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Best of
    Both Worlds
     With the crosspromotional power of NBC Universal, Telemundo aims to
     superserve the dynamic Hispanic demographic  viewers who prefer to move
     between two worlds without having to leave one behind.
     By Laura Mart鱈nez

                                                          hen NBC Universals marketing whiz, Lauren Zalaznick, took the stage
                                                         in New york City May 17 at Telemundos presentation to advertisers, it was her first appearance
                                                         at a Hispanic television upfront. As the executive charged with overseeing the Spanish-lan-
                                                         guage network, Zalaznick thanked the crowd for the warm welcome and said she was thrilled
                                                         to join NBC Universals Hispanic family.
                                                              The former head of Bravo  now chairman, NBCU Entertainment and Digital Networks
                                                         and Integrated Media  also took the opportunity to share this objective: My goal, to really
                                                         join the family, is to get my clothes tighter and my shoes higher, she said, setting off a loud
                                                         round of applause and bursts of laughter among the hundreds of Hispanic media buyers and
                                                         planners in the audience.
                                                              Those who know Zalaznick will tell you she is not really the tight-fitting clothes type, and
                                                         she seems more comfortable wearing flats. But she has wasted no time rolling up her sleeves
                                                         to better integrate Telemundo  and its cable youth-oriented network, mun2  within the
                                                         much larger NBC Universal, which was acquired in January by Comcast.
                                                              We are going to be bigger, we are going to superserve our audience and we are going to
     grow our bottom line  we cannot just wait for the next census to do so, says Zalaznick, who jumped right into some personal growth since her
     January promotion, which included taking charge of NBCUs Hispanic operations. She has been studying Spanish with a tutor, Luis Cardozo, who has
     another prominent student, New york City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg.

The Primetime Emmy campaign for Telemundos
              La reina del sur and star Kate del Castillo marked a
                      turning point in the history of the network.

Lauren Zalaznick        pany says its family of networks reaches more than 93 percent of the U.S.
                                                                                            Hispanic audience across the full media spectrum  including broadcast,
                                                                                            cable and digital  regardless of language.
                                                                                                  Think about it. We reach Spanish-dominant Hispanics through Tel-
                                                                                            emundo; acculturated Hispanics through mun2, but also all those English-
                                                                                            dominant Hispanics who are watching NBC, Syfy, oxygen, Bravo, USA, E! and
                                                                                            even non-TV properties, including Fandango and iVillage, Zalaznick said in
                                                                                            April, when NBC Universal announced the creation of Hispanics at NBC, an
                                                                                            integrated sales and marketing division that seeks to help marketers and ad-
                                                                                            vertisers connect with U.S. Hispanics across forty-two NBC brands and their
                                                                                            online extensions.

                                                                                                            elemundo not only distributes programming,
                                                                                                              its a major producer as well. In fact, its the worlds second-
                                                                                                              largest producer of Spanish-language programs, behind
                                                                                                              Mexicos media giant Grupo Televisa.
                                                                                                                    Telemundo produces more than 1,000 hours of original
                                                                                                              content each year, selling much of that in international mar-
                                                                                                              kets. Between 2005 and July 2011, Telemundo Internacional
                                                                                                              sold more than forty telenovelas  including favorites like
                                                                                                              Prisionera (Prisoner) and La casa de al lado (The House Next
                                                                                             Door)  in more than 135 countries in South and Central America, Asia, Africa,
                                                                                             Eastern Europe and the Middle East.
                                                                                                  But in addition to its steamy novelas, which typically run from 120 to 150
                                                                                             episodes, Telemundo also produces a mix of news, sports, variety, enter-

                                                                                                                                                                                    ADAM oLSZEWSKI/ NBC UNIVERSAL; JoSEPH MoRAN/TELEMUNDo
                                                                                             tainment, reality and music specials. Each year, as it has done for the past
                                                                                             thirteen years, it produces the star-studded Premios Billboard a la m炭sica
                                                                                             latina (The Billboard Latin Music Awards), featuring the hottest Latino acts,
                                                                                             from pop singers and reggaet坦n to hip-hop and Mexican regional acts. This
                                                                                             September it will kick off its first Premios Billboard de la m炭sica regional
                  elemundo entered the NBC fold in 2002, with the                            mexicana, devoting an entire awards show to the many subgenres within
                  Peacock paying a reported $2 billion for the nations second-              Mexican music.
                  largest Spanish-language broadcast network (Univision is the                    Telemundos fierce production machine is the result of an aggressive
                  largest). It has steadily gained traction in recent years, racking         strategy that began several years ago when Don Browne, the networks for-
                  up historic ratings growth, expanding overseas  and online                mer president, decided to bet the ranch on original content. Throughout his
                   and launching mun2, which caters to a dynamic demo-                      six-year tenure (Browne stepped down in June and at press time the search
                  graphic: bilingual, bicultural U.S.born Latinos.                          for his successor continued), he took every opportunity to express the net-
                        For media observers, both Telemundo and mun2 are now                 work mantra: When you control your content, you control your destiny. He
                  better positioned than ever to help Comcast make the most                  sought to distance Telemundo from Univision, which for decades has im-
 of its NBCU acquisition, a move meant to transform the Philadelphia-based                   ported most of its high-rated telenovelas from Grupo Televisa.
 cable giant from a content distributor to a leading content producer.                            This focus on original productions paid off hugely this year, when Tel-
        Telemundo may currently represent a small unit within the                                      emundos 10 p.m. telenovela, La reina del sur (Queen of the South),
 overall ComcastNBC Universal corporate structure, says Julio                                             made ratings history. In May the series  about a young woman
 Rumbaut, a media advisor based in Miami, but it may be a                                                      (Kate del Castillo) caught up in drug trafficking  averaged 3
 bellwether as to Comcasts ability to unlock value beyond                                                         million total viewers and 2 million adults aged eighteen-
 the initial $30 billion transaction.                                                                               to-forty-nine, leading all Spanish-language networks
       To understand the value, one need only look at                                                                 in that key demographic. The May 30 finale, which drew
 the size of the audience Telemundo and mun2 seek to                                                                  nearly 4.2 million viewers and more than 2.8 million in the
 serve. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, more than 50                                                               eighteen-to-forty-nine demo, ranks as the networks
 million Hispanics live in the U.S.; they represent more                                                             highest-rated program. over its sixty-three episodes,
 than 16 percent of the total population and are the fast-                                                          La reina reached an unprecedented 16.6 million unique
 est-growing minority.                                                                                            viewers.
       Thats not all. The universe of Hispanic adults aged eight-             Jacqueline Hern叩ndez                  La reina also managed to do the unthinkable: it sent
 een to forty-nine is projected to increase 11.2 percent by 2015,                                          archrival Univision scrambling to counterprogram, extending its
 according to Nielsen Media Research. In contrast, non-Hispanic adults                               popular 9 p.m. telenovela to two hours and allowing another novela
 eighteen to forty-nine are projected to decline by 1.2 percent in this same pe-             on Telefutura (one of Univisons three networks) to run commercial-free or
 riod.                                                                                       commercial-light for several days.
       If you want to grow your business, you are going to have to do Hispanic                    La reina was the culmination of an eight-year strategy at Telemundo,
 media, says Telemundos chief operating officer, Jacqueline Hern叩ndez,                     where the network made a bet on original productions, explains Joshua
 a former publisher of People en Espa単ol and a respected figure in Hispanic                  Mintz, Telemundos senior executive vice-president of entertainment.
 media and advertising.                                                                           Such success also prompted Telemundo executives to launch their first
       And to do Hispanic is an increasing focus of NBC Universal. The com-                Primetime Emmy campaign, seeking nominations for La reina as outstand-

ing drama series and for star Kate del Castillo as outstanding lead actress
                                                    in a drama series. Though neither the series nor the actress were ultimately
                                                    nominated, the campaign marked a turning point in the networks history and
                                                    has become a point of reference for current and future productions.
                                                         We have already identified our future Reinas, Mintz says.
                                                         What else has Telemundo learned from La reina del sur?
                                                          Programs can be more risqu辿 at 10 p.m.
                                                          you dont have to stretch a story to 120 or 150 episodes to make it

                                                          Promote your show like crazy across all platforms.
                                                          Seek the support of NBCU and its many TV and digital properties to
                                                    help pitch your show to a wider audience.
                                                         In keeping with Telemundo strategy, La reina is being broadcast in many
                                                    other markets, including countries in Central and South America and Europe.
                                                    In addition to advertising and branded entertainment deals (see sidebar), the
                                                    network derives a great deal of its revenues from international markets, ei-
                                                                                                                                             (Top) Telemundos Maria Celeste Arrar叩s joins Ann Curry, David Gregory and Savannah Guthrie
                                                    ther through standard content broadcast deals or through the direct sale of                                 on NBCs Today; Marc Anthony performs at the 2011 Latin Billboard Awards.
                                                    its original productions.
                                                         In 2008 the network signed a ten-year agreement with Grupo Televisa
                                                    to distribute Telemundo content across multiple platforms. The deal includes
                                                    broadcast TV, pay TV and digital platforms and currently has Grupo Televisas
                                                    Channel 9 in Mexico broadcasting more than 1,000 hours of Telemundo content.
                                                    The agreement also created a Telemundo cable channel with some 4 million
                                                    subscribers in eighteen Latin American countries, including the largest, Mexico.

                                                          n New York City on a recent morning, Telemundos Mar鱈a
                                                          Celeste Arrar叩s, host of the daily news and variety show Al rojo vivo,
                                                          dropped in to cohost NBCs Today. And while Arrar叩s had done this many
                                                          times before, something was different this time. When the program cut to
                                                          a commercial, viewers could watch a thirty-second spot  in English  for
                                                          Arrar叩ss afternoon show on Telemundo, which is broadcast in Spanish.            Awards special as part of its weekly music-variety show, 18 & Over.
                                                               The pitch for Al rojo vivo on NBC, Jacqueline Hern叩ndez points out,               our CEo [Stephen B. Burke, chief executive officer of NBC Universal]
                                                          is but a small example of how NBC and Telemundo crosspromote each                calls this not a synergy, but a symphony, says Hern叩ndez of the crosspro-
                                                          others programming. Telemundo and mun2, for example, will work hard             motional efforts. A symphony is when you are playing together to create the
                                                    to promote the 2012 olympic Games, which will air on NBC. For its part, NBC            best possible music.
                                                    has helped promote the Latin Billboard Awards across its networks, featuring                For Hern叩ndez, a bilingual Latina who moves easily between English
                                                    artists that are likely more appealing  and better known  to an English-             and Spanish  and between life as an American and a Latin American  the
                                                    speaking audience.                                                                     power of Telemundo and mun2 within the NBCU family lies in the strength of
                                                         NBCs September 16 broadcast of the ALMA Awards is another crosspro-              two worlds  and an increasingly diverse population that wants to see itself
                                                    motional opportunity. The event honors Latinos in television, film and mu-             reflected in television, regardless of the language spoken.
                                                    sic and this year features hosts Eva Longoria and George Lopez. Both Tel-                    We are not only crossing over, Hern叩ndez says. Were criss-cross-
                                                    emundo and mun2 were expected to heavily promote the program across                    ing. Weve crossed over [to the general market] but we keep coming back.
                                                    their properties, with Telemundo News running highlights from the event                     And encouraging this behavior, as NBC knows, makes good business
                                                    and Telemundo.com serving as the official awards website. Meanwhile, mun2              sense. We want to be in both worlds, Hern叩ndez says, simply because it
                                                    was expected to rebroadcast the show and also produce a two-hour ALMA                  drives growth.

                                                      A Brand Plan
                                                      WhiLe the NightLY dramas oN               the adventures of a young girl caught    starred Jennifer Lopez.                                                launched a bilin-
                                                      teLemUNdo miNe stories of                 between two irresistible forces: love           Details of the novela were sketchy                               gual novela app
                                                      Love aNd Loss, the NetWork                and chocolate. After that agreement      at press time, but Hern叩ndez says five                                 for the iPhone
                                                      has strUCk goLd BY iNtegratiNg            came a series of multimillion-dollar      advertisers have signed on to integrate                                and iPad, with
                                                      aLL sorts of BraNds iNto their            integrations involving top U.S. brands    their products: Chrysler, Sears, Verizon,                              LOr辿al as the
                                                      storYLiNes, from aUtos aNd                like Verizon, LOr辿al, Ford, Toyota and   LOr辿al and Clorox. The practice, she                                  sponsor. It also
                                                      smartphoNes to makeUp aNd                 Subway.                                   stresses, will not be mere product                                     helped broker a
                                                      CLeaNiNg prodUCts.                              According to Telemundo COO          placement, but branded entertain-              partnership between Cuban-American
                                                           In one of its first comprehensive    Jacqueline Hern叩ndez, marketers are       ment, in which brands are merged               telenovela star Jencarlos Canela and
                                                      deals, Telemundo partnered with           lining up for Una Maid in Manhat-         into the storylines. This has to feel          Post Foods Honey Bunches of Oats for
                                                      Clorox in 2007 for Dame chocolate         tan, a new coproduction with Sony         natural, she adds, and never interrupt        a fully integrated Hispanic market-
                                                      (Give Me Chocolate), a telenovela that,   Pictures based on the 2002 romantic       your viewing experience.                       ing campaign across all Telemundo
                                                      as the network described it, followed     comedy Maid in Manhattan, which                 Earlier this year Telemundo Digital       properties. L.M.


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  • 1. Best of Both Worlds With the crosspromotional power of NBC Universal, Telemundo aims to superserve the dynamic Hispanic demographic viewers who prefer to move between two worlds without having to leave one behind. By Laura Mart鱈nez hen NBC Universals marketing whiz, Lauren Zalaznick, took the stage in New york City May 17 at Telemundos presentation to advertisers, it was her first appearance at a Hispanic television upfront. As the executive charged with overseeing the Spanish-lan- guage network, Zalaznick thanked the crowd for the warm welcome and said she was thrilled to join NBC Universals Hispanic family. The former head of Bravo now chairman, NBCU Entertainment and Digital Networks and Integrated Media also took the opportunity to share this objective: My goal, to really join the family, is to get my clothes tighter and my shoes higher, she said, setting off a loud round of applause and bursts of laughter among the hundreds of Hispanic media buyers and planners in the audience. Those who know Zalaznick will tell you she is not really the tight-fitting clothes type, and she seems more comfortable wearing flats. But she has wasted no time rolling up her sleeves to better integrate Telemundo and its cable youth-oriented network, mun2 within the much larger NBC Universal, which was acquired in January by Comcast. We are going to be bigger, we are going to superserve our audience and we are going to grow our bottom line we cannot just wait for the next census to do so, says Zalaznick, who jumped right into some personal growth since her January promotion, which included taking charge of NBCUs Hispanic operations. She has been studying Spanish with a tutor, Luis Cardozo, who has another prominent student, New york City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg. 78 EMMY
  • 2. The Primetime Emmy campaign for Telemundos La reina del sur and star Kate del Castillo marked a 息 TELEMUNDo turning point in the history of the network. 79
  • 3. Lauren Zalaznick pany says its family of networks reaches more than 93 percent of the U.S. Hispanic audience across the full media spectrum including broadcast, cable and digital regardless of language. Think about it. We reach Spanish-dominant Hispanics through Tel- emundo; acculturated Hispanics through mun2, but also all those English- dominant Hispanics who are watching NBC, Syfy, oxygen, Bravo, USA, E! and even non-TV properties, including Fandango and iVillage, Zalaznick said in April, when NBC Universal announced the creation of Hispanics at NBC, an integrated sales and marketing division that seeks to help marketers and ad- vertisers connect with U.S. Hispanics across forty-two NBC brands and their online extensions. elemundo not only distributes programming, its a major producer as well. In fact, its the worlds second- largest producer of Spanish-language programs, behind Mexicos media giant Grupo Televisa. Telemundo produces more than 1,000 hours of original content each year, selling much of that in international mar- kets. Between 2005 and July 2011, Telemundo Internacional sold more than forty telenovelas including favorites like Prisionera (Prisoner) and La casa de al lado (The House Next Door) in more than 135 countries in South and Central America, Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe and the Middle East. But in addition to its steamy novelas, which typically run from 120 to 150 episodes, Telemundo also produces a mix of news, sports, variety, enter- ADAM oLSZEWSKI/ NBC UNIVERSAL; JoSEPH MoRAN/TELEMUNDo tainment, reality and music specials. Each year, as it has done for the past thirteen years, it produces the star-studded Premios Billboard a la m炭sica latina (The Billboard Latin Music Awards), featuring the hottest Latino acts, from pop singers and reggaet坦n to hip-hop and Mexican regional acts. This September it will kick off its first Premios Billboard de la m炭sica regional elemundo entered the NBC fold in 2002, with the mexicana, devoting an entire awards show to the many subgenres within Peacock paying a reported $2 billion for the nations second- Mexican music. largest Spanish-language broadcast network (Univision is the Telemundos fierce production machine is the result of an aggressive largest). It has steadily gained traction in recent years, racking strategy that began several years ago when Don Browne, the networks for- up historic ratings growth, expanding overseas and online mer president, decided to bet the ranch on original content. Throughout his and launching mun2, which caters to a dynamic demo- six-year tenure (Browne stepped down in June and at press time the search graphic: bilingual, bicultural U.S.born Latinos. for his successor continued), he took every opportunity to express the net- For media observers, both Telemundo and mun2 are now work mantra: When you control your content, you control your destiny. He better positioned than ever to help Comcast make the most sought to distance Telemundo from Univision, which for decades has im- of its NBCU acquisition, a move meant to transform the Philadelphia-based ported most of its high-rated telenovelas from Grupo Televisa. cable giant from a content distributor to a leading content producer. This focus on original productions paid off hugely this year, when Tel- Telemundo may currently represent a small unit within the emundos 10 p.m. telenovela, La reina del sur (Queen of the South), overall ComcastNBC Universal corporate structure, says Julio made ratings history. In May the series about a young woman Rumbaut, a media advisor based in Miami, but it may be a (Kate del Castillo) caught up in drug trafficking averaged 3 bellwether as to Comcasts ability to unlock value beyond million total viewers and 2 million adults aged eighteen- the initial $30 billion transaction. to-forty-nine, leading all Spanish-language networks To understand the value, one need only look at in that key demographic. The May 30 finale, which drew the size of the audience Telemundo and mun2 seek to nearly 4.2 million viewers and more than 2.8 million in the serve. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, more than 50 eighteen-to-forty-nine demo, ranks as the networks million Hispanics live in the U.S.; they represent more highest-rated program. over its sixty-three episodes, than 16 percent of the total population and are the fast- La reina reached an unprecedented 16.6 million unique est-growing minority. viewers. Thats not all. The universe of Hispanic adults aged eight- Jacqueline Hern叩ndez La reina also managed to do the unthinkable: it sent een to forty-nine is projected to increase 11.2 percent by 2015, archrival Univision scrambling to counterprogram, extending its according to Nielsen Media Research. In contrast, non-Hispanic adults popular 9 p.m. telenovela to two hours and allowing another novela eighteen to forty-nine are projected to decline by 1.2 percent in this same pe- on Telefutura (one of Univisons three networks) to run commercial-free or riod. commercial-light for several days. If you want to grow your business, you are going to have to do Hispanic La reina was the culmination of an eight-year strategy at Telemundo, media, says Telemundos chief operating officer, Jacqueline Hern叩ndez, where the network made a bet on original productions, explains Joshua a former publisher of People en Espa単ol and a respected figure in Hispanic Mintz, Telemundos senior executive vice-president of entertainment. media and advertising. Such success also prompted Telemundo executives to launch their first And to do Hispanic is an increasing focus of NBC Universal. The com- Primetime Emmy campaign, seeking nominations for La reina as outstand- 80 EMMY
  • 4. ing drama series and for star Kate del Castillo as outstanding lead actress in a drama series. Though neither the series nor the actress were ultimately nominated, the campaign marked a turning point in the networks history and has become a point of reference for current and future productions. We have already identified our future Reinas, Mintz says. What else has Telemundo learned from La reina del sur? Programs can be more risqu辿 at 10 p.m. you dont have to stretch a story to 120 or 150 episodes to make it compelling. DIANE BoNDAREFF/NBC ; GARy I. RoTHSTEIN/TELEMUNDo Promote your show like crazy across all platforms. Seek the support of NBCU and its many TV and digital properties to help pitch your show to a wider audience. In keeping with Telemundo strategy, La reina is being broadcast in many other markets, including countries in Central and South America and Europe. In addition to advertising and branded entertainment deals (see sidebar), the network derives a great deal of its revenues from international markets, ei- (Top) Telemundos Maria Celeste Arrar叩s joins Ann Curry, David Gregory and Savannah Guthrie ther through standard content broadcast deals or through the direct sale of on NBCs Today; Marc Anthony performs at the 2011 Latin Billboard Awards. its original productions. In 2008 the network signed a ten-year agreement with Grupo Televisa to distribute Telemundo content across multiple platforms. The deal includes broadcast TV, pay TV and digital platforms and currently has Grupo Televisas Channel 9 in Mexico broadcasting more than 1,000 hours of Telemundo content. The agreement also created a Telemundo cable channel with some 4 million subscribers in eighteen Latin American countries, including the largest, Mexico. n New York City on a recent morning, Telemundos Mar鱈a Celeste Arrar叩s, host of the daily news and variety show Al rojo vivo, dropped in to cohost NBCs Today. And while Arrar叩s had done this many times before, something was different this time. When the program cut to a commercial, viewers could watch a thirty-second spot in English for Arrar叩ss afternoon show on Telemundo, which is broadcast in Spanish. Awards special as part of its weekly music-variety show, 18 & Over. The pitch for Al rojo vivo on NBC, Jacqueline Hern叩ndez points out, our CEo [Stephen B. Burke, chief executive officer of NBC Universal] is but a small example of how NBC and Telemundo crosspromote each calls this not a synergy, but a symphony, says Hern叩ndez of the crosspro- others programming. Telemundo and mun2, for example, will work hard motional efforts. A symphony is when you are playing together to create the to promote the 2012 olympic Games, which will air on NBC. For its part, NBC best possible music. has helped promote the Latin Billboard Awards across its networks, featuring For Hern叩ndez, a bilingual Latina who moves easily between English artists that are likely more appealing and better known to an English- and Spanish and between life as an American and a Latin American the speaking audience. power of Telemundo and mun2 within the NBCU family lies in the strength of NBCs September 16 broadcast of the ALMA Awards is another crosspro- two worlds and an increasingly diverse population that wants to see itself motional opportunity. The event honors Latinos in television, film and mu- reflected in television, regardless of the language spoken. sic and this year features hosts Eva Longoria and George Lopez. Both Tel- We are not only crossing over, Hern叩ndez says. Were criss-cross- emundo and mun2 were expected to heavily promote the program across ing. Weve crossed over [to the general market] but we keep coming back. their properties, with Telemundo News running highlights from the event And encouraging this behavior, as NBC knows, makes good business and Telemundo.com serving as the official awards website. Meanwhile, mun2 sense. We want to be in both worlds, Hern叩ndez says, simply because it was expected to rebroadcast the show and also produce a two-hour ALMA drives growth. A Brand Plan WhiLe the NightLY dramas oN the adventures of a young girl caught starred Jennifer Lopez. launched a bilin- teLemUNdo miNe stories of between two irresistible forces: love Details of the novela were sketchy gual novela app Love aNd Loss, the NetWork and chocolate. After that agreement at press time, but Hern叩ndez says five for the iPhone has strUCk goLd BY iNtegratiNg came a series of multimillion-dollar advertisers have signed on to integrate and iPad, with aLL sorts of BraNds iNto their integrations involving top U.S. brands their products: Chrysler, Sears, Verizon, LOr辿al as the storYLiNes, from aUtos aNd like Verizon, LOr辿al, Ford, Toyota and LOr辿al and Clorox. The practice, she sponsor. It also smartphoNes to makeUp aNd Subway. stresses, will not be mere product helped broker a CLeaNiNg prodUCts. According to Telemundo COO placement, but branded entertain- partnership between Cuban-American In one of its first comprehensive Jacqueline Hern叩ndez, marketers are ment, in which brands are merged telenovela star Jencarlos Canela and deals, Telemundo partnered with lining up for Una Maid in Manhat- into the storylines. This has to feel Post Foods Honey Bunches of Oats for Clorox in 2007 for Dame chocolate tan, a new coproduction with Sony natural, she adds, and never interrupt a fully integrated Hispanic market- (Give Me Chocolate), a telenovela that, Pictures based on the 2002 romantic your viewing experience. ing campaign across all Telemundo as the network described it, followed comedy Maid in Manhattan, which Earlier this year Telemundo Digital properties. L.M. 81