with problems. Smoking can cause immediate effects like loss of appetite and coughing as well as long term health issues like cancer, heart disease, and infertility. Quitting smoking requires mental preparation by setting a date, informing others, and removing smoking-related items from one's home to adjust to becoming a non-smoker.
Jos¨¦ Luis Bayo Mont¨®n - Serious Games For Dementia illness Detection and Moti...WTHS
This document describes the eMotiva project, which aims to create a system using serious games to monitor and motivate people with dementia. The goals are to detect behavior patterns associated with disorders and provide personalized games and stimuli to reduce cognitive deterioration. Several games were developed focusing on cognitive, physical and relaxation stimulation. Future work includes installing the system and conducting a study to test the concept with Alzheimer's patients over 10 weeks of game sessions.
Hip hop and R&B are genres that originated in the 1970s and 1940s respectively and are associated with African American culture. Some popular artists in these genres include Kanye West, Jay Z, Rihanna, Chris Brown, Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj, Drake, Wiz Khalifa and Ludacris. The music and imagery are often associated with urban fashion styles like baggy clothes, caps, chains and tattoos as well as money.
This document provides examples of using comparatives in English to compare adjectives of different syllable lengths. It gives examples of forming comparatives for 1-syllable adjectives by adding -er and -est and for 2-syllable adjectives by using more and most. It then provides examples comparing the heights of London landmarks, sizes of city squares, lengths of animals, and strengths of economies. Advertisement examples are also given to illustrate using comparatives to describe products as better, faster, or less than alternatives.
This document contains summaries of several sections from a chapter on genetics:
1. It discusses different types of gene mutations including substitutions, insertions, deletions, and chromosomal mutations like deletions, duplications, inversions, and translocations.
2. It notes that most mutations are not harmful and lists mutagens as things that can cause mutations, like chemicals and physical agents.
3. It briefly outlines prokaryotic gene regulation using the example of the lac operon in E. coli, and lists promoters, operators, and transcription factors as aspects of eukaryotic gene regulation.
Dokumen tersebut membahas konsep-konsep dasar sistem operasi seperti port, bus, controller, polling, interrupsi, DMA, interface I/O, block device, socket, timer, dan blocking system call.
Dokumen tersebut berisi daftar pertanyaan mengenai sistem operasi Linux. Pertanyaan tersebut meliputi modul kernel Linux, perbedaan proses dan thread, operasi inode, keunggulan file system ReiserFS, file system shareable dan unshareable, waktu recovery ext3 dan ext2, pengertian proc file system, manajemen memori Linux, pengertian page, perbedaan linking statis dan dinamis, keunggulan memori virtual, cache dalam manajemen memori Linux, serta pengertian demand paging.
This document introduces an online destination for women in India that sells a wide range of clothing, shoes, beachwear, bags, skin and beauty products, and accessories from both luxury and affordable brands from around the world. The company partners with luxury, affordable luxury, beautiful, cult, avant-garde, trend-setting, heritage, and women-centric brands.
New York City is a popular place to celebrate New Year's Eve, with a large party held yearly in Times Square where at midnight a large crystal ball is dropped as part of the tradition. On New Year's Day, a public holiday in the US, the city continues festivities after ringing in the new year on a cold winter night with musical performances in Times Square.
Status mutu air sungai Citarum secara umum tercemar, terutama di bagian hilir. Pemantauan tahun 2003 menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar anak-anak sungai di hulu telah tercemar ringan sampai sedang, sementara di hilir banyak yang tercemar berat.
Paper Alejandro Medrano - Use of hierarchical model-view-controller architect...WTHS
This document discusses using a hierarchical model-view-controller (HMVC) architecture for user interfaces in ambient assisted living (AAL) environments. It proposes separating the user interface meta model from the presentation logic and user interaction modalities. This allows applications to define modality-neutral interfaces that can be rendered across different modalities like graphical user interfaces, voice interfaces, etc. It describes defining a common meta model for user interface elements and using UI renderers to translate this model to specific modalities. The HMVC approach keeps applications independent of interaction details and allows multiple applications to share interfaces.
Peraturan Daerah ini mengatur tentang pengelolaan sampah di Provinsi Jawa Barat dengan asas-asas seperti tanggung jawab, berkelanjutan, manfaat, keadilan, kesadaran, keselamatan, dan efisiensi. Tujuannya adalah melaksanakan pengurangan dan penanganan sampah secara sistematis dan berkelanjutan mulai dari sumber sampah hingga pemrosesan akhir.
This document discusses generating actionable consumer insights from analytics. It covers trends in information sources, challenges in implementing big data and analytics, and opportunities. It also discusses use cases in health and telecommunications. Specifically, it mentions trends like personalized marketing using more data per person and emotion detection from unstructured data. Challenges include different data owners, interfacing with unstructured sources, and security issues like access control and data provenance. Opportunities include more organic measures and higher velocity outputs. Use cases discussed are customer care, genomic analysis, and high performance security analytics.
The document discusses Jihad Awad meeting with Norman Foster in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates on November 7, 2012. The same short passage about their meeting is repeated eight times with no other details provided.
Paper Mar¨ªa Mart¨ªnez - Decision support system for health continuous vigilanc...WTHS
This document proposes a health continuous vigilance system for industrial environments to help reduce workplace accidents. It involves monitoring workers' activities and environments to collect personal and environmental data. Intelligent systems are needed to process the large amount of generated data and classify it to generate alerts and identify health threats. Prevention protocols can then be developed as workflows and customized for each worker to most effectively eliminate occupational hazards. The overall goal is to develop a decision support system that continuously monitors workers, diagnoses health issues, and establishes personalized prevention plans to improve safety.
Christmas in Australia is celebrated during the summer months, with traditional meals including pork, turkey, ham and plum pudding. Houses are decorated and Christmas dinner is often a barbecue or picnic on the beach, with carols by candlelight and children leaving stockings by the fireplace for Santa to fill with presents.
Mercedes Serrano - Gu¨ªa metab¨®lica: empowerment through health 2.0 tools in ...WTHS
Presentation of Workshop on Technology for Healthcare and Healthy Lifestyle 2011
Thursday 1st Dec 2011
Session III
Tambi¨¦n en:
Smoking involves inhaling the smoke of burning tobacco in cigarettes, pipes, and cigars. It is both a physical and psychological addiction with serious health consequences. People smoke for various reasons like looking mature, fitting in with friends, relaxation, and coping with problems. Smoking can cause immediate effects like loss of appetite and coughing as well as long term health issues like cancer, heart disease, and infertility. Quitting smoking requires mental preparation by setting a date, informing others, and removing smoking-related items from one's home to adjust to becoming a non-smoker.
Jos¨¦ Luis Bayo Mont¨®n - Serious Games For Dementia illness Detection and Moti...WTHS
This document describes the eMotiva project, which aims to create a system using serious games to monitor and motivate people with dementia. The goals are to detect behavior patterns associated with disorders and provide personalized games and stimuli to reduce cognitive deterioration. Several games were developed focusing on cognitive, physical and relaxation stimulation. Future work includes installing the system and conducting a study to test the concept with Alzheimer's patients over 10 weeks of game sessions.
Hip hop and R&B are genres that originated in the 1970s and 1940s respectively and are associated with African American culture. Some popular artists in these genres include Kanye West, Jay Z, Rihanna, Chris Brown, Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj, Drake, Wiz Khalifa and Ludacris. The music and imagery are often associated with urban fashion styles like baggy clothes, caps, chains and tattoos as well as money.
This document provides examples of using comparatives in English to compare adjectives of different syllable lengths. It gives examples of forming comparatives for 1-syllable adjectives by adding -er and -est and for 2-syllable adjectives by using more and most. It then provides examples comparing the heights of London landmarks, sizes of city squares, lengths of animals, and strengths of economies. Advertisement examples are also given to illustrate using comparatives to describe products as better, faster, or less than alternatives.
This document contains summaries of several sections from a chapter on genetics:
1. It discusses different types of gene mutations including substitutions, insertions, deletions, and chromosomal mutations like deletions, duplications, inversions, and translocations.
2. It notes that most mutations are not harmful and lists mutagens as things that can cause mutations, like chemicals and physical agents.
3. It briefly outlines prokaryotic gene regulation using the example of the lac operon in E. coli, and lists promoters, operators, and transcription factors as aspects of eukaryotic gene regulation.
Dokumen tersebut membahas konsep-konsep dasar sistem operasi seperti port, bus, controller, polling, interrupsi, DMA, interface I/O, block device, socket, timer, dan blocking system call.
Dokumen tersebut berisi daftar pertanyaan mengenai sistem operasi Linux. Pertanyaan tersebut meliputi modul kernel Linux, perbedaan proses dan thread, operasi inode, keunggulan file system ReiserFS, file system shareable dan unshareable, waktu recovery ext3 dan ext2, pengertian proc file system, manajemen memori Linux, pengertian page, perbedaan linking statis dan dinamis, keunggulan memori virtual, cache dalam manajemen memori Linux, serta pengertian demand paging.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang manajemen modul kernel Linux, termasuk cara memanggil dan berkomunikasi modul kernel dengan bagian lain kernel, serta hal-hal yang dapat diimplementasikan oleh modul kernel seperti driver perangkat, sistem berkas, dan protokol jaringan.
Linux merupakan sistem operasi yang dikembangkan secara terbuka dan kolaboratif oleh komunitas pengguna di seluruh dunia sejak 1991. Linux dirancang untuk kompatibel dengan sistem operasi UNIX dan terus berkembang mengimplementasikan berbagai fitur UNIX.
1. Deadlock dapat dicegah dengan tiga skema: hold and wait, circular wait, dan no preemption.
2. Sistem dalam kasus yang diberikan terjebak dalam deadlock karena proses P2 menggunakan sumber daya R1 yang dituntut oleh proses P0.
3. OS akan memberikan grant printer kepada user y karena memiliki kebutuhan printer terendah, mengamankan sequence penggunaan sumber daya yang aman.
Memori virtual memisahkan memori logis dan fisik, mengizinkan program dieksekusi tanpa seluruh bagian masuk memori. Teknik ini menampung program skala besar melebihi daya tampung memori utama. Demand paging dan demand segmentation digunakan untuk memori virtual, dengan demand paging lebih umum diimplementasikan.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
1. Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang deadlock pada sistem operasi dan penyebab terjadinya deadlock
2. Ada beberapa pendekatan untuk menangani deadlock yaitu mencegah, menghindari, mendeteksi, dan memulihkan
3. Metode pencegahan deadlock dianggap sebagai solusi terbaik namun akan mengakibatkan utilisasi sumber daya yang buruk
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang sinkronisasi proses dan masalah deadlock. Race condition terjadi ketika beberapa proses secara bersamaan mengakses dan memanipulasi data yang sama sehingga nilai akhir data bergantung pada proses mana yang selesai terakhir. Untuk mencegah race condition, proses-proses harus disinkronisasi. Semaphore digunakan untuk koordinasi proses-proses dengan menggunakan penanda-penanda sederhana.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang proses dan thread dalam sistem operasi, serta model-model multithreading yang umum. Ada tiga model multithreading yaitu many-to-one, one-to-one, dan many-to-many. Model many-to-one memetakan beberapa thread pengguna ke satu kernel thread sehingga efisien namun jika satu thread terblokir maka semua akan terblokir. Model one-to-one memetakan satu thread pengguna ke satu kernel thread sehingga lebih sinkron. Dok
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang sistem operasi, yang merupakan penghubung antara pengguna dan perangkat keras komputer. Sistem operasi mengatur sumber daya komputer dan mencegah terjadinya konflik dan kesalahan. Dokumen ini juga membahas perkembangan generasi sistem operasi serta komponen-komponen penting sistem komputer seperti memori dan penyimpanan sekunder.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang riset operasi yang merupakan teknik untuk menganalisis alternatif keputusan dan mendapatkan solusi optimal dengan batasan sumber daya.
2. Metode riset operasi meliputi pengamatan masalah, pemodelan matematis, dan optimasi untuk mendapatkan solusi terbaik berdasarkan tujuan dan kendala yang ditetapkan.
3. Contoh kasus yang d
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang permainan tidak seimbang dengan nilai minimaks 3 dan maksimin -2 berdasarkan matriks pay-off yang diberikan. Dokumen tersebut juga membahas tentang bab 14 dari buku teknik riset operasi.
3. Hubungan primal-dual
? Dual adalah permasalahan PL yang
diturunkan secara matematik dari primal
PL tertentu.
? Setiap permasalahan primal selalu
mempunyai pasangan dual dan
? Solusi optimal pada dual secara otomatis
aka menghasilkan solusi optimal pada
primal dan sebaliknya.
? Penyelesaian bentuk dual sama halnya
dengan bentuk primal yaitu juga
dilakukan dari bentuk standar.
4. Cont¡¯d
? Bentuk standar PL secara umum
adalah :
Maksimumkan atau minimumkan
Z = ¡Æcjxj
¡Æaijxj = bi
xj ¡Ý 0
variabel xj termasuk variabel
keputusan, slack, surplus dan artificial
6. Tabel di atas menunjukkan bahwa dual
didapatkan secara simetris dari primal sesuai
dengan aturan berikut :
? Untuk setiap pembatas primal ada variabel
? Untuk setiap variabel primal ada pembatas
? Koefisien pembatas variabel primal
membentuk koefisien pembatas dual;
koefisien fungsi tujuan variabel yang sama
dari primal menjadi nilai kanan pembatas
Aturan di atas menunjukkan bahwa
permasalahan dual akan mempunyai sejumlah
m variabel (y1, y2,..., ym) danNURHALIMA
sejumlah n 6
7. Elemen lain dari permasalahan dual ditentukan
dengan cara seperti yang ditunjukkan tabel di bawah.
8. Contoh 1
? Diberikan bentuk primal di bawah, tentukan
bentuk dual yang sesuai
9. Penyelesaian contoh 1
? Bentuk umum di atas diubah terlebih
dahulu menjadi bentuk baku / standar, yaitu