Television works by converting optical images into electrical signals using a TV camera tube like a vidicon. A vidicon uses a photoconductive layer that changes conductivity based on light intensity, allowing an electron beam to scan across it and detect the varying resistance as an electrical image. This signal is then transmitted and processed. Interlaced scanning was developed to reduce flicker without increasing bandwidth, by scanning each video frame twice using odd and even line sequences. RF diplexers separate transmitter and receiver paths by using filters like low-pass and high-pass to direct different frequencies.
2. The word television has its origin in two Greek
words ‘tele’ and ‘vision’.
Tele means ‘at distance’ and vision means ‘seeing’
ï‚—A TV camera, the heart of which is a camera tube, is used
to convert the optical nformation into a corresponding
electrical signal, the amplitude of which varies in
accordance with the variations of brightness
ï‚—Different TV camera tubes are
18. ï‚—A vidicon is the most commonly used TV camera tube
because its simplicity and based on the principle of
ï‚—An optical image of the scene to be transmitted is
focused by a lens assembly on the rectangular glass
face-plate of the camera tube.
ï‚—The inner side of the glass face-plate has a transparent
conductive coating on which is laid a very thin layer of
photoconductive material layer of either selenium or
anti-mony compounds..
ï‚—The photo layer has a very high resistance when no
light falls on it, but decreases depending on the
intensity of light falling on it. Thus depending on the
light intensity variations in the focused optical image,
the conductivity of each element of the photo layer
changes accordingly
19. .
ï‚—An electron beam is used to pick-up the picture
information now available on the target plate in terms of
varying resistance at each point.
ï‚—The beam is formed by an electron gun in the TV camera
tube. On its way to the inner side of the glass faceplate it is
deflected by a pair of deflecting coils mounted on the glass
envelope and kept mutually perpendicular to each other
to achieve scanning of the entire target area.
ï‚—To achieve scanning the deflecting coils are fed separately
from two sweep oscillators which continuously generate
saw-tooth waveforms, each operating at a different desired
20. ï‚—The magnetic deflection caused by the current in
one coil gives horizontal motion to the beam from
left to right at a uniform rate and then brings it
quickly to the left side to commence the trace of
next line.
ï‚—The other coil is used to deflect the beam from
top to bottom at a uniform rate and for its quick
retrace back to the top of the plate to start this
process all over again.
ï‚—Two simultaneous motions are thus given to the
beam, one from left to right across the target plate
and the other from top to bottom thereby
covering the entire area on which the electrical
image of the picture is available.
21. ï‚—As the beam moves from element to element, it
encounters a different resistance across the target-
plate, depending on the resistance of the
photoconductive coating. The result is a flow of
current which varies in magnitude as the elements are
ï‚—This current passes through a load resistance RL,
connected to the conductive coating on one side and
to a dc supply source on the other. Depending on the
magnitude of the current a varying voltage appears
across the resistance RL and this corresponds to the
optical information of the picture.
30. Interlace scanning
ï‚—The problems of reducing flicker without increasing
the bandwidth has been solved by scanning the
frame twice.
ï‚—The scanning process which allows each frame to be
scanned twice is called interlaced scanning.
ï‚—In interlaced scanning there are two sequence of
scanning for each frame .ie.for odd and even frame
58. There are a number of ways of implementing RF diplexers.
They all involve the use of filters. In this way the paths for
the different transmitters and receivers can be separated
according to the frequency they use. The simplest way to
implement a diplexer is to use a low pass and a high pass
filter although band-pass filters may be used.