This document discusses CMOS logic concepts and designing logic gates using transistors. It explains that NMOS transistors behave as a switch that is on when the input is 1, while PMOS transistors are on when the input is 0. Basic logic gates like NOR are implemented using NMOS and PMOS transistors arranged in series and parallel. The document also describes how to design more complex logic functions in static CMOS style using a pull-up network of PMOS transistors and a pull-down network of NMOS transistors.
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1. Computer Design and Technology Assignment 2
Basic CMOS concepts
We will now see the use of transistor for designing logic gates. Further down in the course we will
use the same transistors to design other blocks (such as flip-flops or memories)
Ideally, a transistor behaves like a switch. For NMOS transistors, if the input is a 1 the switch is on,
otherwise it is off. On the other hand, for the PMOS, if the input is 0 the transistor is on, otherwise
the transistor is off. Here is a graphical representation of these facts:
When a circuit contains both NMOS and PMOS transistors we say it is implemented in CMOS
(Complementary MOS)
Understanding the basics of transistors, we can now design a simple NOR gate. Next figure
shows the implementation in transistors of the NOR gate and how it works for different inputs (1
and 0). On the left there is the implementation, on the right the behavior. The symbol VDD is the
source voltage (or the logic 1), GND is the ground (or the logical 0).
We have just seen how to implement a simple logic gate using transistors. To implement the rest of
logical gates (and whatever circuit we might think off), we will analyze first the behavior of the
transistors when connected in a series fashion or in a parallel way.
2. Computer Design and Technology Assignment 2
If we connect two NMOS transistors in series, we get the behaviour shown in next figure (the
triangle in the bottom is a graphical representation of GND)
Next figure shows the behavior of the PMOSes when connected in series. (The horizontal line on
top of the first transistor is a graphical representation of VDD).
In the next figure, we can see the behavior of the NMOSes and PMOSes when connected in
Summing up, NMOS transistors in series let the current flow when both inputs are 1; otherwise the
output is undefined (Z). If we connect the NMOSes in parallel, then the current flows when any (or
both) of the inputs are 1; otherwise the output is undefined (Z).
For the PMOSes, when connected in series the current flows when both inputs are 0;
otherwise the output is undefined. Alternatively, when connected in parallel, if any (or both) of the
inputs is 0 the current flows. Otherwise the output is undefined.
3. Computer Design and Technology Assignment 2
When using CMOS technology (and specifically static CMOS), we will design the circuits with two
clearly defined parts. One (called pull-up) will be built of PMOS transistors and it has the duty of
setting the output to 1 whenever the implemented function defines it. The other part (called pull-
down) will be built of NMOS transistors and it will set the output to 0 whenever the implemented
function defines it. All circuits will either set the output to 1 or 0 for any combination of the input
values. Both pull-up and pull-down cannot be active at the same time (it makes no sense to set the
output to 1 and 0 for the same inputs!!). Similarly, both the pull-up and the pull-down cannot be off
at the same time (logic functions have always a defined output either 0 or 1). Nevertheless, we will
see further down the course that when not implementing logic functions we might be interested
sometimes- in setting the output to undetermined in certain cases.
Next figures show the implementations of the NAND and NOR gates in CMOS. For each one of
them, there is the truth table and clear indications of what outputs are set by the pull-up and what
outputs for the pull-down.
4. Computer Design and Technology Assignment 2
In the same way we implement the logic gates, we can implement any logic function. Next figure
shows the implementation of the logic function )揃(),,,( CBADDCBAf ++= .
We can actually define a design methodology for turning logical functions into CMOS circuits:
The logic function must be complemented. (i.e., it must look like f(x,y,z)=
NOT(expression); in a logic expression, ressionzyxf exp),,( =
AND operator (揃):
o Pull-down: NMOS transistors NMOS in series
o Pull-up: PMOS transistors in parallel
OR operator (+):
o Pull-down: NOMS transistors in parallel
o Pull-up: PMOS transistors in series
5. Computer Design and Technology Assignment 2
Problem sets to hand in:
Implement the following functions in CMOS logic.
Implement the following functions in CMOS logic. Assume you can use a NOT gate whenever