Tania worked as a nursery assistant at Temple Mill Primary School from November 3rd to 24th, 2015. She carried out various duties with the children, including welcoming them, joining activities, and sharing stories. The children enjoyed Tania's kindness and support with learning and following directions. Tania also helped set up activities and formed good relationships with both the children and other adults.
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Temple Mill Reference From Miss R Amissah-Tawiah
1. 11th
July 2016
To Whom It May Concern
RE: Tania Rose Da Silva
Tania worked in the nursery classroom every Tuesday from the 3rd
November 2015.
Tania carried out various duties such as welcoming the nursery children into the setting,
joining in with child initiated activities, supporting children during small group discussions,
supporting physical activities outside and sharing stories together.
Tania was very kind and caring towards the children and supported them in their learning.
The children enjoyed being supported by Tania and followed directions that she gave them.
Tania used her initiative and supported the adults to set up activities ready for the day
Tania worked well with the children in the nursery class and also formed good relationships
with the adults. Tania has a cheery disposition and was always keen to support me when
teaching the children by modelling language and encouraging them to participate with small
group conversations.
Rebecca Amissah-Tawiah
Nursery Class Teacher – Temple Mill Primary School
Temple MillPrimary School
Cliffe Road
Kent ME2 3NL
Headteacher: Mr M McCusker
Telephone: (01634) 338200
Email: office@templemill.medway.sch.uk