The principal wrote a letter to the Deputy Commissioner summarizing issues with a parent, Mr. Natarajan. Key points:
- Mr. Natarajan's daughter failed her exams and supplementary exams in math.
- He threatened the principal and teachers, demanding his daughter be passed without merit, and said he would write complaints otherwise.
- Mr. Natarajan has a history of making unfounded complaints against staff to get his demands met, beyond school rules.
- The principal asserts the school followed proper procedures and the parent's allegations are baseless attempts to malign the school for not acceding to his threats.
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1. F.1775/KV IIT/A-17/2019-20 Date: 28.05.2019
The Deputy Commissioner,
KVSRO, Chennai.
Sub: Reply/Commentsone-mail receivedfromMr.S.Natarajan,F/o.Kum.MeenaAngel (failedinclassIX-C)
– Reg.
Withreference tothe subjectcited above,Iwouldlike toforwardthe factfor yourConsiderationand
? KV IIT Chennai isone of the best Schools inIndia, consecutivelythree yearsrankedNo.2amongst
GovernmentSchools&KendriyaVidyalayas inall overIndia.
? KV IIT Chennai,the managementandstaff are verymuch committed,sincereindisseminating
? Students,Staff,ParentsandManagementsare verymuchhappyandsatisfiedwiththe functionsof
KV IIT Chennai.
? Mr.Natarajan,F/o.Meena Angel (ClassIX-C),isnevercome toSchool toattendany of the Parents
Meetingswhichwasconductedregularly inthe year2019-20 to ensure andfoundthe strategiesfor
the improvementandperformance of the child.
? Kum. MeenaAngel failedinSessionEndingExam (SEE-2019) inMaths & Supplementary also. After
thisresult,the parentapproachedthe school topass the childotherwise Iwillwrite the complaint
againstthe Principal,teachersandeveryonerelatedtoschool andhisbehaviorishavinghigh
? It istrue; he wrote manycomplaintsagainstpreviousPrincipal,teacherswhohave notsatisfiedhis
undue demandswhich are notwithinthe limitsof KVSRules&Regulations. Evenhe gotadmissions
of hisDaughterthroughHon’ble CourtOrder.
? The same wayhe started writingthe mail againstthe Principal andStaff. Evenhe toldeveryone I
have manyevidencesandmade separate file against the principalandstaff asthreatenedtoget
herdaughterpromote the nextclass. If the School promote hisdaughterfornextclass he will not
write anycomplaintsaboutanybodyashe said duringdiscussionwiththe Principal.
? We can expectsome more complaints infuture whichhasnocredibilityandreliability.
? RegardingSupplementaryexams,onlyone setof QuestionPaperwasprovidedtoall students.
? Supplementaryexamswereconductedasperthe directionsof CompetentAuthority andthe
schedule wasinformedontime.
? The Stack holdersincludingthe ParentTeachermeetingshave alwaysbeeninvited andprovideda
platforminthe school forsuggestions/grievancesforthe Children improvement. Whereashe never
2. evervisitedKV IITParentsMeetingandhe ishavingthe nature of threateningthe teacherthat I
will write complaintbecause Iknow highlevel officials,I’mbelongstoweaker sectionandI’m
workinginPMO Office,Intelligence Bureau,Home Ministry,etc.,
? In fact noidentityorservice of thispersonisdisclosedto school authorityasaparent.
? Hence thistype of attemptto malignthe Vidyalayamanagementbyspreadingthe false/irrelevant
information insteadof givingconstructive suggestionsforimprovementandwelfareof the
? The all allegationsagainstPrincipal,School are baselessand havingnoevidences.The language
usedinthe mail was threateningthe Pincipal,ROandothersat random and an attempttoscare
the KV toget to do whathe wants (i.e.Promotionof the childtonexthigherclass) byfalse
? Whereasthe Principal hasnotindulge anykindof misuse of KV IITChennai emblemandproperties.
? These submissionsare placedbeforeyouforyourperusal andconsiderations.
Yours faithfully
Dr M Manicakasamy