What Digital Lighting is.
It's a powerful wireless broadband communication system, based on devices (called nodes) that communicate with each other through a advanced standard WIFI mesh networks (meshed). These networks can be very wide and can contain miles of nodes.
The ability to communicate through high bandwidth and the hight computing power of individual device, allows the creation of distributed services / functionality with a high value added, for example: video surveillance, wifi hotspots, and other applications that may require an intensive exchange of information.
Application Fields
Street lighting and smart city
Shopping centers
Residential area
Schools / centers for the elderly
Sea / Mountains
and many other fields
How it is compound
Its a complex system composed of nodes (hardware), networks and cloud softwares. The architecture, as well as the electronic and mechanics structure, can be changed to better follow the customer needs in terms of functionality and appearance too.
The evolutions are continuous because the standard Wifi is very durable and long lasting, constantly increasing its own preformances.
BTO 2016 | Enel | Innovazione e sostenibilitaBTO Educational
BTO 2016 | Day TWO | Gioved狸 1 dicembre
UniCredit Hall [Main Hall Italiana]
Sostenibilit e Innovazione. Why!
Aurelio Sarno, Responsabile offerte luce e gas Enel Energia
Dianamaria Pacchioni, responsabile innovation & new business Mercato Italia Enel
Sebastiano Venneri, responsabile turismo Legambiente
Andrea Viacava Kitchen Designer, la persona che ha progettato spazi, individuato soluzioni, misurato le prestazioni di tutto il ciclo della ristorazione nel Il San Pietro di Positano l
Francesco Palumbo, Direttore Generale della DG Turismo del Ministero dei beni e delle attivit culturali e del turismo MiBACT
Robert Piattelli co-founder BTO Educational
Lo slot porta un confronto sulla sostenibilit nel turismo, con:
Un soggetto di sistema, ENEL: il proprio WHY!, il futuro tra mobilit sostenibile, green, internet of things, efficientamento e Capitale Umano.
Il punto di vista di Legambiente, come portatore dinteresse
Il San Pietro di Positano l, per le sue scelte di crescita sostenibile, anche e soprattutto in chiave WHY!, contribuisce allo slot Kitchen Designer, la persona che ha progettato spazi, individuato soluzioni, misurato le prestazioni di tutto il ciclo della ristorazione della struttura ricettiva
Gli ultimi 10 minuti, sono per Francesco Palumbo, Direttore Generale della DG Turismo del Ministero dei beni e delle attivit culturali e del turismo MiBACT.
A lui il compito di legare il contributo di questo slot alle possibili azioni previste nel Piano Strategico di Sviluppo del Turismo 2017-2022.
La validazione dei consumi energetici nella Pubblica Amministrazione RTC SPA
RTC propone una soluzione EDM (Energy Data Management) denominata Emerald pensata per dare supporto agli Energy Manager ed ai responsabili acquisti di aziende pubbliche nella gestione dellapprovvigionamento energetico, nella selezione di contratti e nel controllo della corretta esecuzione degli stessi. La soluzione 竪 una piattaforma software che provvede alla validazione degli importi fatturati per i consumi energetici sia per controllarne la coerenza di spesa sia per verificare che gli oneri aggiuntivi vengano correttamente calcolati. Un sistema di validazione completo e strutturato 竪 la base per gestire un budget previsionale di competenza. La soluzione 竪 stata pensata per realt con consumi multi-localizzati come centrale di monitoraggio e controllo della validit contrattuale.
This project is an innovative and practical solution for the use of energy and the ethical adoption of its
resources. The idea behind the project is to offer to cities innovation technology by
exploiting renewable energy sources. It is designed on the integration of a solar PV system and a wind
turbine with a new method of communication through LED screens.
Non-stop communication on the screens will mainly concern public and emergency communication
and, in cases of non-emergency, information provided by the municipalities.
This system can also involve the private sector therefore offering opportunities for the economic revival
of business activities affected by the current crisis;
thus renewable and sustainable energy will be used rationally and ethically, protecting at the same
time the environment.
This innovation consists in a model which can solve the many issues faced by local authorities which
often prove to be very expensive, such as:
- Management and maintenance of public areas;
- Setting up meeting points in the case of natural disasters;
- Developing new communication systems in the area;
- Homeland security through CCTV;
- Setting up technical structures for a Smart City;
- Job opportunities;
- Raising public awareness on major current issues on environmental protection.
E-communication is a great opportunity to give a strong signal on the presence of public institutions
and their interest in making their cities always aware and ready by investing in new technologies in
terms of environmental impact.
Smash greenspider smartcities bologna 2014 NFC Near Field Communication Satel...Alessandro Cantore
Greenspider develops ultralowpower sensors and Multi-standard satellite trackers (GPS, Galileo, Glonass), targeted to innovative mobility services.
Greenspiders SMASH integrates in a single device Energy Harvesting technology for optimum durability in BatteryFree mode, and Near Field Communication, for easy commissioning and touchless interaction.
8属 Presentazione del Workshop Finale del Progetto IPA/BC-Monitor
Il progetto IPA/BC-Monitor ha sviluppato un sistema innovativo, compatto e standalone, per la misura online di due componenti chiave del particolato atmosferico, IPA e BC.
Sito web del progetto: www.ipabcmonitor.it
This passage from Psalm 1 describes those who are blessed as those who do not associate with wicked people, sinners, or mockers by not walking with them, standing with them, or sitting with them. It suggests that close association with those who do wrong will lead one astray.
This project is an innovative and practical solution for the use of energy and the ethical adoption of its
resources. The idea behind the project is to offer to cities innovation technology by
exploiting renewable energy sources. It is designed on the integration of a solar PV system and a wind
turbine with a new method of communication through LED screens.
Non-stop communication on the screens will mainly concern public and emergency communication
and, in cases of non-emergency, information provided by the municipalities.
This system can also involve the private sector therefore offering opportunities for the economic revival
of business activities affected by the current crisis;
thus renewable and sustainable energy will be used rationally and ethically, protecting at the same
time the environment.
This innovation consists in a model which can solve the many issues faced by local authorities which
often prove to be very expensive, such as:
- Management and maintenance of public areas;
- Setting up meeting points in the case of natural disasters;
- Developing new communication systems in the area;
- Homeland security through CCTV;
- Setting up technical structures for a Smart City;
- Job opportunities;
- Raising public awareness on major current issues on environmental protection.
E-communication is a great opportunity to give a strong signal on the presence of public institutions
and their interest in making their cities always aware and ready by investing in new technologies in
terms of environmental impact.
Smash greenspider smartcities bologna 2014 NFC Near Field Communication Satel...Alessandro Cantore
Greenspider develops ultralowpower sensors and Multi-standard satellite trackers (GPS, Galileo, Glonass), targeted to innovative mobility services.
Greenspiders SMASH integrates in a single device Energy Harvesting technology for optimum durability in BatteryFree mode, and Near Field Communication, for easy commissioning and touchless interaction.
8属 Presentazione del Workshop Finale del Progetto IPA/BC-Monitor
Il progetto IPA/BC-Monitor ha sviluppato un sistema innovativo, compatto e standalone, per la misura online di due componenti chiave del particolato atmosferico, IPA e BC.
Sito web del progetto: www.ipabcmonitor.it
This passage from Psalm 1 describes those who are blessed as those who do not associate with wicked people, sinners, or mockers by not walking with them, standing with them, or sitting with them. It suggests that close association with those who do wrong will lead one astray.
Surbhi Academy is a top coaching institute for SSC exams in Chandigarh, Mohali, and Panchkula. It provides guidance and coaching for various government exams like SSC, CTET. Their experts have helped many students clear different exams. SSC exams have multiple levels - graduate and higher secondary levels. The graduate level SSC exam has 3 tiers, with tier 1 testing general intelligence, reasoning, awareness, and quantitative/English skills. Tier 2 tests quantitative abilities and English comprehension. An interview is also conducted. The institute provides coaching on the exam syllabus and eligibility criteria for different SSC exam levels and posts.
As we study the Book of Acts in our Sunday services, you can deepen your knowledge and understanding of the Holy Spirit by taking this class, The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit taught by Pastor Cary Sharpe.
Indiana Smith was inspired by technology and entertainment from a young age, leading them to attend a technical school for electronics instead of regular high school. They enjoyed electronics but made their projects more artistic. After seeing the animated web series Red vs. Blue, they enrolled in Full Sail University for computer animation. Indiana excelled in their studies, especially hard surface modeling. They are a competent animator who is reliable, enjoys collaborating, and wants to work somewhere fun making inspiring projects.
Apresenta巽達o do Portal do Locador na rodada de neg坦cios da RedePetro PernambucoRonaldo Barros
O que 辿 o Portal do Locador?
Design de Marcas, Folders, etc
Desenvolvimento de Websites
E-Mail Marketing
Gera巽達o de Conte炭do para alimentar websites e redes sociais
Newsletters Institucionais
Novidade: Cursos T辿cnicos e Profissionalizantes
This document is a declaration of evangelical identity and public commitment signed by American evangelical leaders. It defines what evangelicals believe and how they should engage publicly. The key points are:
1. Evangelicals are defined theologically by their commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ rather than politically or culturally.
2. Central evangelical beliefs include that Jesus is God, salvation is by grace alone through faith, the Bible is the final authority, and disciples should serve Jesus in all areas of life.
3. Evangelicals express their faith through worship, deeds of service, and membership in diverse churches united by their core beliefs.
The document discusses the history and development of chocolate over centuries. It details how cocoa beans were first used as currency by the Maya and Aztecs before being introduced to Europe in the 16th century. Chocolate became popularized as a drink in Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries as trade and production increased.
This spiritual formation plan outlines goals and disciplines for the year. The plan goal is to activate rules of life and spiritual disciplines that invite awareness of Jesus' presence and reveal hindrances. Weekly disciplines include silence/meditation and absorbing God's goodness through nature. Monthly disciplines include fasting without solid food/water in lieu of meals and reflecting on spiritual art. Annual disciplines involve spending a day in silence/solitude at the National Museum of Art. Daily rules of life include waking with determination to live without guile and praying for scrutiny of life and sensitivity to guile.
MQTT is a lightweight protocol designed for constrained devices and low bandwidth networks. It uses a publish/subscribe messaging model with qualities of service like reliability, presence, and session state. MQTT is well-suited for IoT applications that require bi-directional communication between devices and applications in a real-time event-driven manner. It has been widely adopted for applications involving devices like sensors, smartphones, vehicles and more that need to reliably exchange data and commands.
Dynamic Apps with WebSockets and MQTT - IBM Impact 2014Bryan Boyd
Learn about how MQTT and WebSockets can drive dynamic, real-time HTML5 applications. The presentation dives into MQTT topic/payload details for 4 demos and gives tips for designing a scalable, location-based topic structure.
MQTT - A practical protocol for the Internet of ThingsBryan Boyd
In todays mobile world, the volume of connected devices and data is growing at a rapid pace. As more and more things become part of the Internet (refrigerators, pacemakers, cows?), the importance of scalable, reliable and efficient messaging becomes paramount. In this talk we will dive into MQTT: a lightweight, open standard publish/subscribe protocol for rapid messaging between things.
MQTT is simple to understand, yet robust enough to support interactions between millions of devices and users. MQTT is being used in connected car applications, mobile banking, Facebook Messenger, and many things in between. In this talk you will learn all about the protocol (in 10 minutes!) and see some of its applications: live-tracking, gaming, and more. Well walk through designing an MQTT-based API for a ride-share mobile application, and discuss how MQTT and REST APIs can complement each other.
Forum pa challenge sce2014 its sistema gestione trafficoSangius71
Progetto per la realizzazione di una piattaforma telematica di gestione della mobilit pubblico privata nell'area vasta di Cagliari - Smart City, sistemi ITS ed innovazione tecnologica per la mobilit: lEsperienza nellArea Vasta di Cagliari - ITS Area Vasta Scarl
1. Tecnologie e soluzioni per la Smart City - Call for solutions di SMART City Exhibition
Total Energy Monitor
Come valorizzare i risultati della ricerca per realizzare tecnologie
Sistema Energia Srl
2. Tecnologie e soluzioni per la Smart City - Call for solutions di SMART City Exhibition
Presentazione dellorganizzazione
Sistema Energia Srl
Micro impresa nata nel 2007 per rispondere alle esigenze di
contenimento dei consumi energetici, tramite la progettazione di
impianti a fonti rinnovabili, di interventi per il risparmio energetico,
e di sistemi di controllo e monitoraggio dei consumi.
3. Tecnologie e soluzioni per la Smart City - Call for solutions di SMART City Exhibition
Presentazione della soluzione 1/5
Monitor per il controllo totale dei consumi (domestici, aziendali e
pubblici) siano essi elettrici o derivanti da combustibili fossili.
Il sistema permette il salvataggio in locale o il trasferimento dei dati in
formato Open Data.
Il trasferimento pu嘆 essere effettuato sfruttando qualsiasi tipologia di
rete disponibile, in server gestiti da Software Libero.
4. Tecnologie e soluzioni per la Smart City - Call for solutions di SMART City Exhibition
Presentazione della soluzione 2/5
Controllo dei consumi presso unutenza domestica connessa ad una
rete zigbee realizzata da una pubblica amministrazione per la gestione
della pubblica illuminazione.
5. Tecnologie e soluzioni per la Smart City - Call for solutions di SMART City Exhibition
Presentazione della soluzione 3/5
Adatta ad ogni tipo di utenza e ad ogni tipo di rete esistente o da
creare ad hoc, particolarmente adatta ad amministrazioni comunali
che vogliano intraprendere un processo di monitoraggio dei consumi
dei propri immobili, o degli immobili e delle attivit del proprio
6. Tecnologie e soluzioni per la Smart City - Call for solutions di SMART City Exhibition
Presentazione della soluzione 4/5
Soggetti coinvolgibili:
- Pubbliche amministrazioni
- Clienti finali
- Implementatori di reti di dati
- Realizzatori di app per smartphone
- Distributori di energia
7. Tecnologie e soluzioni per la Smart City - Call for solutions di SMART City Exhibition
Presentazione della soluzione 5/5
I numeri della soluzione:
costi di implementazione 20.000
tempi di implementazione 6 mesi
indicatori di misurazione dei benefici: numero di dispositivi installati,
tonnellate di CO2 risparmiate grazie al monitoraggio
Con il controllo dei propri consumi si pu嘆 arrivare ad un risparmio
del 10-15%, e si possono individuare le principali cause di sprechi ed
inefficienze per poter progettare interventi mirati di risparmio
8. Tecnologie e soluzioni per la Smart City - Call for solutions di SMART City Exhibition
Prototipo funzionante del Total Energy
9. Tecnologie e soluzioni per la Smart City - Call for solutions di SMART City Exhibition
Martino Emmanuele
m 331.1196447