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TiaTele Workflow
TeleMedicine Model 1 :
Doctor to Patient.
TiaCare - Patient Registration.
 If the Patient is a new patient, then he have to register in
the app for signing in.
TiaCare - Tele Appointment
 Patient logs into the app and make a tele appointment
 This Appointment is seen as appointment request in
Outstanding Tasks of Doctor / MA.
Tele Call.
 A cart is being assigned to the appointment.
 Doctor initiates tele call.
 Call against the patient is received to cart.
TiaCare - Emergency.
 Patient clicks on emergency button.
 Emergency call is received in hospitals phone.
 An emergency row is being created in that organizations emergency list.
 Doctor clicks on connect button against the patient.
TeleMedicine Model 2 :
Doctor to Facility.
New Patients Appointment Booking from TiaMD Web.
 A cart user or ED (Emergency Doctor) requests an appointment for a patient. Consultation Mode of the
Appointment will be Tele. Appointment can taken using 3 ways :- Quick Appointment, Full Appointment or
from Calendar View.
 The appointment request that is being made by ED is displayed in the Outstanding Tasks section in the
Doctors Dashboard of the concerned doctor to whom the appointment is requested and the MA (Medical
Assistant) of that Doctor. The same will be displayed in the Outstanding Tasks of the ED who made the
request also.
 ED can change the doctor to whom the appointment was requested, or can change the time slot for which
the appointment is requested using the appointment reschedule option. They can cancel the appointment
request using the cancel button.
 The concerned Doctor or MA approves the appointment request by changing the status from the
dropdown list.
Quick Appointment from ED Appointment Request in ED
Appointment Reschedule from ED Appointment Cancellation from ED
 Once the Doctor or MA approves the Appointment Request, the confirmed appointment is moved to
Appointments section of the Doctors Dashboard. The same will be displayed as confirmed
appointment in concerned ED users Dashboard also, since the consultation mode is tele.
 To Edit the Appointment details, user can click on the appointment, which opens up the edit booking
 Doctor or MA can directly book Tele Appointments for the patients. These appointments directly
goes to the Appointments section of Doctors Dashboard, with status booked.
Confirming Appointment from Doc / MA
Edit Appointment from Doctors Dashboard
 Once the booking is being requested or booked, an email is sent to Patients email id, along with the
patient intake link.
 Also during the appointment booking, a random username is being generated for the patient with a
default password. These credentials can be used by the Patient for logging in to the TiaMD Patient
Portal or Tia Care Mobile App. Username for patient login can either be this randomly generated
username or the patients email id.
 The credentials for patient login that are created during the appointment booking can later be
changed by the patient from the patient account.
Email Intake Link received in Patients Email Patient Account Edit from Email Intake
Established Patients Appointment Booking from
TiaMD Web.
 For taking appointment for already registered patient, there are two ways.
 Method 1 : Either go to patient list and search for the patient. Then search for the patient, and click
on Book Appointment button under Actions or simply click on patient record for booking the
 Method 2 : Or select any way of appointment booking (quick, full, or calendar view), select the
patient type as Established. Then either type in the patient name and select the patient from the
drop down list or click on search button against patient name, which opens up patient search for
searching and selecting the patient for appointment booking.
 Once the patient is being selected save the appointment.
 Appointment can be either viewed as request or confirmed booking depending on the user who
booked it.
Method 1
Method 2 (a)
Method 2 (b)
Insurance Eligibility Check and Co-Pay Collection.
 Once the appointment is being confirmed, the MA checks the Insurance Eligibility, which is
interfaced with Navicure, and collects the Co-Pay.
Vitals Entry of the Patient.
 Since the consultation mode is Tele, the patient visits the clinic where cart is located. ED user or
Cart Doctor records vitals using wireless medical devices. These vitals will be logged into the
TiaPeripherals app. ED can upload these vitals against the patient to TiaMD Web Portal or Mobile
Tele Call
 Doctor clicks on the Connect button that appears against the appointment in Dashboard.
 Call is directly connected to the concerned ED, if Auto Connect option is being enabled for ED.
Otherwise ED receives a call request which they have to accept.
Tele Consultation.
 The Doctor evaluates the patient and documents the information on TiaMD Web portal.
TiaMD Visits
 TiaMD Visits tab gives the patient visit history in different forms like Visit Dashboard, Visit Summary
and Visit History.
 Encounter wise or Visit wise printout can be taken from Visit Summary tab.
Clinical Assessment
 Clinical Assessment templates are being set based on doctor requirement.
 We can select or favorite templates from Select / Manage templates.
 Favorited templates will be displayed inside New Assessment drop down.
 Nuance Dragon feature is integrated with Clinical Assessment so as to record voice.
 Auto Population being enabled for fields like Patient Details, Problem, Procedure, Medical History.
 Saved Clinical Assessment will be displayed in Clinical Assessment History. User can View, Edit,
Copy, Delete, or Take a Print of the template. Only View, Copy and Print options are available if the
Template is signed.
 Adding Addendum to the signed template is also possible.
 Vitals that are uploaded from TiaPeripherals App will be displayed here.
 User can add vitals from TiaMD Web portal also.
 History of each vital can be viewed by clicking on the vital value.
 Vital Trends can be viewed as a graph. This graph can also be downloaded in the required format
for future reference.
CQMs & Screening.
 Clinical Quality measures of the Patient is taken.
 Also different screenings like transition of care, annual wellness etc are being done.
Problem and Procedure
 Doctor records problems of the patient and procedures to resolve the problems. It is interfaced with
IMO for ICD 10 / CPT search.
 Option to favorite frequently used problem and procedures, print the added problem and procedures.
Lab and Radiology Orders. (Investigations)
 Lab and Radiology orders are done.
 Send Lab/Radiology orders to external centers.
 Auto Population from Clinical Assessment.
 Print out option.
 Doctor creates prescriptions and sends to pharmacy electronically.
 It is interfaced with Dr. First.
 Fetches Active Medications added in Patient Intake to Dr. First.
 Signed medications are displayed in prescriptions section itself.
 For cross referring the patient to a speciality doctor.
 Auto Population to and from Clinical Assessment and Problems.
Document Management.
 Here we can upload different documents like already prescribed prescriptions, lab / radiology orders
 There is an option to select the encounter. This is for purpose of identifying in which encounter these
prescriptions, order entry etc was made.
 Doctors can add radiology images. (Dicom files)
 Doctors can also view already added Dicom files.
 Dicom files are different images of MRI, CT etc.
 This is integrated with PACS / TiaImage.
 Option to doctor notes, save and print the notes, view the history etc.
Vaccinations and Treatments.
 Ability to add vaccinations given and treatments given.
 Option to view the history.
Patient Visit Actions.
 User can view do tele session from patient visit actions by clicking on connect button.
 Reload option to reload the current page, ie., patient visit.
 Option to create a new encounter.
 Option to create new visit.
 Option to view the complete call history against that patient.
 Option to view outstanding encounters against that patient.
 Option to share the screen.
 Quality Metrics Alert.
TeleMedicine Model 3 :
Facility to Doctor.
Appointments for New and Established Patients.
 The appointments are taken in the same way mentioned in Telemedicine Model 2.
Tele Call
 In Tele Medicine Model 3, the tele call is initiated by the Cart User.
 Cart user clicks the connect button against an Appointment.
 The Doctor to whom the appointment is taken receives the call request.
 Once the Doctor accepts the call, the consultation is similar to Tele Medicine Model 2 flow.
On Call Coverage
On Call Coverage.
 On Call Schedule can be created from Quick Appointment Window.
 On Call Schedule is being created for doctor groups.
 Scheduled On Call List will be displayed in the Dashboard under On Call Coverage Section.
 On Call Coverage is being used for second opinion.
 User can make a broadcast call to the available On Call doctors in the group, or they can directly
make a call to the available physician in the group.
 On Call Coverage is mainly available for Tele.
 It can be used for calling the on call doctors during the emergency also.
Emergency Patient Creation
 Emergency Patient Creation and Calls are always initiated by the Cart User or ED.
 From the Landing Page of the Cart User Login, click on the bell icon.
 In the patient creation screen, user can enter the patient name and details if they know it. Entering
Patient details during the emergency creation is optional. Since emergency have more priority,
normally Save & Call button in the screen is clicked.
 When Save & Call is clicked without entering patient details, the MRN number generated is
considered as Patient Name for time being.
 The emergency call is being broadcasted to all Level 1 doctors for whom emergency schedule is
 The Patient Visit will be opened up for the ED, soon after the save & call button is clicked.
Emergency Patient Consultation
 The Patient Visit will be opened up for the ED, soon after the save & call button is clicked.
 ED can do the consultation in the similar way that is mentioned in Tele Medicine Model 2.
 All the doctor findings are documented inside Patient Visit.
 ED can share screen, so that the connect
Share Screen
 ED can share screen, so that the Doctor who is connected to emergency call can view the initial
findings done by the ED.
 Also the Doctor can document the consultation details.
Emergency List - Patient Update & View Patient Visit
 All the Emergency Calls are being listed in Emergency List.
 Since the patient details are not entered when a patient arrives as emergency, user can update
patient details from Emergency List.
 When clicked on a row, the patient visit of that patient will be opened.
Emergency List - Emergency Call against a Patient
 When clicked on the bell icon against the emergency patient, an emergency call is broadcasted to
all Level 1 Doctors with emergency Schedule.
 The call is broadcasted with that patient details against whom the emergency call icon is clicked.
Emergency List - Connect to Consulting Doctor
 Click on Connect button against an emergency patient.
 This will initiate a tele call to the consulting doctor.
Emergency List - Doctors Side
 Click on Connect button against an emergency patient.
 This will initiate a tele call to the attending doctor (ED).
TiaMD WEB - Chat List
Doctors Side - Chat List
 Doctor can connect to other doctors in the organisation.
 Doctor can connect to cart users in the organisation.
 Doctor can view missed calls.
Cart Side - Chat List
 Cart User can connect to other cart users in the organisation.
 Cart User can connect to doctors in the organisation.
 Cart User can view missed calls.
Rapid Responz - Doctors
Mobile App
Rapid Responz - Appointments
 Doctors mobile app.
 All confirmed tele appointments for the current day is listed under Appointments Section.
Rapid Responz - Tele Session.
 When ED initiates Tele Call against an Appointment, Doctor receives the call in both TiaMD web
and Rapid Responz app.
Rapid Responz - Tele Session.
 Doctor can initiate call against an Appointment from Rapid Responz, by clicking on Connect to ED
Rapid Responz - Emergency List.
 Complete Emergency List is displayed.
 ED initiated Emergency Calls is received
 Doctor can call against emergency patient.
Rapid Responz - Cart List.
 Doctor can connect to the cart from cart list.
Rapid Responz - Call Log.
 Doctor can view the complete call log.
Rapid Responz - Directory.
 Local Phone directory of all physicians.
 All physicians can be listed or groupwise physicians can be listed.
Rapid Call - Cart Users
Mobile App
Rapid Call - New Emergency Patient Call.
 Cart Users mobile app.
 Click on the emergency icon in the landing page.
 Skip from patient search.
 Click on Submit button.
 Emergency Call for a new emergency patient will be broadcasted to all Level 1
 doctors with emergency schedule.
Rapid Call - Existing Emergency Patient Call.
 Click on the emergency icon in the landing page.
 Search the needed patient from patient search.
 Click on Submit button.
 Emergency Call for existing patient will be broadcasted to all Level 1 doctors with emergency
Rapid Call - Directory.
 Local Phone directory of all physicians.
 All physicians can be listed or groupwise physicians can be listed.
Scheduling an Office Visit
and their Consultation.
Scheduling Office Visit from Patient Side.
 Patient sends an appointment request for an Office Appointment from Patient Portal or TiaCare App.
Scheduling Office Visit from ED Side.
 ED sends an appointment request for an Office Appointment from TiaMD Web.
 Appointment can be taken from Quick Appointment, Full Appointment or from Calendar View.
Confirmation of Office Appointment.
 Doctor / MA confirms the Appointment by changing the status of the appointment to booked from
Outstanding Tasks.
 Or Doctor / MA can directly book the office appointment for the patient.
Insurance Eligibility Check and Co-Pay Collection.
 Once the appointment is being confirmed, the MA checks the Insurance Eligibility, which is
interfaced with Navicure, and collects the Co-Pay.
Vitals Entry of the Patient.
 Patient visits the hospital / clinic of the doctor.
 MA records vitals using wireless medical devices. These vitals will be logged into the TiaPeripherals
app. MA can upload these vitals against the patient to TiaMD Web Portal or Mobile App.
 Uploaded Vitals can be viewed in TiaCare App and Patient Portal also.
 Doctor evaluates the patient and documents the information on TiaMD Web portal.

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Telemedicine Services | Telemedicine Cart

  • 2. TeleMedicine Model 1 : Doctor to Patient. TiaMD NUMR
  • 3. TiaCare - Patient Registration. If the Patient is a new patient, then he have to register in the app for signing in. TiaMD NUMR
  • 4. TiaCare - Tele Appointment Patient logs into the app and make a tele appointment request. This Appointment is seen as appointment request in Outstanding Tasks of Doctor / MA. TiaMD NUMR
  • 5. Tele Call. A cart is being assigned to the appointment. Doctor initiates tele call. Call against the patient is received to cart. TiaMD NUMR
  • 6. TiaCare - Emergency. Patient clicks on emergency button. Emergency call is received in hospitals phone. An emergency row is being created in that organizations emergency list. Doctor clicks on connect button against the patient. TiaMD NUMR
  • 8. TeleMedicine Model 2 : Doctor to Facility. TiaMD NUMR
  • 9. New Patients Appointment Booking from TiaMD Web. A cart user or ED (Emergency Doctor) requests an appointment for a patient. Consultation Mode of the Appointment will be Tele. Appointment can taken using 3 ways :- Quick Appointment, Full Appointment or from Calendar View. The appointment request that is being made by ED is displayed in the Outstanding Tasks section in the Doctors Dashboard of the concerned doctor to whom the appointment is requested and the MA (Medical Assistant) of that Doctor. The same will be displayed in the Outstanding Tasks of the ED who made the request also. ED can change the doctor to whom the appointment was requested, or can change the time slot for which the appointment is requested using the appointment reschedule option. They can cancel the appointment request using the cancel button. The concerned Doctor or MA approves the appointment request by changing the status from the dropdown list. TiaMD NUMR
  • 10. Quick Appointment from ED Appointment Request in ED TiaMD NUMR
  • 11. Appointment Reschedule from ED Appointment Cancellation from ED TiaMD NUMR
  • 12. TiaMD NUMR Once the Doctor or MA approves the Appointment Request, the confirmed appointment is moved to Appointments section of the Doctors Dashboard. The same will be displayed as confirmed appointment in concerned ED users Dashboard also, since the consultation mode is tele. To Edit the Appointment details, user can click on the appointment, which opens up the edit booking screen. Doctor or MA can directly book Tele Appointments for the patients. These appointments directly goes to the Appointments section of Doctors Dashboard, with status booked.
  • 13. Confirming Appointment from Doc / MA Edit Appointment from Doctors Dashboard TiaMD NUMR
  • 14. TiaMD NUMR Once the booking is being requested or booked, an email is sent to Patients email id, along with the patient intake link. Also during the appointment booking, a random username is being generated for the patient with a default password. These credentials can be used by the Patient for logging in to the TiaMD Patient Portal or Tia Care Mobile App. Username for patient login can either be this randomly generated username or the patients email id. The credentials for patient login that are created during the appointment booking can later be changed by the patient from the patient account.
  • 15. TiaMD NUMR Email Intake Link received in Patients Email Patient Account Edit from Email Intake
  • 16. Established Patients Appointment Booking from TiaMD Web. For taking appointment for already registered patient, there are two ways. Method 1 : Either go to patient list and search for the patient. Then search for the patient, and click on Book Appointment button under Actions or simply click on patient record for booking the appointment. Method 2 : Or select any way of appointment booking (quick, full, or calendar view), select the patient type as Established. Then either type in the patient name and select the patient from the drop down list or click on search button against patient name, which opens up patient search for searching and selecting the patient for appointment booking. Once the patient is being selected save the appointment. Appointment can be either viewed as request or confirmed booking depending on the user who booked it. TiaMD NUMR
  • 17. TiaMD NUMR Method 1 Method 2 (a) Method 2 (b)
  • 18. Insurance Eligibility Check and Co-Pay Collection. Once the appointment is being confirmed, the MA checks the Insurance Eligibility, which is interfaced with Navicure, and collects the Co-Pay. TiaMD NUMR
  • 19. Vitals Entry of the Patient. Since the consultation mode is Tele, the patient visits the clinic where cart is located. ED user or Cart Doctor records vitals using wireless medical devices. These vitals will be logged into the TiaPeripherals app. ED can upload these vitals against the patient to TiaMD Web Portal or Mobile App. TiaMD NUMR
  • 20. Tele Call Doctor clicks on the Connect button that appears against the appointment in Dashboard. Call is directly connected to the concerned ED, if Auto Connect option is being enabled for ED. Otherwise ED receives a call request which they have to accept. TiaMD NUMR
  • 21. Tele Consultation. The Doctor evaluates the patient and documents the information on TiaMD Web portal. TiaMD NUMR
  • 22. TiaMD Visits TiaMD Visits tab gives the patient visit history in different forms like Visit Dashboard, Visit Summary and Visit History. Encounter wise or Visit wise printout can be taken from Visit Summary tab. TiaMD NUMR
  • 23. Clinical Assessment Clinical Assessment templates are being set based on doctor requirement. We can select or favorite templates from Select / Manage templates. Favorited templates will be displayed inside New Assessment drop down. Nuance Dragon feature is integrated with Clinical Assessment so as to record voice. Auto Population being enabled for fields like Patient Details, Problem, Procedure, Medical History. Saved Clinical Assessment will be displayed in Clinical Assessment History. User can View, Edit, Copy, Delete, or Take a Print of the template. Only View, Copy and Print options are available if the Template is signed. Adding Addendum to the signed template is also possible. TiaMD NUMR
  • 25. Vitals Vitals that are uploaded from TiaPeripherals App will be displayed here. User can add vitals from TiaMD Web portal also. History of each vital can be viewed by clicking on the vital value. Vital Trends can be viewed as a graph. This graph can also be downloaded in the required format for future reference. TiaMD NUMR
  • 26. CQMs & Screening. Clinical Quality measures of the Patient is taken. Also different screenings like transition of care, annual wellness etc are being done. TiaMD NUMR
  • 27. Problem and Procedure Doctor records problems of the patient and procedures to resolve the problems. It is interfaced with IMO for ICD 10 / CPT search. Option to favorite frequently used problem and procedures, print the added problem and procedures. TiaMD NUMR
  • 28. Lab and Radiology Orders. (Investigations) Lab and Radiology orders are done. Send Lab/Radiology orders to external centers. Auto Population from Clinical Assessment. Print out option. TiaMD NUMR
  • 31. Prescriptions. Doctor creates prescriptions and sends to pharmacy electronically. It is interfaced with Dr. First. Fetches Active Medications added in Patient Intake to Dr. First. Signed medications are displayed in prescriptions section itself. TiaMD NUMR
  • 32. Referrals For cross referring the patient to a speciality doctor. Auto Population to and from Clinical Assessment and Problems. TiaMD NUMR
  • 33. Document Management. Here we can upload different documents like already prescribed prescriptions, lab / radiology orders etc. There is an option to select the encounter. This is for purpose of identifying in which encounter these prescriptions, order entry etc was made. TiaMD NUMR
  • 34. Images. Doctors can add radiology images. (Dicom files) Doctors can also view already added Dicom files. Dicom files are different images of MRI, CT etc. This is integrated with PACS / TiaImage. TiaMD NUMR
  • 35. Notes. Option to doctor notes, save and print the notes, view the history etc. TiaMD NUMR
  • 36. Vaccinations and Treatments. Ability to add vaccinations given and treatments given. Option to view the history. TiaMD NUMR
  • 37. Patient Visit Actions. User can view do tele session from patient visit actions by clicking on connect button. Reload option to reload the current page, ie., patient visit. Option to create a new encounter. Option to create new visit. Option to view the complete call history against that patient. Option to view outstanding encounters against that patient. Option to share the screen. Quality Metrics Alert. TiaMD NUMR
  • 39. TeleMedicine Model 3 : Facility to Doctor. TiaMD NUMR
  • 40. Appointments for New and Established Patients. The appointments are taken in the same way mentioned in Telemedicine Model 2. TiaMD NUMR
  • 41. Tele Call In Tele Medicine Model 3, the tele call is initiated by the Cart User. Cart user clicks the connect button against an Appointment. The Doctor to whom the appointment is taken receives the call request. Once the Doctor accepts the call, the consultation is similar to Tele Medicine Model 2 flow. TiaMD NUMR
  • 43. On Call Coverage. On Call Schedule can be created from Quick Appointment Window. On Call Schedule is being created for doctor groups. Scheduled On Call List will be displayed in the Dashboard under On Call Coverage Section. On Call Coverage is being used for second opinion. User can make a broadcast call to the available On Call doctors in the group, or they can directly make a call to the available physician in the group. On Call Coverage is mainly available for Tele. It can be used for calling the on call doctors during the emergency also. TiaMD NUMR
  • 47. Emergency Patient Creation Emergency Patient Creation and Calls are always initiated by the Cart User or ED. From the Landing Page of the Cart User Login, click on the bell icon. In the patient creation screen, user can enter the patient name and details if they know it. Entering Patient details during the emergency creation is optional. Since emergency have more priority, normally Save & Call button in the screen is clicked. When Save & Call is clicked without entering patient details, the MRN number generated is considered as Patient Name for time being. The emergency call is being broadcasted to all Level 1 doctors for whom emergency schedule is available. The Patient Visit will be opened up for the ED, soon after the save & call button is clicked. TiaMD NUMR
  • 50. Emergency Patient Consultation The Patient Visit will be opened up for the ED, soon after the save & call button is clicked. ED can do the consultation in the similar way that is mentioned in Tele Medicine Model 2. All the doctor findings are documented inside Patient Visit. ED can share screen, so that the connect TiaMD NUMR
  • 52. Share Screen ED can share screen, so that the Doctor who is connected to emergency call can view the initial findings done by the ED. Also the Doctor can document the consultation details. TiaMD NUMR
  • 53. Emergency List - Patient Update & View Patient Visit All the Emergency Calls are being listed in Emergency List. Since the patient details are not entered when a patient arrives as emergency, user can update patient details from Emergency List. When clicked on a row, the patient visit of that patient will be opened. TiaMD NUMR
  • 55. Emergency List - Emergency Call against a Patient When clicked on the bell icon against the emergency patient, an emergency call is broadcasted to all Level 1 Doctors with emergency Schedule. The call is broadcasted with that patient details against whom the emergency call icon is clicked. TiaMD NUMR
  • 57. Emergency List - Connect to Consulting Doctor Click on Connect button against an emergency patient. This will initiate a tele call to the consulting doctor. TiaMD NUMR
  • 59. Emergency List - Doctors Side Click on Connect button against an emergency patient. This will initiate a tele call to the attending doctor (ED). TiaMD NUMR
  • 60. TiaMD WEB - Chat List TiaMD NUMR
  • 61. Doctors Side - Chat List Doctor can connect to other doctors in the organisation. Doctor can connect to cart users in the organisation. Doctor can view missed calls. TiaMD NUMR
  • 62. Cart Side - Chat List Cart User can connect to other cart users in the organisation. Cart User can connect to doctors in the organisation. Cart User can view missed calls. TiaMD NUMR
  • 63. Rapid Responz - Doctors Mobile App TiaMD NUMR
  • 64. Rapid Responz - Appointments Doctors mobile app. All confirmed tele appointments for the current day is listed under Appointments Section. TiaMD NUMR
  • 65. Rapid Responz - Tele Session. When ED initiates Tele Call against an Appointment, Doctor receives the call in both TiaMD web and Rapid Responz app. TiaMD NUMR
  • 66. Rapid Responz - Tele Session. Doctor can initiate call against an Appointment from Rapid Responz, by clicking on Connect to ED button. TiaMD NUMR
  • 67. Rapid Responz - Emergency List. Complete Emergency List is displayed. ED initiated Emergency Calls is received Doctor can call against emergency patient. TiaMD NUMR
  • 68. Rapid Responz - Cart List. Doctor can connect to the cart from cart list. TiaMD NUMR
  • 69. Rapid Responz - Call Log. Doctor can view the complete call log. TiaMD NUMR
  • 70. Rapid Responz - Directory. Local Phone directory of all physicians. All physicians can be listed or groupwise physicians can be listed. TiaMD NUMR
  • 71. Rapid Call - Cart Users Mobile App TiaMD NUMR
  • 72. Rapid Call - New Emergency Patient Call. Cart Users mobile app. Click on the emergency icon in the landing page. Skip from patient search. Click on Submit button. Emergency Call for a new emergency patient will be broadcasted to all Level 1 doctors with emergency schedule. TiaMD NUMR
  • 74. Rapid Call - Existing Emergency Patient Call. Click on the emergency icon in the landing page. Search the needed patient from patient search. Click on Submit button. Emergency Call for existing patient will be broadcasted to all Level 1 doctors with emergency schedule. TiaMD NUMR
  • 76. Rapid Call - Directory. Local Phone directory of all physicians. All physicians can be listed or groupwise physicians can be listed. TiaMD NUMR
  • 77. Scheduling an Office Visit and their Consultation. TiaMD NUMR
  • 78. Scheduling Office Visit from Patient Side. Patient sends an appointment request for an Office Appointment from Patient Portal or TiaCare App. TiaMD NUMR
  • 79. Scheduling Office Visit from ED Side. ED sends an appointment request for an Office Appointment from TiaMD Web. Appointment can be taken from Quick Appointment, Full Appointment or from Calendar View. TiaMD NUMR
  • 80. Confirmation of Office Appointment. Doctor / MA confirms the Appointment by changing the status of the appointment to booked from Outstanding Tasks. Or Doctor / MA can directly book the office appointment for the patient. TiaMD NUMR
  • 81. Insurance Eligibility Check and Co-Pay Collection. Once the appointment is being confirmed, the MA checks the Insurance Eligibility, which is interfaced with Navicure, and collects the Co-Pay. TiaMD NUMR
  • 82. Vitals Entry of the Patient. Patient visits the hospital / clinic of the doctor. MA records vitals using wireless medical devices. These vitals will be logged into the TiaPeripherals app. MA can upload these vitals against the patient to TiaMD Web Portal or Mobile App. Uploaded Vitals can be viewed in TiaCare App and Patient Portal also. TiaMD NUMR
  • 83. Consultation. Doctor evaluates the patient and documents the information on TiaMD Web portal. TiaMD NUMR