กลุ่มที่1ฟรอยึϹshedah6381Sigmund Freud proposed that personality develops through five psychosexual stages from infancy to adolescence. Each stage focuses on pleasure from a different part of the body and fixation can occur if a child's psychosexual development is interrupted. Freud also described the id, ego, and superego as parts of the personality structure, with the id driven by basic urges and desires, the ego mediating between the id and reality, and the superego representing internalized moral standards and ideals.
ทฤษฎีพัฒนาการทางจิต สังคมshedah6381Erik Erikson proposed an 8-stage theory of psychosocial development across the lifespan. The stages involve developing trust versus mistrust as an infant, autonomy versus shame and doubt as a toddler, initiative versus guilt as a preschooler, industry versus inferiority in childhood, identity versus role confusion in adolescence, intimacy versus isolation in young adulthood, generativity versus stagnation in middle adulthood, and ego integrity versus despair in late adulthood.
ทฤษฎีพัฒนาการทางจิต สังคมshedah6381Erik Erikson proposed an 8-stage theory of psychosocial development across the lifespan. The stages involve developing trust versus mistrust as an infant, autonomy versus shame and doubt as a toddler, initiative versus guilt as a preschooler, industry versus inferiority in childhood, identity versus role confusion in adolescence, intimacy versus isolation in young adulthood, generativity versus stagnation in middle adulthood, and ego integrity versus despair in late adulthood.
ทฤษฎีพัฒนาการทางจิต สังคมshedah6381Erik Erikson proposed an 8-stage theory of psychosocial development across the lifespan. The stages involve developing trust versus mistrust as an infant, autonomy versus shame and doubt as a toddler, initiative versus guilt as a preschooler, industry versus inferiority in childhood, identity versus role confusion in adolescence, intimacy versus isolation in young adulthood, generativity versus stagnation in middle adulthood, and ego integrity versus despair in late adulthood.
ทฤษฎีพัฒนาการทางจิต สังคมshedah6381Erik Erikson proposed an 8-stage theory of psychosocial development across the lifespan. The stages involve developing trust versus mistrust as an infant, autonomy versus shame and doubt as a toddler, initiative versus guilt as a preschooler, industry versus inferiority in childhood, identity versus role confusion in adolescence, intimacy versus isolation in young adulthood, generativity versus stagnation in middle adulthood, and ego integrity versus despair in late adulthood.
กลุ่มที่1ฟรอยึϹshedah6381Sigmund Freud proposed that personality develops through five psychosexual stages from infancy to adolescence. Each stage focuses on pleasure from a different part of the body and fixation can occur if a child's psychosexual development is interrupted. Freud also described the id, ego, and superego as parts of the personality structure, with the id driven by basic urges and the superego representing internalized rules and morality.
Peter's first day at school. juan restrepo. carlos esquivelCarlos EsquivelPeter was sad on his first day of school and didn't want to leave his mother, but his teacher Mr. Gonzales helped him make new friends. At the end of the day, the school surprised the children with a visit from a circus featuring jugglers, acrobats, and clowns. While most of the children enjoyed the show, Peter was terrified of the clowns and had an accident when one approached him too closely.
Equipment rental with picture 9.12.2012Deanne BraganzaThis document provides a list of camera, audio, lighting, and other film production equipment that is available to rent. It includes details on 16mm film cameras, digital cinema cameras like the Red One, still cameras, HDV cameras, microphones, lighting equipment like tungsten and HMI lights, lighting accessories, reflectors and soft boxes, camera accessories, and studio rental rates. The document provides prices to rent equipment individually or in kits on a daily or weekly basis.
กลุ่มที่1ฟรอยึϹshedah6381Sigmund Freud proposed that personality develops through five psychosexual stages from infancy to adolescence. Each stage focuses on pleasure from a different part of the body and fixation can occur if a child's psychosexual development is interrupted. Freud also described the id, ego, and superego as parts of the personality structure, with the id driven by basic urges and the superego representing internalized rules and morality.
Peter's first day at school. juan restrepo. carlos esquivelCarlos EsquivelPeter was sad on his first day of school and didn't want to leave his mother, but his teacher Mr. Gonzales helped him make new friends. At the end of the day, the school surprised the children with a visit from a circus featuring jugglers, acrobats, and clowns. While most of the children enjoyed the show, Peter was terrified of the clowns and had an accident when one approached him too closely.
Equipment rental with picture 9.12.2012Deanne BraganzaThis document provides a list of camera, audio, lighting, and other film production equipment that is available to rent. It includes details on 16mm film cameras, digital cinema cameras like the Red One, still cameras, HDV cameras, microphones, lighting equipment like tungsten and HMI lights, lighting accessories, reflectors and soft boxes, camera accessories, and studio rental rates. The document provides prices to rent equipment individually or in kits on a daily or weekly basis.